We’ll be there for you.

It’s been 25 long years since the rain started to pour, and yet, Friends is still widely regarded as one of the best sitcoms of all-time. While the humor of the show is what the majority of fans tend to remember, and rightly so, there were also some sweet moments that left a mark when it came to reminding us what a truly great sitcom is.

All six main characters are heavily featured in here, as you can probably imagine because they were all great at getting serious and showcasing that emotion right when they needed to be.

Emily Breaks Up With Ross

Nobody particularly enjoyed Emily’s character, and that was the case from start to finish – but it really got bad when she was attempting to control every single aspect of Ross’ life.

Still, when they broke up and it was confirmed that Ross was going to be enduring a second divorce, it was emotional. There was plenty of humor thrown in there for good measure, but it continued to remind us that we were still quite some distance away from him getting back together with Rachel which is what we all wanted.

The Prom Moment

Speaking of Ross and Rachel, this scene truly did tug at our heartstrings.

After Rachel was seemingly done with Ross and didn’t want anything to do with him, she happened to be watching old footage of her prom not long after. In it, after her date seemingly stood her up, Ross was ready to step in and save the day, likely declaring his love for her in the process.

Rachel knew in that moment that she simply had to be with Ross, and thus, a great love story was born (or continued, depending on your perspective).

Chandler Proposes To Monica

We were all panicking about the fact that Monica was going to get back with Richard, which is what the show appeared to be setting up. Then, in a delightful twist, Chandler came home to discover that Monica was planning on proposing to him in return.

With the candles lighting up the room there was a really tense atmosphere in the scene, even though we pretty much all knew the direction it was going in. Their love for one another was clear to see, and the tears were flowing from all.

Joey & Chandler’s End of an Era

Joey and Chandler have been through a lot throughout the entire run of Friends, and that was all encapsulated perfectly in the final episode when they had a phenomenal man hug and agreed that the birds should stay in Manhattan with Joey.

With one look at one another, you could just feel the love that they had, and we’re not just saying that for the sake of it. The show creators built up this bromance to a point where we all, truly, were emotionally invested, so much so,  we almost wanted them to get together.

Phoebe & Mike’s Vows

Phoebe waited ten long seasons for her moment to have some essence of feeling ‘normal’, and she was able to achieve that when she got married to Mike in the final season. The vows that the two shared gave us a great idea of what their journey has been like, and why it was so emotional.

The wedding had a few hiccups here and there, but one thing that never seemed to falter was the love that they shared for one another.

This was the fairytale ending we all knew Phoebe deserved.

Chandler’s Last Stand

It was rapidly becoming evident that Chandler and Monica weren’t going to have children naturally, and that adoption was their main way forward. As such, when Erica almost decided against picking them after they lied to her, it was all very dramatic.

Then, in arguably Chandler Bing’s finest moment, he made a sensational plea to Erica for her to give them another chance. When he walked back into that room to tell Monica the news, you could just see from the look on his face that they had their baby.

Phoebe Says Goodbye To The Triplets

Phoebe gave birth to her brother’s triplets, and only fans of the show will truly be able to understand why that isn’t even the weirdest sentence of that particular season.

After giving birth to them, Phoebe was interested in the idea of maybe keeping one of the three, but soon, it became clear that wasn’t going to happen.

Therefore, when she says goodbye to the babies prior to them being taken home by Frank and Alice, she understandably gets quite emotional – and to be brutally honest we just weren’t ready for it.

The End

It’s almost impossible to end a show like Friends in a manner that is going to please everyone, but somehow, someway, they pulled it off in the most remarkable set of circumstances.

From Rachel getting off the plane to get back together with Ross all the way through to the twins being born and the gang leaving their keys on the table, it was perfect. Fans of the show knew what a huge moment this was for television after one of the most insane rollercoaster rides we think we’ve ever experienced.

Ross & Rachel Break Up

They may have been on a break, but Ross still turned his back on Rachel and decided to sleep with another woman, which was the final straw for their relationship.

The two put on an acting masterclass throughout the course of this entire episode, and while it did end with them breaking up, it was still incredibly emotional and gripping from the first minute through until the very last. They did get back together in the end as we’ve already alluded to, but this was a vital piece of the puzzle in their story.

Chandler & Monica Can’t Have Kids

We were all rooting for Chandler and Monica to have children of their own so badly, but in the end, it just wasn’t to be.

This was acted magnificently with both Chandler and Monica showcasing their pain perfectly. We weren’t entirely sure what the direction was going to be for them at the time, but when looking back on it, we think it was the perfect way to write the next chapter in their story.

They’ve always faced adversity, and they continued to do so by looking this issue in the eye and walking right through it.