Quentin Tarantino has directed a lot of fight scenes. We have never been disappointed when we know a battle is about to take place. Everything is always so well choreographed and strategically timed. The best part is he adds in the perfect amount of blood and he knows when enough is enough.

We admit some of the scenes are hard to watch but once you peek out from behind your hands you realize that no matter how brutal it is, it is just as entertaining. There are so many great deaths in Tarantino’s films that we compiled a list of our favorite moments. 

Stuntman Mike’s Death - Death Proof

Stuntman Mike was a complete psycho in Death Proof. His M.O. was to pick up women, scare the crap out of them, and end them. We don’t know why he does this, or how many times he has done it in the past besides the first two sets of women. When he finally gets what is coming to him it is so satisfying. Not only does Mile pick the wrong group of women to mess with, but he also gets his butt beat in the middle of the street, his life is essentially ended by a roundhouse kick to the face. The cherry on the top is his supposed death-proof car is completely totaled. We’re talking doors gone, the windshield is on the floor and it’s smoking like it’s about to blow up. 

Mandingo Fight - Django Unchained

When Django and Dr. Schultz walk into Calvin Candy’s home they are treated to a Mandingo fight. Watching these two huge guys fighting to the death is beyond brutal. It’s bloody, hardcore, and messy AF. The tensions are high because they are literally fighting for their lives.

The scene lasts about 1:30 seconds and it does not let up until one man finally gets the upper hand. He breaks his competition’s arm, effortlessly, and proceeds to choke him to death with Calvin and his over-enthusiastic guests cheering him on. The winner gets to live another day but the fight leaves this wild energy behind. 

Kate Kills Scott - From Dusk Till Dawn

The kids in From Dusk Till Dawn are beyond traumatized by the end of the film. However, the sister, Kate, is the one who has to live to remember it. She is forced to kill her brother as he was bound to die anyway. While he is literally being picked apart by ruthless vampires in the bar he is screaming out to his sister to just kill him. The pain is probably excruciating but watching it go down knowing that you can’t jump in because you will get eaten just as fast as your brother was, making it even worse. She still has to escape with her life once she shoots him but maybe she will run a little faster seeing what she is in for. 

O-Ren Ishii’s Revenge - Kill Bill Vol. 1

We live for the backstories that Tarantino provides on most of his characters. They make the movie-watching experience even better. One of the best backstories was O-Ren Ishii’s tale of revenge for her parent’s death. She was a child when they were brutally ended. When she gets a little bit older she starts to exact her revenge. She murders the crime boss with a sword the same way both her parents were murdered. She sits on top of him in the bed basking in his blood just taking a beat to enjoy the fruits of her labor. Then she proceeds to murder his bodyguards, she shoots their feet off and while they lay on the ground yelling in agony, she puts a bullet in their heads. She then proceeds to go around assassinating anyone that had to do with her parent’s murders.

The Orderly - Kill Bill Vol. 1

While Beatrix Kiddo was in a coma from being shot in her head, she was abused (we assume) regularly by an orderly who worked at the hospital. The weirdo was taking money from people and allowing them to sleep with her and probably other coma patients.

Once The Bride woke from her coma she exacted her revenge almost immediately. She beat the orderly to death by bashing a heavy, metal hospital door into his head very, very hard. Watching his legs spasm as he was slowly passing was uncomfortable. It was well deserved but it was also a very awkward way to watch someone die. 

Mr. Orange - Reservoir Dogs

Mr. Orange was that backstabbing snitch who tricked the entire audience into thinking he was on their team. His death was agonizing. Fans had to watch as he spent the majority (dare we say all) of the film bleeding out from a shot to the belly. He was screaming and panting in pain and it was hard to ignore him for too long. At one point we thought he was playing a joke because he was hanging in there for so long. To make matters worse the guys, doing this job together, are not helping him at all. 

Elle Driver  - Kill Bill Vol. 2

Elle Driver so badly wanted to be Bill’s favorite. So much so to the point that she was gleefully ready to murder anyone he asked. It was a treat for her to take on The Bride because she had been so jealous of her for so long. Here’s the problem, The Bride was ready for her.

After a long, rough, brutal fight The Bride ends it all by pulling out the last good eye that Elle has. She yanks it right out of her head effortlessly. Then she essentially sends her off into the desert to certain death. Either she was going to wander into a street and get hit by a car or pass from dehydration. 

Jungle Julia And Friends - Death Proof

The victims of Stuntman Mike were four girls similar to the ones we see him terrorize throughout the end film. He terrorizes them in a similar fashion and ultimately ends them by smashing into their car with his death proof car. The crash is seen from every angle making sure fans see what caused the demise of each girl. All of the demises are shocking, to say the least.

Gogo - Kill Bill Vol. 1

Gogo put up an extraordinary fight against The Bride. She fought with a swinging mallet spiked balled and she would swing that thing around like it was a light-weight toy. The fight was nerve-wracking and violent. There was so much blood and the hits landed like bombs blowing up. Like we all could assume The Bride defeated Gogo with one single blow to the head.

Manson Family Murder - Once Upon A Time In Hollywood

The reimagining of the Manson Family murders was so brutal and fast-paced. The moment they started fighting it was non-stop. Watching Cliff and his incredibly talented dog fight to the absolute end to save their lives and protect Rick’s wife was intense. Who knew Cliff could kick so much butt? He was fast with every strike and the blows landed with an insane amount of fervor. 

Next: 10 Quentin Tarantino Female Characters, Ranked Meekest To Strongest