Over the past decade, the Elf on the Shelf has become a great tradition of Christmas with new scout elves making the journey from the North Pole and flying into homes each year. The elf’s job is to watch over the children of the house during the days leading up to Christmas and then return to Santa each night to report on how they have been behaving.

In An Elf’s Story: Elf on the Shelf, a new batch of elves are being shipped from the North Pole, and one of them is going to McTuttle house! Their elf will have a tough job because a young boy named Taylor isn’t so sure if he believes in Santa anymore. Thank goodness his twin little sisters are getting an elf that will hopefully restore Taylor’s Christmas spirit. If you don’t have an elf of your own, you’ll definitely want one after this movie! Here are 10 moments that had us wanting a scout elf:

When The Girls First Open Their Elf

What could be more exciting than getting a package in the mail? Getting a package from the North Pole with an elf inside! That’s precisely what happens to the McTuttle family one afternoon. All of the scout elves start out at Santa’s Workshop, and then they each get packaged to be sent to their new families.

The McTuttle girls are so excited when their package arrives on their doorstep, and they can hardly wait to open their new elf. It makes us want to ask Santa for one so that we can get a package too!

When They Sit Down to Read the Book

Each Elf on the Shelf comes with a book all about the elf and what he does. The girls ask their dad to read the book to them right away, so they happily listen closely with their new elf friend nearly. Unfortunately for us viewers, they don’t show very much of the reading.

They only read a few lines, but we are curious to learn more about the elf and the traditions that go along with him! It looks like we’ll have to get our own copy of the book to find out more.

When They Think of Names for Their Elf

As the dad reads aloud, the book states, “The first time I come to the place you call home, you quickly must give me a name of my own.” The mom realizes that this must mean that the elf needs a name before he can get his magic.

Quickly the family launches into a little rhyme as they think of different potential names for their new scout elf. Everyone has ideas, even unjolly Taylor.

Finally, the settle on a name: “Silly or Squeaky or Chilly or Nippy?” “Hey, what do you think about something like Chippey?” And with that, the special elf now has a name of its own. With so many possible names, you’ll want dozens and dozens of elves!

When Chippey Gets His Magic

Chippey is so happy to have a name, and he soon realizes that he has gained his magic too when he stops midair after a fall from the table. It takes him a bit of getting used to, but soon he is flying around the room (after the children are gone of course).

Once he gets the hand of it, he’s ready to fly back to the North Pole to meet up with his friends again. It’s exciting to think about an elf flying around your house when you’re not looking after you’ve given your new friend a name!

When Chippey and His Friends Sing About How Good They Feel

All of the scout elves are back at the North Pole, and they are so excited to have received their families, their names, and their magic. They go around sharing the names that they got and talk about how wonderful it all feels. They feel… extravaganzalorious!

All of the elves join in dancing and singing about just how full of smiles and joy they are to be new little scout elves. Imagine your own elf sharing the name you gave him with his friends. You could be the one to make him feel extravaganzelorious!

When the Girls Look for Chippey

Each morning the scout elves fly from the North Pole to their families’ houses, and every day, the elf lands in a different spot! The girls are eagerly looking around their living room to try and spot their tiny friend, calling his name while they search high and low.

Eventually, they find him seated on a shelf with some photos of the family, and one of the girls can’t help but comment about how cute he is. Think of all the places a cute little elf could hide in your own home!

When the Girls Pretend to Interview Chippey

Chippey has come back again, and this time, he’s landed in the Christmas tree where he sits, carefully watching over the children. The two girls pretend to interview him with one using a hairbrush for a microphone and the other acting as Chippey’s voice.

She calls him the North Pole’s favorite elf and asks him what it’s like to have Christmas magic. Watching the girls play pretend with their pal Chippey is enough to make you want to come up with your own reindeer games to play with an elf.

When Chippey Ends Up in the Family Christmas Photo

After the girls’ interview and explaining to their brother how Chippey’s Christmas magic works, their parents announce that it is time to take their family photo. They gather around the tree as the dad remarks that he would like to get the picture done in a few takes. It indeed does take several shots, with everyone being silly or looking in different directions.

In the end, they get a very nice photo of everyone looking at the camera and smiling. Even little Chippey makes it into the picture. We want an elf to put in our Christmas photo too!

When One of the Girls Whispers to Chippey

One of the jobs a scout elf has is delivering messages to Santa, including whether the children have been naughty or nice. However, they can also tell Santa exactly what you would like to receive for Christmas! No need to write him letters or send emails anymore because your very own Elf on the Shelf can tell Santa your wishes for you.

One of the little girls asks Chippey if he can have Santa bring her a dollhouse for Christmas. Maybe Chippey could even get to play in it next year! While Taylor still isn’t so sure that the elf really flies to the North Pole, both young girls exclaim, “I believe!”

When Taylor Finally Believes

After an accident at the hands of Taylor, Chippey doesn’t come back from the North Pole one day. The girls are very upset, but they sing a sweet song about how Christmas is a time for forgiveness and believing. Feeling bad, Taylor writes a letter to Santa explaining that he was very sorry to Chippey. When Chippey returns, Taylor is filled with almost as much joy as his sisters to see their scout elf back on the shelf, saying that it didn’t even feel like Christmas while Chippey was gone.

Whether you have a little one who is having trouble believing, or you’re the one who needs a Christmas boost, an Elf on the Shelf will surely do the trick and bring the magic of Christmas back into your home.