The Mission: Impossible series is equal parts awesome action film series and Tom Cruise testing the limits of his physicality. Each title sees him trying insane stunts, whether it be climbing the world’s tallest building, hanging from the side of a plane, or performing a halo jump.

Because of the actor’s personality and status, it is incredibly easy to endearingly poke fun at the star and the series. On the Internet, these typically manifest as memes, the following ten of which are the best of the best. Some of them are about Cruise, while others joke about the franchise.

When You Gotta Go…..

When nature calls, the dirtiest of bathrooms will have to suffice. Even still, one is as careful and deliberate as possible when doing the deed. Several techniques exist when using a dirty gas station bathroom.

Some people hover, others lay toilet paper all over the seat. At the end of the day, though, the seat is usually the cleanest part of a bathroom. The flushing handle and air driers carry the most bacteria, and avoiding germs is only a small part of the battle. A strong immune system is the best defense against unseemly public restrooms.

Wasn’t Cut Out For The Job

This classic picture has been repurposed for just about every pop culture franchise imaginable. It was only a matter of time before someone made a Mission: Impossible meme out of it. Working for the IMF is dangerous, thankless work.

Most agents end up dying in the field. A select few, however, bite the bullet from a self-destructing tape. How they managed to pass all the tests and then forget to get some distance before the agency’s method of communication blows up is beyond us, but we suppose some just weren’t cut out for the job.

Coolest Random Coat Ever

This iconic garment was ubiquitous when Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol came out. In the movie, Ethan pilfered a random coat while on the run. It just so happens to match his style perfectly. When off the grid, people usually don’t have the luxury of choice in fashion, but some still make it a top priority.

What’s the point in clearing one’s name if they can’t do it in style?

The Tech Has Since Improved

Some of the IMF’s methods seem outdated, but they used to be even more archaic. For example, instead of tapes erupting into smoke, cats used to come by and rip them to shreds. They were the perfect beasts for the job since they didn’t need to be told why they should destroy their tapes; it is just in their nature to play with stringy objects.

If they were caught and interrogated, they couldn’t give up the information if they wanted to. Now it’s sad to think of all the cats who gave their lives in the line of duty.

A Movie Has To Pay For Itself Somehow

Studio backing and surefire box office returns aren’t always enough to fund a movie. Sometimes, they need some extra bucks in the form of product placement. A large amount of the audience bemoans this at any level, but it’s made worse when the movie hides it poorly.

Shots can sometimes dwell on the logo for a painfully long time. This series had a deal with BMW to get their cars prominently featured in the globe-trotting adventure. They’re going to be using cars anyway; might as well get some cash while they’re at it.

Two Jobs At Once

Justice League is infamous for a lot of things, not the least of which is the laughably bad CGI removing Henry Cavill’s mustache during reshoots. The actor grew the facial hair for his role in Mission: Impossible - Fallout when the unexpected reshoots for the superhero movie occurred.

He couldn’t just remove his new whiskers, so they were taken out in post-production. The result is less than stellar. Movie magic can convince people of a lot of things, but removing a mustache is not one of them.

When A Cat Has A Mission

Of all the domesticated animals, cats are the wildest and most agile. When they want to reach something, they will always find a way, walking the thinnest lines and making the most unbelievable leaps in the name of food or a good vantage point.

If only felines cared about important things like national security and neutralizing terrorist threats, then the world would forever be a safe place. That can never be, however, because cats are infamously selfish creatures unconcerned with anything but their own self-interests.

Height Shaming Isn’t Cool, But….

Making fun of someone’s height is never cool. Short males, in particular, have a hard time in this world. How many times have conversations about dating and attractiveness ended up with people saying one needs to be a certain height?

In Tom Cruise’s case, however, it’s less about making fun of his stature, and more about the extreme lengths that studios go to hide the fact. Besides, he is one of the most famous actors to ever exist, so some meme making a jab at his height won’t affect his celebrity status.

No Running!?

No running in a modern Tom Cruise movie is like a Bond movie without a gun barrel opening or a theme song. The mere thought sends one recoiling in disgust. Constant running is just one way the actor proves his impressive physical prowess. No one faults him for showing off his physical abilities, either.

Anyone who can still run and jump like him at fifty-seven years old would be leaping until the cows come home too. It will just get weird if he ever starts doing more low-key, subdued dramas again. Born on the Fourth of July would be a very different movie if he starred in it today.

The Theme

The iconic theme works in many real-life situations. Kittens, in particular, are a well of opportunity for this catchy tune. In their childhood, cats love to play fight with each other, often sneaking around for and waiting for an opportune moment to strike at their siblings. This is all just practice for adulthood where they hunt real prey.

Like athletes pumping heavy metal with hip hop running through their headphones during an intense workout, listening to Lalo Schifrin’s legendary composition is sure to put someone into a stealthy mood.

Next: Tom Cruise’s 10 Most Memorable Characters