The Disney+ Star Wars series The Mandalorian has taken the internet by storm since it first launched in November 2019. Thanks to the adorable relationship between the impossibly cute Baby Yoda (also known as The Child) and the mysterious bounty hunter The Mandalorian (also known as Din Djarin), the series has also spawned a lot of adorable fanart in the few months since its premiere.

The relationship between these two has developed in amazing ways over the course of the series so far, from the baby being The Mandalorian’s latest bounty, to The Mandalorian serving as his father in a clan of two. Here, we take a look at some of the cutest fanart depicting the lovable bond between this unlikely father-son duo.

Lunchtime with Dad

The relationship between The Mandalorian and Baby Yoda has been that of father and son from the beginning, even if its affectionate closeness came as a surprise to The Mandalorian himself. Baby Yoda might have just been part of The Mandalorian’s job at first, but he quickly became so much more than that.

This adorable fanart by artist ErinMcComics perfectly blends the father-son bond with the idea of Baby Yoda joining his dad on his job, as it finds the lovable duo sharing some quality lunchtime bonding, complete with fancy straws.

Baby on board

It’s not easy being a single working parent, and that even holds true in a galaxy far, far away. In this adorable fanart by artist anushnush, The Mandalorian is a man on a mission as he drives his child-sized car, complete with vanity plate reading MANDO01.

But beyond the vanity plate, the child’s car is also decorated with adorable stickers, including ones that read “Baby on Board” as well as frogs, bone broth soup, and rainbows. And of course, the cutest decoration of all is Baby Yoda himself as he perches adorably atop his dad’s ride.

Don’t talk to me or my son ever again

From the moment The Mandalorian meets Baby Yoda, he makes it abundantly clear that he’s willing to do anything to keep the little guy safe, even if it means killing or threatening others with violence. In this sweet art by fanart artist ofdevilsanddrawings, The Mandalorian’s protective nature is blended with a popular internet meme.

Featuring the defining text of the “don’t talk to me or my son ever again” meme, the fanart features The Mandalorian sweetly cuddling Baby Yoda to his chest in a baby carrier as he delivers the imposing threat, while Baby Yoda stares innocently up at the audience with his wide eyes.

A gift for Dada

This next fanart is actually part of a three panel comic by artist amadina-fasciata, and it touches on another adorable angle of the father-son bond between The Mandalorian and Baby Yoda. The Mandalorian curiously watches the little baby as he furiously scribbles away with his crayons, working on something top secret.

And the top secret project is, of course, a sweet drawing for his dada, featuring the two of them holding hands and adorably labeled ME and DADA. The Mandalorian’s teary reaction in the full comic basically summarizes all of our feelings. And we have many of them.

Baby’s first Christmas

Given the fact that the first season of the series was released in the fourth quarter of the 2019 calendar year, it was only a matter of time before adorable Christmas-themed fanart showed up. This piece by artist berentain is unquestionably the cutest of them all, as it finds father and son celebrating baby’s first Christmas.

The Mandalorian has been gifted a t-shirt reading “Best Dad in the Galaxy” in the signature Star Wars font, a gift that the box reveals is addressed “To Tin Man, From Cara AKA the Coolest Aunt Ever!” The baby himself appears to have been given a plush ewok, and a little frog rattle, with a note that reads “To the little womp rat - Dad.”

Move over, Simba

Ever since Disney acquired Star Wars, fanmade crossovers of Disney works with the galaxy far, far away have become all the more common. And seeing as Baby Yoda is the most popular fictional child in the world right now, it was only a matter of time before he took the top spot from a previous adorable Disney baby: Simba.

In this sweet and hilarious art by artist afterblossom, The Mandalorian proudly displays his child in the pose familiar to any fans of The Lion King and its opening and closing “Circle of Life” sequences. Baby Yoda’s ecstatic expression truly makes the piece.

Face to face

The Mandalorian has made it clear time and again that no living being can see his face, or else he will have broken the Mandalorian creed. But that doesn’t stop fans everywhere from hoping for a day when father and son can finally come face to face, especially if it leads to some adorable snuggling as is depicted in this fanart by artist klaudiart.

The pure joy on Baby Yoda’s face in this piece is infectious, as he gleefully hugs his dad’s face, and The Mandalorian snuggles into the baby’s cheek. It’s a sweet slice of life, and hopefully a vision of things to come.

Adventures in Jedi-sitting

Given the timeline of the series, it’s inevitable that fans would start to theorize about possible future interactions between The Mandalorian and Baby Yoda, and the characters of both the original and sequel trilogies. One particular overlap that makes lots of sense is the one depicted here by artist 800 Pound Productions.

Given The Mandalorian’s lack of familiarity with the Force, it would make sense for him to seek out better-trained individuals. And who better than Jedi Master Luke Skywalker, who would soon be training his young nephew, Ben Solo?

Eskimo kisses

We’ve already addressed the fact that it’s not guaranteed that Baby Yoda will ever get to see The Mandalorian’s face. But if that day ever does come for the series, we hope their interaction will lead to some sweet moments like the one depicted here by artist butternut_gouache.

In this piece, Din Djarin and his son, The Child, share a particularly tender, peaceful moment. With their eyes closed, their cheeks rosy, and their smiles wide, father and son engage in a soft eskimo kiss embrace. Someday, they’ll hopefully be afforded the chance to have this kind of intimacy and quiet.

Single working parent life

The Mandalorian’s world has changed a lot over the course of the series’ first season. When the show started, he was merely a bounty hunter working for the next bounty, living the typical experience expected of these mercenary type figures. But with the introduction of Baby Yoda into his life, The Mandalorian became a single parent, and a hardworking one at that.

As a result, The Mandalorian’s world should probably more adequately reflect the realities of trying to work while managing parenting responsibilities, as shown in this adorable, crayon-infused fanart by artist orientalld. Baby Yoda might be distracting his dad from some serious business, but honestly, how could The Mandalorian ever be mad?