The American political drama that’s stolen the hearts of so many over the past six seasons just wrapped up the entire series with their final episode airing this past weekend. After years of watching Elizabeth McCord exemplify what it means to be a strong leader from her role as US Secretary of State to elected President of the United States, the show’s been a late-night favorite for many.

With the fearlessness of a female leader who tries to balance her work life, family life, marriage, and save the world from nuclear attack all at the same time, here are 10 Madam Secretary quotes that are sure to keep you inspired.

“Sometimes doing the thing that seems the least punk rock is actually the most punk rock act of all.”

While a lot of the situations that President Dalton and Elizabeth McCord have to make together seem do-or-die, there are some situations that have a lightheartedness to it - especially the ones involving the McCord children.

When Jason, the youngest - and possibly most cynical - of the McCords decides to join a soccer team at school, Henry says this quote to Elizabeth, as she’s in awe of their son’s willingness to participate in an organized team. Perhaps “doing the least punk rock thing,” is also a larger metaphor for doing the right thing even if everyone advises you not to.

“Falling in love, getting their hearts broken - that’s when poetry can literally save you.”

In conversation with a former teacher who fled her country to seek freedom in the United States, Henry McCord bonds with a woman who reveals that teaching young students in their teenage years is her favorite group of children to teach.

She goes on to explain that children in their teenage years are most impacted by things like literature, art, and learning. Maybe this quote also reflects how important the youth of the country are, and while decisions are being made by those in power now, soon it’ll be the future of the country in power.

“Don’t stop speaking truth to power.”

The phrase “speaking truth to power” is one that’s commonly used in the political world - it means to stand up for what you think is right, even if it means confronting those in power. Early on in the series, Elizabeth herself says this quote to a woman to encourage her to never stop being afraid to speak out for what she believes, even if it means she has to speak out against her government.

At the end of this episode, decisions were made that saved the lives of multiple people - a decision that McCord and her team might have never arrived at had someone not spoken truth to power in the first place.

“A good idea is meaningless without the courage to act.”

When a woman with a brave idea on how to improve the Dalton White House policy’s plans to improve the country’s plans for dealing with the effects of climate change, she brings her idea to Secretary McCord who then takes it to the President. This decision largely affects even more decisions that were made in an effort to enact change regarding climate change and protecting the globe.

The shocking revelation about this idea is that it wasn’t brought to McCord’s attention for almost two years! “A good idea is meaningless without the courage to act.” A show like Madam Secretary will always remind you to take action.

“You are not a burden because you need to be taken care of.”

Over the course of the series, the McCords’ eldest daughter, Stevie, not only plays a helping hand in helping her parents navigate through some of their toughest political waters but also goes through a lot emotionally. From falling in and out of love and suffering heartbreak, Stevie ends up with a lot on her plate.

After a long day at the White House, Elizabeth still takes her time to sit down with her daughter and remind her of this quote. It’s a powerful message of self-care, and how even for the future First Daughter of the US, it’s not something that should go overlooked.

“You never know until you try.”

While this quote said by Elizabeth might sound like something she’d say to encourage someone like President Dalton to follow through with his political agenda, she actually said it to her Foreign Policy Advisor, Jay Whitman, as he was debating whether or not to leave work or to meet the woman he loved.

He wasn’t sure about their connection and was hesitant to leave the secretary’s side, but Elizabeth wasn’t going to stand for his hesitation and told him to find the woman and fight for her: “You never know until you try.” It’s a great example of how much heart remains in this political drama.

“Our Founding Fathers had no idea there would be so many idiots.”

Hired first as a consultant to help Elizabeth navigate through the rough waters of the media, Mike Barnow later plays a central character in the show. From helping her with problems with the press to working as a lawyer to help US citizens get fair trials, Mike B. serves as a huge part of the show’s comedic relief.

More than that, however, he’s also the voice of reason. Combine humor and practicality together, and you get a quote like, “Our Founding Fathers had no idea there would be so many idiots,” in reference to corrupt politicians in DC.

“Let’s change the world.”

On a show like Madam Secretary that highlights the process about how decisions are made in Washington D.C., it is always powerful to hear someone like the Secretary of State say something as simple as, “Let’s change the world.”

Elizabeth says this phrase to her staff as they rally together to help create peace in the Middle-East. While the goal may seem daunting, unrealistic, or near to impossible, it’s the idea that Elizabeth approaches her mission and work with a motivation and hope that inspires late-night TV audiences across the entire country.

“She’s my President.”

In Season 6, it’s revealed that Elizabeth McCord becomes elected President of the United States, succeeding her predecessor, Conrad Dalton. The show juggles with the fact that Elizabeth becomes the first female president that the country has ever seen, and how this fact alone proves to be a major roadblock for Elizabeth.

When a few politicians try to do everything in their power to take Elizabeth down, a trial of impeachment hearings against suddenly goes underway. However, one day, Elizabeth wakes up to the shouting of protestors outside her window. They chant, “She’s my President,” in support of her presidency, hinting at a hope that perhaps someday, a country would be ready for a woman in power.

“I must learn to be content with being happier than I deserve.”

In the last episode of Madam Secretary, Stevie finally gets married to Dmitri Petrov, a former student of her father’s and former secret agent for the US. What makes this marriage super special is that it’s held in The White House, and not only does it serve a higher political purpose but also highlights the power of family and unity.

While Elizabeth has been surrounded by a supportive husband and loving children her entire career, her work family - her staff, her personal aide, her advisors - have all helped her get her to where she is today. It’s a team effort, something the show has always shown the importance of.