Say what you want about their ever-growing dominion over the entertainment industry, but Disney has definitely made some brilliant contributions to the world of film, particularly in the writing department. True, not many critics are going to look at them for life-changing screenplays, but the fans have definitely found wisdom and comfort in the words of their favorite characters.

Disney movies definitely have their share of brilliant lines, but some have a more profound sense than others. For your entertainment and enlightenment, we’ve gathered ten great Disney lines that hit us right in the feels and inspire us to, as Walt would put it, “keep moving forward.”

“Family Means No One Gets Left Behind” Lilo (Lilo and Stitch)

If you’ve ever seen Lilo and Stitch, you undoubtedly know at least two words in Hawaiian, aloha, and ohana. Aloha means hello and goodbye, and (say it with us now) ohana means family, family means no one gets left behind or forgotten. The message works well enough with Lilo saying it, but when Stitch utters it, something changes.

“Is little and broken, but still good.” When Stitch is prepared to be taken back by the Galactic Council, he repeats the moral already shown through Nani and Lilo, but with a more solid and emotional understanding. He might not be the most verbose, but the guy gets deep.

“Sometimes the Right Path is Not the Easiest One” Pocahontas (Pocahontas)

Pocahontas, though not perhaps the most perfect film, carries a touch of ‘9os nostalgia for some of its fans. It also carries a piece of Disney wisdom that rings heavier with truth today than it did back in 1995. “Sometimes the right path is not the easiest one” is a phrase delivered by Grandmother Willow that definitely bears repeating.

The line itself is in the vein of Einstein’s “what is right is not always what is popular…” but it puts things into a more social and emotional realm for the viewers. It’s something to keep in mind as we listen with our hearts.

“Some People are Worth Melting For” Olaf (Frozen)

Let’s be real for a second here, a talking snowman voiced by Josh Gad isn’t exactly what we’d consider a font of emotional enlightenment, but Olaf’s words paired with his actions are what earn his line a spot on our list. After all, actions speak louder than words.

To prevent Anna from freezing to death, Olaf tries to keep her warm by firelight that would surely melt him out of existence. But it’s this willingness to put his wellbeing at risk to save her that makes him and the line that much more poignant.

“You Don’t Have Time to Be Timid, You Must be Bold, Daring” Lumière (Beauty and the Beast)

Who knew talking candelabras could be such great motivational speakers? As the Beast is preparing for his romantic evening with Belle, Lumière and Cogsworth are assisting him in the final preparations. The Beast, lacking more than a few social graces, needs a bit of a pep talk before making his big romantic gesture.

The line from Lumière is definitely a nugget of wisdom that everyone needs to keep aglow. Whether it’s getting ready for a date, a massive social event, or whatever, it serves as a little courage and confidence booster to help us stand taller and move forward. It even worked on a ferocious beast.

“Even Miracles Take a Little Time” Fairy Godmother (Cinderella)

When it comes to Disney quotes, one thing we have to consider is the practical application of the line in question. In a film about glass slippers, pumpkin coaches, and singing mice who can make you a dress, you probably wouldn’t expect to find a line like this to mean so much.

Disney’s main mantra involves wishing upon a star and hoping your dreams come true, but this line puts things into a little more perspective. It’s okay to wish and hope for your dreams, but keep in mind that it might not be an overnight sensation.

“You’re Braver Than You Believe…” Christopher Robin (Pooh’s Grand Adventure: The Search for Christopher Robin)

This exchange between Christopher Robin and Winnie the Pooh is honestly one of the most emotionally effective lines on our list. The day before Christopher Robin has to start attending school, he leaves Pooh with a reminder that he’s “braver than he believes, stronger than he seems, and smarter than he thinks.”

Not only does this line stick with the audience, but it serves as the central message to all of Pooh’s pals as they set out on their quest into “the great unknown.” Though Pooh might mix up the line once or twice, the theme is still there and well-received.

“Life is Not a Spectator Sport” Laverne (The Hunchback of Notredame)

Disney’s The Hunchback of Notre Dame was a film ahead of its time in more ways than one. There are a lot of emotional lines and themes throughout the film, but if there’s one line that hits us right in the feels, it’s this line from one of Quasi’s gargoyle pals, Laverne.

The full line is “Life is not a spectator sport. If watching is all you’re gonna do, then you’re gonna watch your life go by without you.” That is some seriously deep Disney, right there. How many people succumb to the mundane and safety of routine every day of their lives? It’s a matter of life is for the living and not the watching.

“When the World Turns Its Back on You, You Turn Your Back on the World” Timon (The Lion King)

There are those who would view Timon and Pumbaa’s “Hakuna Matata” lifestyle as lazy, indulgent, or even hedonistic, but there is a certain method to the madness if we remember what Timon says in an attempt to cheer Simba up. “When the world turns it’s back on you, you turn your back on the world” is actually a very profound statement.

If you’re familiar with scriptures, there’s actually a very moral meaning in this somewhat sarcastic remark. Forsaking the ways of the world and keeping your immortal soul is definitely a surprising lesson we didn’t expect to learn from Timon and Pumbaa.

The Past Can Hurt… (The Lion King)

We can’t talk about The Lion King without mentioning the iconic phrase from Rafiki to Simba after his encounter with the ghost of Mufasa. In a way, this sort of works hand in hand with our previous quote about turning your back on the world, either by running from the past or learning from your mistakes.

We’re human, we’re all going to make mistakes, but if we run from it and don’t look back, we risk not being able to improve and better ourselves in the future. We think Rafiki said it best, it’s best to learn from the past, instead of keeping it in the dark.

We might be cheating by including a Disney Parks attraction and a Sherman Brothers’ song, but if you really look into it, you’ll find that there’s a very inspiring mantra that can ignite the hope inside some of the most cynical people. Walt Disney had the maxim of continuously moving forward, and this little melody sums up the whole message.

Walt had the right idea, a great, big, beautiful tomorrow is always a chance at a new start, a new project, and limitless possibilities for those with the ambition to pursue them. If that’s not a beacon of hope, we don’t know what is.