People choose to celebrate their Harry Potter love in a number of unconventional ways. From permanent tattoos to everlasting home decor, there’s no stopping someone that considers themselves a true Potter fan. If you never understood the hype of the wizarding world, but you’ve found love for some who has, you better get on board because their obsession will not cease with age.

Those who endure their partners’ Harry Potter enthusiasm have even gone as far as to have Harry Potter engagement rings commissioned. And if the love is mutual, that theme usually translates all the way until their wedding day. Just imagine the wedding halls with Hogwarts House themed tables and an open Butterbeer bar. Before we get to those wedding bells, check out these 10 incredible Harry Potter engagement rings.

The Sorting Hat

Visiting the “Wizarding World of Harry Potter” is magical in and of itself, but throw an engagement on top of that and you’ve hit the jackpot. That’s what happened with this lovely couple. It looks like this groom went above and beyond to throw in as many Harry Potter Easter Eggs into the engagement ceremony as possible.

He slipped the ring on a ring inside its Ollivanders box with the simple note that every girl hopes to receive: Always. The stunning silver band came in a Sorting Hot ring box (epic!) and the proposal went down right in front of the Hogwarts Castle. Talk about perfection.

Gryffindor Pride

If you have this ring on your finger, there’s no denying which house you belong to. The gold band is simple enough but combined with the extraordinary lion embellishment and rubies, it is clear this ring is meant for a true Gryffindor.

Don’t worry, this Etsy jeweler commission rings for Slytherin, Hufflepuff, and Ravenclaws as well. She actually has a range of Harry Potter-inspired engagement rings available so that you can be as subtle or flamboyant about your Harry Potter obsession as you please.

The Golden Question

One of the most popular Potter attributes that you will find for engagement rings is the Snitch. It is the perfect emblem for a ring. A Snitch is a golden object that Harry chases after, and it ends up being the device that leads him to his destiny. So really, the Snitch kind of symbolizes the term of engagement itself.

The Snitch from Dumbledore said, “I open at the close” which in this case must signify that end of one chapter of this couples’ life and the opening of another.

Bellatrix Lestrange

This black Bellatrix Lestrange engagement ring is so sophisticated that you would never guess its inspiration at first glance. However, look at the tinier details and it quickly becomes apparent that this ring is based on Voldemort’s crazed follower. The wispy, coiled elements combined with the black gold plating is very reminiscent of Bellatrix’s dress that she wears in the films. The ring itself is gorgeous and complicated, serving as a one-of-a-kind magical engagement ring.

Apparently, these rings are even highly customizable, so you can switch out the metal and even the stones. This design could easily turn into one that reflects Hermione Granger, especially since the details in this ring look exactly like those in her wand.

A Seeker

Another captivating Harry Potter engagement ring that doesn’t disguise its influence. This ring is shaped to look exactly like the Golden Snitch. The band attaches lightly to the centerpiece and expands as it wraps around, giving the band itself the shape of wings.

The fine-lined details that make up the majority of the band really help sell this illusion. This lucky gal must be a Gryffindor with her central red ruby, but you can probably switch that out to get whatever stone reflects your own Hogwarts house.

The Deathly Hallows

If you are more of a fan for dainty rings, this Harry Potter engagement band is to die for. The thin band is embedded with stones all the way around, with matching crystal right in the middle of the Deathly Hallows.

You can just make out the patch of gold that represents the Elder wand, with the triangular base clearly displaying the Invisibility Cloak. And, of course, the main attraction is the Resurrection Stone.

Slytherin Pride

The design of this ring looks like something that you could snatch up at someplace like Borgin and Burkes. The silver band is ever-so-lightly tarnished to give it that antique look.  The engraving clearly represents the mascot of Slytherin, a snake.

It’s incredible how much detail went into this engagement ring. The emerald stone is simply breathtaking. Any Slytherin girl would be lucky to have this ring on her finger.

A Secret Nod

If you’re not one for flashy jewelry that clearly symbolizes your love for this fictional world, there is always the discreet route. This band may look like your average wedding engagement ring, but what is hidden inside is the thing that truly matters.

Right behind what we can assume is a stunning diamond is a secret Harry Potter nod. Carefully (and nearly perfectly) etched is the symbol of the Deathly Hallows. This simple addition just goes to show how thoughtful the future groom must be!

In The Details

This engagement ring is simply oozing with magic. It’s radiating with diamonds from front to back, and you can see that startingly central diamond from a mile away. Despite its sparkling glory, the main aspect of this ring that makes it a winner is the detail.

On either side of the ring, the jewelers expertly crafted the gold band to take on the form of the Deathly Hallows. If you look closely, you can even find some Snitches embedded into the ring.

The Ultimate Hogwarts Crest

This Reddit post by Katiemack777 from last year has recently picked up steam. Harry Potter fans have been gushing over this customized engagement ring. The base is a plain gold band held together by an uncomplicated (albeit, beautiful) diamond. Wrapped around it, however, are four small, colorful gems that meet together to represent the four Hogwarts houses. Red for Gryffindor, green for Slytherin, yellow for Hufflepuff, and blue for Ravenclaw.

The lucky lady told the internet, “My (now) fiance knows that I love Harry Potter almost as much as I love him, so he designed a pretty special ring for me.”