The end of the franchise, Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, draws near with the recent announcement by J. J. Abrams. It is a sad time as we reminisce on the power of the movies which sparked a fandom like no other. Fans have become so invested in this film series they have created a hashtag to provide the world with their idea of how the narrative should come to a close.

#HowStarWarsShouldEnd is the trending platform fans are using to share these suggestions which Disney should seriously contemplate. They are filled with a creative and unusual nature only Star Wars lovers would be able to think of. Keep reading to find out which ten #HowStarWarShouldEnd tweets Disney should consider using to end the series!



People have always been baffled by Darth Vader’s breathing machine and why it was the only option provided to him. One would assume after appearing in five movies someone would have come up with a better life-support system. Science advances every day and this Twitter user makes a good point when he recommends using a CPAP machine to stabilize the breathing sounds.

It is a wonder why no one in the Star Wars universe had thought of it before, but it would settle the long-standing issues we have faced throughout the years if the series was ended this way.


Dancing is a Disney specialty and what better way to end the series than with a giant dance number. It will be a fantastic way to close by bringing everyone in to dance it out on a single stage.

Jedis and the Sith will swing their hips together for a final number, which will leave fans with a feeling of nostalgia. We could have them kill each other off, but the brutality has to stop eventually, and it should, at the end of the series.


Scooby has been coming to the rescue for decades, providing us with plentiful amounts of suspenseful excitement. The best way to end the entire compilation of Star Wars films would be to bring in this classic character and have him demask Darth Vader.

Fans would be expecting Anakin’s face to appear, but instead, Old Man Jenkins would be revealed as the true perpetrator. It would be the twist to end all twists and it is something Disney would be foolish to pass up.


This would be the greatest ending of all time as the band creates a new song for us to appreciate. This ending could even be combined with the dance number from a previous tweet, creating a masterful and heartfelt ending to the series.

Their special tunes and unique instruments would come together for a new number that would knock the rolls right off of Jabba the Hutt. We would be swaying right along with him as we listen and attempt to sing along with the nonsensical word combinations.


Who doesn’t love Wookiees? Chewbacca stole our hearts time and time again, so the only plausible way to end the franchise would be to bring in a baby Wookiee. It would be cute and adorable, with a cry which would bring tears to anyone’s eyes.

People will be naming their children after the baby Wookiee because they hope their child will grow to be as awesome as it is in this final scene. There may not be a rhyme or reason behind the appearance of this creature, but rest assured, no one will be complaining.


There are other fans who desire the entire Star Wars entity to end for good, by killing every major and minor character involved. The creative mastermind behind this tweet recommends recruiting Jason to finish them off.

Jason’s methods are creative and contain a finality the series ender needs to be successful. He could rip them apart with his bare hands or use their own lightsabers against them. It may be a bit gorier than most fans are used to, but it would be another added bonus as to why Disney should use this as the ultimate ending.


The Star Trek versus Star Wars debate has been going on for years and the ending to the Star Wars franchise could settle it once and for all. They could involve the fandoms and invite them to put their skills to the test on the big screen.

The fans could wield their weapon of choice and don the appropriate costume to join the fight to the death. Disney could increase the revenue of their movie by creating an official betting pool on who will win the final showdown, as they pit these two groups against one another in the series ending scene.


A new twist to Darth Vader could be to prove he is not actually Luke’s father. It would create mayhem as fans fret over who Luke’s father actually was, even though they will never have the chance to find out.

It would create the greatest mystery in any franchise history as the secret remains buried within the Star War’s vaults of hidden knowledge. Fans would be begging for a new movie to explain the madness of the ending scene, and it would drive people to the theaters to witness this game changer for themselves.


Disney could take a different route and actually take notes from the Game of Thrones by interrelating everyone in the movie series. We thought there was only one family incest drama happening, but in reality, everyone was a part of this interconnected genetic world.

It could explain why some of the characters looked funkier than others, as the mixed genes failed to form correctly due to incorrect mixing of the gene pool. It would be the disturbing ending fans never forget and give Disney the ratings they were hoping for.


The final tweet, and possibly the most realistic ending Disney should use, is to offer Princess Leia a tribute after Carrie Fischer’s unfortunate passing. No one can ever replace her as Leia, but they should create a memorial for her in the ending of the franchise, as she was a key part of the success of the series.

Everyone loved her presence within the films and not including her in the final film would do her character a disservice. They should not recreate her image, but rather, create a reel of her shining moments throughout the Star Wars movie series.