Brianna Hanson is Grace’s eldest daughter and, whether Brianna likes it or not, her mini-me in Netflix’s Grace & Frankie. She’s incredibly business savvy and a real ball-buster with everyone she interacts with. Her disdain for communication and feelings causes Brianna to be sarcastic and cold most of the time. However, this doesn’t mean Brianna isn’t worthy of being loved; she is loved, she just doesn’t like talking about it.

Over the course of six seasons (season seven is hopefully hitting screens in 2021), Brianna has gone on to insult those closest to her, run a successful business into the ground, and hurt her boyfriend’s (now fiancé) dreams of wanting a future with her. Being mean isn’t Brianna’s goal but it’s typically what happens. With the sixth season recently debuting on Netflix, let’s take a look back at some of Brianna’s worst moments.

She Didn’t Pay Mallory For Her Endless Hard Work At Say Grace

When we met Mallory, she was a stay-at-home mom with four kids and the wife of an absent doctor. She was busy running a household while also trying to cope with the fact that her parents were getting a divorce because her father was in love with his male business partner.

As time evolved, Mallory divorced Mitch and wanted to do something for herself. She thought the logical fit would be to work for her sister Brianna at the company their mother started. However, Brianna threw every obstacle Mallory’s way so she couldn’t work there. She eventually let Mallory be an un-paid intern but for the amount of work Mallory was putting in, it took Brianna way too long to start paying her.

She Didn’t Give Her Co-Workers The Appreciation They Deserved

A few of Brianna’s subordinates are introduced in the first season of Grace and Frankie but, as time went on, they are seen less and less. In the sixth season, however, it was made clear to Brianna (thanks to Mallory) that she treats her employees horribly and doesn’t give them the appreciation or recognition they deserve.

Brianna eventually gave Adam a raise and a higher job title - which excited him greatly - but she didn’t even feel good about it. Giving Adam the praise that he needed was more of a chore for Brianna than doing the right thing.

She Hid Barry From Her Family & Co-Workers

To be fair, as the head of the company, it’s not always appropriate for the boss to be sleeping with their subordinates but Barry was different. Barry was in this relationship with Brianna for the long-haul.

After a few weeks of dating, Barry was ready for people to know about their relationship. He was proud that Brianna was his girlfriend and didn’t want to hide his feelings. Brianna, on the other hand, took some convincing. She wasn’t embarrassed by her partner but talking about feelings isn’t her strong suit, which at times, upset Barry.

She Changed Frankie’s Lubricant Recipe

Frankie really does come up with the best ideas. She just needs a logical brain to help expand her idea into a smart business strategy.

Once Brianna realized how badly Say Grace needed help, she decided to add Frankie’s lube to their product line. The only problem is she changed the original recipe to make it have a longer shelf life and to relate to Say Grace’s customers. She did give Frankie all of these changes in writing but in classic Frankie form, she didn’t read it. Nevertheless, to change a product that meant so much to a woman who was practically family to Brianna put a strain on their relationship.

The Way She Treated Allison At The Art Show

In the premiere episode of season three, we meet Bud’s new girlfriend Allison. The whole clan is at Frankie’s art show when they decide to play a drinking game at Allison’s expense.

Every time she says something about what is wrong with her or a medical condition that she has, the whole group takes a sip. Allison didn’t catch on that they were making fun of her but Bud sure did. And who couldn’t care less that Bud was upset at them? Good ole, cold-hearted Brianna.

She Made Fun Of Mallory’s Failing Marriage With Mitch

Just because Brianna doesn’t believe in marriage doesn’t mean that other people shouldn’t get married. Brianna is a commitment-phobe who doesn’t want to get married or have kids; therefore, since Mallory did both, Brianna throws that in her face every day.

For a while, Mallory brushed it off but once she started having issues in her marriage, Brianna’s words were like a dagger. Every time Mallory showed up to a family event alone (because Mitch is a doctor who was on-call), Brianna would harp on that fact and joke that Mitch was Mallory’s invisible husband.

She Didn’t Hire Her Mother When She Wanted To Return To Say Grace

The whole reason Grace retired from Say Grace was to spend more time with her husband. But as we know, that plan failed when she realized her husband was gay and leaving her. Grace was left husband-less and jobless, leaving her bored and sad.

To keep her mind busy, Grace headed to Say Grace to see if Brianna could hire her back but, to her surprise, Brianna said no. With Grace’s strong presence and voice, Brianna was afraid no one would take her seriously or listen to her. Because of that, she turned her mother away, which was a punch to the gut for Grace as the one who gave Brianna the company in the first place.

She Told Everyone At Work Her Mom Was Really 80 Years Old

As seasons went on, Brianna realized she could use her mother’s help after all, especially when her company almost went bankrupt. However, the end result was exactly what Brianna feared. Grace took over, saved the company, and made Brianna feel worthless and small.

To shove it back in her mother’s face, Brianna decided to humiliate her publicly by telling everyone how old her mother truly was. While Grace was telling everyone she was turning 76, Brianna revealed that her mother was actually turning 80 — a revelation that mortified Grace.

She Becomes Angry At Mallory For Wanting To Make A Name For Herself

It is obvious that Brianna and Mallory have a love/hate, big sister/little sister rivalry going on. By the end of the sixth season, the tables had truly turned. After Say Grace was acquired by Trust Us Organics, Brianna turned down a supervising role for the sake of her relationship.

Little to Brianna’s knowledge, they then offered the job to Mallory, who accepted. This means that Mallory is technically Brianna’s boss. Instead of being happy that everyone got what they wanted (Brianna got to stay with Barry and Mallory finally had a high-paying job), Brianna was annoyed at Mallory for starting a new career.

She Doesn’t Care About Mallory’s Children

Similar to Grace, Brianna doesn’t care much about her nieces and nephews. Mallory has four kids and yet both her sister and her mother can’t remember a detail about them. This deeply annoys Mallory in the earlier seasons.

Ultimately, Mallory ended up feuding with Brianna and didn’t want her around her kids until she showed more of an interest in Mallory’s growing family. At the end of the day, the only two people who were excited about Mallory’s babies were Frankie and Sol, who aren’t even blood-related.