The vampire TV series The Vampire Diaries wasn’t primarily a funny story. Of course, there were plenty of funny moments in the series thanks to the many heroes who often clashed together, especially when it came to Damon and his younger brother Stefan, or Damon and his best friend Alaric, or… Damon and pretty much anyone.

But, even though the series sadly killed multiple characters (and brought some of them back) and made the heroes fall in love and then break up, it also inspired many fans to create brilliant and hilarious fan art which would make even the usually stoic evil vampire Klaus laugh.

Heavy Competition

When it comes to deciding which modern vampire is the most handsome one, there’s some serious competition. Besides successful franchises like Twilight and, of course, The Vampire Diaries, the fans recently got to see plenty of other vampire shows, such as True Blood, Moonlight, and Being Human, to name just a few.

However, Damon has a clear answer to the question of which vampire is the sexiest one. Unfortunately for poor Damon, his claim that he’s more handsome than Edward Cullen makes Edward’s girlfriend Bella seriously angry, and she brutally attacks Damon, as shown in this fan art by aliantkam.

How It Really Happened

As the Facebook user once again proves in this fan art, some of the funniest fan arts are those which don’t need any words. This piece of work shows the real relationships between the main characters of The Vampire Diaries, and you’ll find it funny only if you saw the entire show, or at least a large majority of it.

Let’s take a look. Caroline is happily dating Tyler in the picture, while jealous Klaus is sneakily watching them from behind a tree. Alaric is getting ready to kill Klaus. Rebekah is pouting nearby since Matt wants to run away from her. And Jeremy, of course, isn’t paying attention… at all.

Horror Evening

Mystic Falls is a city where most people wouldn’t want to live… at least if they value their own lives. With vampires, werewolves, and witches in the city, it’s better to stay away or you might get caught in a crossfire. That said, even though The Vampire Diaries heroes face a lot of threats and their lives are far from normal, they still find time to do ordinary stuff, like watching a horror film with their best friends, as the DeviantArt user sasukee23loveeer shows.

The girls, Elena, Caroline, and Bonnie look horrified here, but Stefan seems more bored than anything and less than impressed by Damon’s attempt to scare him.

Bad Memory

Even vampires are not immune to forgetting things. After all, they have plenty of useful traits and abilities like supernatural strength, speed, and, of course, immortality, so it’s only fair that they lose something in the process as well. In this fan art posted on Twitter by the user TVDDamon1864, it looks like Stefan’s memory isn’t quite as sound as it used to be.

To be fair, he did spend an entire decade so drunk on blood and killing thta he could barely remember anything. Also, when you live for centuries, you’re bound to forget something. That doesn’t stop Elena and Damon from secretly laughing at Stefan, though.

Nasty Damon

To say that Damon isn’t exactly a fan of Katherine Pierce would be a bit of understatement. To be fair, it’s Katherine’s fault. Unlike Stefan, Damon was actually in love with Katherine when they first met in the 19th century, and, when he thought she died, it broke him. When he found out over a century later that Katherine wasn’t trapped in the tomb, his love turned into hate. In this fan art by an unfortunately unidentified user, Damon clearly shows to Katherine that she no longer has any power over him and his smirk, when he puts her down in style, is simply brilliant.

Big Mystery

Let’s stay with Damon and his special brand of sarcastic humor a while longer. In this fan art posted by the DeviantArt user bret13, Damon answers the question many fans asked themselves when they were watching The Vampire Diaries: Why did Elena choose Damon over Stefan? There are many possibilities why it happened, but Damon has a clear answer, and it’s one you’re not surprised to hear from him.

To be fair to Damon, he has many more positives than he likes to show, and he can be very gentle and kind. Plus, the chemistry between him and Elena is undeniable. So, in the end, it’s not such a big mystery, after all.

Love Triangle

Speaking of Damon and Elena versus Stefan and Elena… The love triangle between the three leading characters was one of the main storylines in the show. As you all already know, Elena chose Damon in the end, and they got their happily ever after. Stefan chose Caroline, and they were together until he sacrificed his own life to save Damon.

In this fan art posted by the Pinterest user Zhu Yizhen, Stefan didn’t get over losing Elena to his brother just yet, though. In fact, he’s absolutely furious, while Damon’s having a field day and is positively glowing. And poor Elena? She’s just trapped between them.

Silly Question

Another brilliant fan art by the DeviantArt user bret13 offers another portion of Damon’s snark. This time, you get to see what happens when someone asks Damon a silly question—or at least one that allows Damon to make fun of the person who asked. And, to be honest, Damon really doesn’t need that much to make fun of people. It’s sometimes enough that they simply exist.

One of Damon’s defining characteristics is his ability to laugh in the face of danger, and this fan art points it out when Damon makes fun of Kai, one of the most dangerous and unstable villains of the show.

Clever Line

What kind of a list would this one be without at least one more crossover fan art? This fan art by the artist cocosnussal offers a crossover between the Vampire Diaries and the famous fantasy franchise Harry Potter. Damon tries to chat Elena up, but she doesn’t seem all that interested and Damon desperately comes up with a line that is nowhere near believable.

It’s nice to see that even someone as self-assured as Damon sometimes stumbles around people he likes. At least when he’s moving around Hogwarts and not in the streets of Mystic Falls. The fact that Elena is in Gryffindor, judging by her tie, is a nice touch to this already great fan art.

Dangerous Chores

In the end, it’s not vampires, werewolves, witches, curses, or anything supernatural that’s Elena’s greatest enemy. In another amazing fan art by cocosnussal (see above), Elena makes the silly mistake of leaving her wedding ring in her laundry. Luckily for Elena, Damon saves the day when he finds the ring and jokily asks Elena to marry him again. And, even though the fan art doesn’t show her answer to Damon popping the question, it’d be nice to believe that Elena would say yes. After all, as far as The Vampire Diaries go, these two are a couple to die for (as Stefan would surely agree).