The smash-hit TV show Supernatural has been on since the year 2005. Which is longer than some teenagers have been alive. Supernatural has literally existed for a longer time than the network that it airs on has existed (at this point it’s obviously the only remaining holdover from The WB network). Obviously over the course of 14 going on 15 seasons, Supernatural has built up a massive fan base, and it’s long-lasting stories and characters have inspired a lot of amazing and hilarious fan works.

Fan works are an essential part of any fandom, and any genre TV show or movie worth its salt (pun intended) will have a pretty solid body of fanfiction built up after years of success and growth. Supernatural can definitely count itself among those kinds of TV shows, and while every fan creation deserves its accolades, we’re personally big supporters of memes. So here are 10 of Supernatural’s best.

Negan Defeated

Anyone who watches The Walking Dead knows that Negan is the worst dude to ever show up on the block, but it should come as no surprise that Supernatural manages to one-up that badness. Negan is a nightmare, but he’s nothing in comparison to the literal devil.

Lucifer has always managed to keep himself quite busy in the world of Supernatural. There has been a lot of bloodshed in Lucifer’s quest to rise from hell, and while losing Glenn and Abraham was brutal, it’s pretty tough to compete with Lucifer killing Castiel and Bobby Singer back to back.

You’re Better Than Hogwarts, Bobby

Bobby Singer just can’t get any respect. Sam and Dean are indisputably the best demon hunters of all time, but the buck really stops with Bobby. He’s expected to be able to match Sam and Dean in his monster-fighting skills and he’s expected to be a living, breathing monster encyclopedia, and somehow he manages to actually succeed on both fronts.

Whenever the boys run into trouble, Bobby is the first person who they call; on the rare occasions that Bobby doesn’t have the answers, there really isn’t any place else he can go for assistance, although a wizarding school would be convenient.

Especially Crowley

How is it that Sam and Dean miraculously manage to be total geniuses and complete idiots when it comes to all things supernatural. To be fair, pretty much every time that Sam and Dean turn to a supernatural creature for assistance, it’s because they feel like they have no other choice.

That said, in nearly every instance, they wind up coming up the losers in the situation. At some point, you’d think they’d catch on and stop rethreading this path. Crowley may be a demon, but at least he can honestly reflect upon his own trustworthiness.

John Winchester’s Dream Job

John Winchester earned his reputation as one of the greatest demon hunters to ever live. But John Winchester is also, to be frank, a crazy person. He might not quite be Negan, but he is only a stone’s throw away from him.

Negan’s wife’s death drove him to spend every waking moment gleefully killing mindless zombies, does that sound familiar? John isn’t a sociopath but he is nuts, and while the world may be a better place for all of the monsters that he’s killed, he is still a pretty messy dude.

It’s Funny Cause It’s True

It is hard to tell which one has a more negative effect on the Winchester brothers, honestly. On the one hand, demons are not expected to be nice or pleasant, but most people don’t expect their dad to be constantly ditching them in favor of said demons.

John raised two kids who are absolutely incredible at their jobs, but that might be more in spite of what he did than because of it. However, as actual human beings, Sam and Dean are profoundly disturbed and damaged individuals. The demonic possession thing was kind of inevitable, but John could have relaxed just a little more as a dad.

The Family That Hunts Together…

…dies together, unfortunately. Or actually they die brutally and alone more often than not. The Winchester-Campbell family business is an unforgiving one, and no one in the squad is left alive in the end. Unlike most of their family members, Sam and Dean have both been blessed (or cursed, depending on your attitude about it) with the chance to die and come back over and over again.

But it’s easy to see why so many of this clan tries to find comfort in the bottom of a bottle or through a deal with a demon. After all, their day-to-day lives aren’t exactly filled with hope.

A Barrel Of Laughs

There already exists an episode of Supernatural that partially takes place in a sitcom, so this is not that farfetched. Despite Supernatural taking its main story seriously, the show has always found ways to make evil funny. And not to be too presumptuous with these suggestions, but why exactly can’t we have an episode of Supernatural where Bobby, Cas, and Crowley have to make some awkwardly tight living arrangements work together?

Or even better, an episode of Supernatural where Castiel and Lucifer get to explore their damaged brotherly relationship while a canned laugh track punctuates the punchlines? It’s not any weirder than the average Supernatural episode.

Lazarus Rising, Repeatedly

Well after you’ve died and come back from the dead so many times, you’ve kind of already beaten death at its own game. Furthermore, if death is a literal flesh and blood monster (kind of?) and you’re the greatest hunters to ever live, then death can be killed.

Dean’s accomplishments when it comes to destroying monsters, angels, and everything in between is second to none, but even death didn’t see his own ganking coming. Death made a deal with Dean that involved killing Sam, and shock of all shocks, Dean didn’t want to go through with it. Ironically death kind of signed his own death warrant.

Meme Crossover

While Gordon Ramsay might often react angrily to meals that are not up to his standards, at least, overly salty food still provides some benefit to society. Also, using food as the method of transportation for salt is sneaky!

Sam and Dean traditionally use bagged salt for all of their salty needs, as it is hard to find salt in any greater bulk and they certainly go through a lot of it. However, if you’re walking around with an overly seasoned ham sandwich and just slap an offending demon across the face with it, they’re never going to see that move coming!

A Real-Life Trap

The Australians have come to save us. If you want to trap a demon then a devil’s trap is just the ticket, but actually leading said demons into those traps isn’t always the easiest. Demons are natural sneakers, and even an idiot knows how to dodge obvious traps. Modern problems require modern solutions; thankfully, Outback Steakhouse seems to be ready and willing to provide those solutions.

Anyone who has set foot in a Walmart Supercenter wouldn’t even be able to tell the difference if that place was filled up with demons.