The popular sci-fi franchise Star Trek has had its fair share of funny moments. Even though it didn’t start out as a comedy, it worked with a lot of amusing characters and included scenes so bizarre that they made many people laugh.

Not to mention the arguments between various heroes, who were often forced to work together even though they didn’t get along or were simply too different to always see eye to eye. This happened even to the most friendly duos, such as Kirk and Spock. Since Star Trek is so popular, many fans have shared their own fan art photos online, and some of them are downright hilarious.

Time To Boldly Go

Sometimes even the best-planned missions don’t go the way you’d like, as ADSEPI3, the creator of this fan art, shows. Captain Kirk and his crew face a dangerous enemy who feeds on their fear, so Kirk comes up with a brilliant plan to drug his crewmates so that they don’t feel fear.

Except that once the whole crew is drugged, Kirk finds out that he can’t really work with them… not even with Spock, who usually manages to be calm no matter what the circumstances. Chekov is trying to conquer the ship, Dr. McCoy is incapable of standing up and poor Spock thinks he’s a chessboard.

Happy Spock

When Spock believed that he murdered Kirk while he wasn’t of sound mind, it made him sadder than anything else could have. He was willing to resign his position and go to prison.

Fortunately for Spock, Kirk’s death was just a ruse designed by doctor McCoy, who used his medical knowledge to get Kirk out of a fight he had no chance of winning. When Spock saw Kirk alive, there was a great difference between how he wished to react and how he actually reacted, as the DeviantArt user Simengt shows. For the first time, the viewers have actually seen what it would look like if Spock didn’t try to control his emotions.

The Ultimate Crossover

Ever since the Star Wars premiered in the 1970s, fans have argued which sci-fi franchise is better - whether Star Trek or Star Wars. No matter what the answer is, when these two stories meet, something hilarious usually happens - like in this fan art by the DeviantArt user Irise.

When Darth Vader has a great plan to kidnap Chekov, he has no idea the young Enterprise crew member will steal his lightsaber. Not that you can really blame Chekov for taking what isn’t his. The lightsaber is pretty cool, after all. Unfortunately for Chekov, neither Darth Vader nor his crew members are excited about the theft.

Best Friends

In the original Star Trek TV show, Star Trek: TOS, Kirk and Spock were friends from the start. However, in the films by J.J. Abrams, these two had a rocky start, to say the least. Kirk hated Spock and Spock thought Kirk was impulsive and reckless (which he was, to a certain degree).

While they were still at the Starfleet Academy, Kirk spent hours complaining about Spock to his friend Leonard McCoy, who’d probably wish he could be anywhere else but there so that he wouldn’t have to listen to Kirk’s complaints. But as the creator of this fan art demonstrates, Kirk should sometimes be more careful and hold his tongue.

Typical Problems

This fan art by an unfortunately unknown creator shows that even Star Trek captains face typical problems of today’s society - such as the necessity to watch their diet so that they wouldn’t put on too much weight.

Unlike Kirk, Spock never seemed to struggle with his weight, which is a typical characteristic for his species. There have never been many overweight Vulcans. You can’t help but feel sorry for Kirk in this fan art, since he clearly isn’t enjoying his salad and would much rather have whatever Spock’s eating. To top it all off, Spock is inadvertently torturing his captain by not eating the delicious food he has on his plate.

Do Your Thing

This cute fan art by the creatorofuniverses shows one of the reasons why James T. Kirk is such a great captain… and also, why he often drives the people around him crazy. Kirk is one of the most independent and stubborn people in the Enterprise crew and no matter what his friends suggest, he still always does his own thing.

Even if everybody else can see it’s very dangerous or downright insane, Kirk is still going to do it, no matter what his best friend Spock, another best friend McCoy, or his old mentor Christopher Pike thinks… and he’s going to do it in style!

Being Nice Doesn’t Work

Even though the creators of Star Trek never explicitly stated it, many fans believe that Kirk and Spock were more than just friends. And other fans believe that Kirk was much closer to Leonard McCoy, AKA Bones, than he showed. In this fan art by Taco, Kirk actually proves that there’s no point in trying to do something nice for people around you… especially McCoy.

When Kirk brings his boyfriend a flower, he gets stabbed by a hypospray in return. This is definitely not the reaction Kirk was hoping for when he gave the flower to McCoy, but maybe he’ll at least be more careful in the future.

Hotter Than Tea

Let’s step away from Kirk, Spock, and the original crew for a moment. This fan art posted on Pinterest by Etsy is beautiful in its simplicity. You can also use it for paying a compliment to your girlfriend or a boyfriend if they know Star Trek: The Next Generation and Captain Jean-Luc Picard.

No matter what happened, Captain Picard was always looking forward to a nice hot cup of tea, Earl Grey, more specifically. And his quote: “Tea. Earl Grey. Hot.” became one of the most famous ones in the show. This fan art would also probably look great printed on a t-shirt, just to give you a suggestion.

Confused Spock

The first officer Spock doesn’t always have it easy with his human colleagues on the board of the starship Enterprise. The differences between Vulcans and humans are great, and doctor McCoy often likes to make fun of Spock, of his alien looks, his behavior, even his eating habits.

Most Vulcans are vegetarians, a fact which McCoy apparently finds hilarious in this fan art by the Pinterest user raffaela. However, Spock is no wallflower, and he can certainly hold his own in an argument with McCoy. Even though he’d never raise his voice at the doctor, Spock always finds a clever way to dismiss McCoy’s remarks.

Khan Everywhere

There was already one crossover fan art on this list, but this one also deserves a spot here. To say that Spock isn’t a fan of Khan would be putting it mildly. The superhuman does indirectly kill captain Kirk, after all - something which causes Spock to spiral into grief and anger.

And as this fan art by Maugryph proves, Spock would stop at nothing to find Khan and punish him for his crimes. Even if it meant crossing over to the Hobbit franchise in which Benedict Cumberbatch, who played Khan in Star Trek, voiced the frightening dragon Smaug. One thing’s certain - if anybody can manage to fight a dragon, it’s Spock.