Everyone knows the friendly neighborhood Spider-Man (aka Peter Parker of Queens). Most recently made popular again by English actor Tom Holland, Spider-Man has once more made his mark in superheroism and pop culture. Spider-Man has plenty of memes (with all kinds of wacky logic behind them) created in recent years with the appearance of the newest version of the character in 2016’s Captain America: Civil War. We’re here to sort out some of the most hilarious Spider-Man logic memes out there that only the truest and most dedicated of Marvel fans would understand…so without further interruption, here they are!

Watching The Fight

Everyone’s privy to the heated debate between Sony and Marvel concerning the future of Spider-Man. Now, in the newest installment released in July, we were left on a cliffhanger concerning Peter’s identity. We can’t imagine that cliffhanger being an eternal one. Surely considering the financial success of the independent Spider-Man films, as well as the fan’s dedicated and consistent support, some kind of agreement could surely be reached. Until it is, we’re aligned with the logic behind this meme: just when it looks like Spider-Man has a future, he’s once again shut down (kind of like losing Uncle Ben all over again). Though sad, what makes this meme hilarious is the contemplative pose and what appears to be a bottle of Perrier in his grasp. Everyone processes in their own way.

Admission To The Avengers

Peter’s dedicated to proving himself throughout Civil War, Homecoming, Avengers: Infinity War, and Endgame. Especially in Homecoming, Peter takes desperate measures and unnecessary risks to prove himself to his mentor, Tony Stark. All to prove he is worthy enough to join more missions with the Avengers and be more than just a “friendly neighborhood Spider-Man.” The irony of this meme is the fact that while Peter works his butt off to become a part of the Avengers, the twins, initially villains in Age of Ultron, somehow easily gain admission to the team against all odds.

While Wanda is the only survivor, we’d understand why Peter would be jealous of her admission to the team given the circumstances. This doesn’t appear to be the case, as Far From Home finds Peter wanting to take a break from crime-fighting, but you never know: deep down, Peter may harbor the teeniest bit of resentment, which gives the meme its humor.

Who’s The Captain Now?

The logic behind this is hilarious: Peter’s entrance to the MCU is the moment he steals Captain America’s shield. It’s really quite an entrance, and for being a young teenager, this is a pretty good first impression considering it portrays a sense of dominance to some degree. Really, how many would dare to snatch Cap’s shield out from under him? Of course, Tony Stark had something to do with it, and Peter was humble about the whole thing, telling Cap how big a fan he is of him in the seconds following the shield’s abduction. Still, this meme echoes the question we were thinking the moment we saw it: who’s the Captain now?


In Far From Home, as Peter makes his way through Customs, he’s held up. For a banana. Aunt May threw in his Spider-Man costume just in case he’d need it (which he obviously did, so thanks to Aunt May’s foresight the world was saved), even when Peter insisted he leave it behind and take a real vacation. In Spider-Man logic, the high-tech powered suit that could be disastrous in the wrong hands is totally okay to go through customs.

The harmless article of fruit, however, poses a serious threat. Who didn’t laugh at this moment? Not to mention Peter’s identity could have been seriously compromised…but miraculously isn’t. We’re still not quite following the logic in that.

Fight For Your Rights

This meme is a play on a scene from Homecoming in which Tony must enforce a rather harsh, but necessary, form of tough love to teach Peter a valuable lesson. Having wanted to so desperately prove himself, Peter has gone over his head and nearly gets a ferry sunk which would have killed many. Luckily Stark steps in to save the day and clean Peter’s mess, but it results in a harsh lesson. Peter loses his suit and must learn to be something without it. Perhaps the studios could refer to this scene and learn their own lesson from it? The meme does have a point.

Yes…No…Homecoming In A Nutshell

The meme is right; this is basically the plot line of Homecoming. Tony tells Peter no, and Peter decides to do it anyway.

We all know this is a rocky journey as Peter has to learn several things the hard way, and nearly loses his suit forever because of it. However, we also know how the movie ends: turns out, Peter learns his lesson and the day is saved in the end. In Spider-Man logic, going behind Iron Man’s back is a good thing. Seems wrong, but also strangely right. So yes…or no?

Limiting The Heroes

This meme is a moment taken from Far From Home, just slightly altered to incorporate the unknown future of Spider-Man, whose story remains hanging in the balance. With Thor off-world, Captain Marvel unavailable, and now Spider-Man potentially out of the picture, the MCU is limiting who will be around to save the day when the time comes. Let’s face it: that time always comes. Just when the world is safe, something throws it right back into peril; ergo, the need for superheroes. In Far From Home logic, Spider-Man was the world’s only hope. Should that logic arise again, and Spider-Man isn’t there to turn to, what would happen then? Spider-Man may be young and (compared to the other heroes) relatively inexperienced, but he still deserves a place. It’s almost cruelly hilarious how the studios don’t appear to see that.

Don’t Mess With Batman

This is meme gold. While Michael Keaton does play a villain in Homecoming, he also played a hero back in 1989: Batman. Yes, before Christian Bale, there was another Batman. In Spider-Man logic, they’ve managed to sneak in one of the most beloved heroes of all-time and make him a villain for their own story line. We love it. Besides, Spider-Man against Batman?

Who wasn’t thinking that when we watched the battle unfold between these two? It’s hilarious how things work out in casting, sometimes.

What Is That Noise?

The Spider-Man logic is hilarious in this particular meme because it’s so similar to Iron Man’s logic. Perhaps Peter’s picking up more than just superhero tips from his mentor. Their explanations are so unbelievable they’re actually believable (if that makes sense). Tony can play it cool (whereas Peter plays it more awkwardly), but the two both seem to think along the same lines by way of excuses. We find that awesome. Plus, who doesn’t want to copy their excuses? Next time someone asks you what the heck that noise is, you’re either driving with the top down or you’re at band practice. Fun and simple.

How Do You Take Your Coffee?

This meme is hilarious because it references a characteristic of Peter’s that’s adorable, frankly. Peter likes to pretend he’s tougher than he really is. This is evident in the parking garage scene in Homecoming where he uses his suit to deepen his voice to sound scarier and intimidating. The criminal sees right through it. Honestly, everyone does. Peter’s just too nice of a guy. Sweet, smart and awkward, Peter’s just not the scary or intimidating type. We actually love that about him. He can get the job done and still maintain kindness and politeness at the same time. How many heroes can do that? So yeah, it’s obvious he doesn’t drink his coffee “dark and bitter.”