Shazam became one of the latest entries in Warner Bros.’ ongoing DC film franchise as Zachary Levi brought the iconic superhero to life on the big screen. The adventures of Billy Batson (Asher Angel) being granted the powers to become the DC icon became an instant hit with audience members. A sequel is already in development that will continue the adventures of Billy and his Shazam family.

With superhero movies like this one, come a fandom that provides hilarious fan-art and memes to extend the overall enjoyment. Some may connect it with other franchises because of funny similarities. It didn’t take long for Shazam to already gain several memes that have surfaced all over the Internet. Just like with any TV show, film, book, video game series, there are certain things to make fun of, all in good spirit. With that said, it’s time to look at the 10 most hilarious memes that true Smallville fans will appreciate.

From Chuck-o to Shazam-o (a la From Zero to Hero)

While Levi is now best known for his role as the legendary DC Comics hero, the actor will also always be seen as Chuck Bartowski of Chuck. The story about your everyday nerd who would become a superspy in the coolest and most complicated way ever.

The series was never afraid to highlight Chuck’s inner nerd. If we had to take a wild guess, Shazam would probably be one of the heroes that Chuck would wish to be.

Alternative Civil War

It is known that there is a complicated story between Marvel and DC when it comes to the Captain Marvel name. To make a long story short, Billy Batson has a history with that name, but it’s now more associated with Carol Danvers in the Marvel universe.

However, if that had to be the plot of something like Captain America: Civil War, we could see it.

The Captain Marvel Name War

Even though Carol has the name, there are still fans who will debate about Billy being the “true” or “real” Captain Marvel.

Is there really a point for this debate to exist? Probably not. But it’s always hilarious to see whenever new people discovering the two characters and the complicated name-history.

How to Super

Man of Steel and Shazam had their respective ways of showing young heroes handling their super-powers. For Clark Kent, he had to be careful with using his gifts in public as it was always a big risk. Billy, however, didn’t hold back the minute he got his powers.

Why keep something this amazing a secret? If only Clark and Billy had been able to meet one another when they were both teenagers, just to see if Billy could convince the last son of Krypton to do it his way.


It’s not unheard of actors to go from playing Marvel roles to DC ones and wise verse. In the case of Sam Raimi’s Spider-Man franchise, we had J.K. Simmons and Willem Dafoe make it into the DC films as Commissioner Gordon and Vulko respectively. As perfect as Levi is as Shazam, what if Tobey Maguire had gotten the role?

Remember that moment in the first Spider-Man film when he was throwing out catch-phrases, one being Shazam, as he was trying to get a swing of his web-shooting? In an alternative universe, that film probably ended with Peter becoming Shazam instead.

Lack of Secret Identity

People who think Clark Kent has a weak secret identity with just glasses should probably think about Billy’s way of hiding his identity. His biggest appealing character trait is the fact that Shazam is really a teenage boy underneath that costume.

Still, that doesn’t justify Billy lacking the ability to be subtle about it. Even if it would take some time to get a name, any smart person should realize that maybe this adult man isn’t what he appears to be.

 The Shazam/Venom Crossover We Deserved

What did Shazam and Venom have in common? Having hilarious (and somewhat insane) scenes in a convenience store.

While Marvel and DC crossovers on the big-screen are probably many years away from ever becoming a reality, this meme already staged the perfect crossover between those films. Who would actually win though between Billy and Eddie Brock (Tom Hardy) in a showdown?

Overwhelmed Billy

It is perfectly understandable for a teenage boy like Billy to be freaked out with the knowledge bomb that the Wizard dropped on him.

In Billy’s defense, he handled it better than probably most teenagers would in the real world. Even for any adult, it would be a handful to get all that information dropped on you if a magical wizard with powers found you and explains why you’re the only one who can save the world.

How To Actually Tackle Negativity

Negative thoughts and energy are not good for anyone as it’s a universal Kryptonite. Everyone tackles negativity differently, to say the least.

But if it could be as simple as Doctor Sivana (Mark Strong) makes it look in this meme, life would certainly be a lot of easier. Although Sivana getting super-powers didn’t exactly take him to a positive place either.

The Actual Captain Marvel/Shazam Crossover We Want

Levi and Captain Marvel herself, Brie Larson, didn’t get competitive because of the whole name-history mess. While some fans were busy pitting the two movies against each other, Larson and Levi didn’t let that get to them. Whether or not there will ever be a day when it’s made perfectly clear that you can love both DC and Marvel, remains to be seen, but we’re hopeful.

When it comes to DC/Marvel crossovers, if there were ever to be one between Shazam and Captain Marvel, this meme demonstrates perfectly how it should go down when they first meet each other. The chances of a crossover like that ever taking place are slim to none. But weirder things have happened so never say never.