We live in a day and age where if you’re going to put something out there, you might want to think twice because the Internet will roast you into oblivion. No movie, TV show, celebrity, or ordinary Joe is safe from being the target of endless hilarious memes, whether they are good or bad - Sony and Baby Yoda will attest to that. One of the most recent targets of this cultural phenomenon was the movie Cats, based on Andrew Lloyd Webber’s classic and beloved stage play.

Once the trailer reached the Internet, reactions were quick to flood social media platforms. And now that the movie finally hit theatres, the memes just keep on coming! Whether you loved the movie or didn’t even have the will to watch yet, we’ve compiled a list of 10 Cats memes that will make you laugh out loud. Keep reading to find the most hilarious reactions that this all-star movie has created all across the web!

Someone Really Wasn’t Having It

What sparked the Internet-wide outrage about the movie weren’t the songs or the plot which, for the most part, remained incredibly faithful to the original source material. What made everyone extremely uncomfortable was watching Judi Dench, Taylor Swift, Jason Derulo, and more being turned into CGI versions of a human-cat hybrid.

Once the trailer dropped, some people were laughing, others were rolling their eyes…and some, we’re sure actually had tears in their eyes and were screaming in fear. This meme just puts it out there and honestly, we can relate.

Have We Seen This Before?

Do you remember back in 2003 when the movie The Cat In The Hat hit theatres? We’re pretty sure that trainwreck of a movie somehow inspired the 2019 version of Cats because this wasn’t the first time a movie attempted to break the barrier between humans and cats and failed miserably.

Twitter user @suszannastar_ called it first when she realized James Corden’s character, Bustopher Jones, actually looked like the cat in the hat’s evil twin brother. Now you can unsee it, so…you’re welcome?


Leave it to the Internet to take something that is already somewhat questionable and blow it into even more horrible proportions. Okay, we can all pretty much universally agree that the CGI in the movie isn’t exactly the best thing to come out of Hollywood. Actually, it’s pretty far from it.

But yikes, it wasn’t quite as bad as what it’s depicted in this meme! But memes are nothing if not exaggerations, and friends, this one hits the nail in the head. It’s pure comedy and somewhat reminiscent of The Annoying Orange. Too far? Sorry, you can’t unsee it again!

Pretty Sure Actual Cats Wouldn’t Be Too Happy

There were many instances in our lives where we wished with a burning passion that our pets could talk. Can you just take a minute to imagine how incredible that would be? Not a single soul on this planet would be lonely again, and finally understanding what is going through their minds would be amazing.

But the point is - if actual cats could talk, what would they say about the 2019 movie? We have a pretty good guess, and the person that came up with this meme did too! Why, just…why?

Shots Fired!

We’re not sure why Hollywood feels the need to consistently come up with remakes of movies that were already amazing in the first place. And we’re not even talking about animation movies getting a live-action, because that’s actually pretty epic. It’s just this notion of trying to fix something that’s not broken we can’t quite understand.

Because more often than not, the remakes are a lot worse than the original. But hey, at least this whole ordeal makes for some pretty good memes, right? Case in point - this one.

So Wrong, It’s Right

We don’t know whether to laugh or cry at this meme, because it’s so unbelievably on point it actually hurts. It’s no secret that the Snapchat filter that allows users to face-swap has given birth to some of the Internet’s most prominent abominations.

Now, here’s the question we simply need answers to - did the people involved in making Cats have the idea for that cringe-worthy CGI by face-swapping with their cats? If so, who among them thought it was a million-dollar idea? We’re pretty sure the poor pets are not to blame for this. Answers, people, we need answers!

Area 51 Sounds Like A Pretty Horrible Idea

Remember when the Internet came together in a beautiful display of union with the aim of storming Are 51 and rescuing the aliens? It seems like it’s been ages, but it’s only been a few months.

No aliens were found, but after seeing this meme, we’re pretty happy that that’s how the raid went down. Let’s all just hope and pray really hard that the CGI versions of the actors in Cats stay on the screens.

What Happened Here?

We’ve already been through how hilarious the reactions to the first trailer of the movie were, but we just can’t let this list go out into the world without including a few more. Because this one, in particular, is just the perfect mixture between sad and funny.

We just can’t understand how so many people involved in a single project let this one slide. Did they blow the entire budget on the actors’ salaries? Did they actually think those special effects looked great? Were they honestly cursed by a witch? The Internet needs to know!

Hold My Milk

It seems like only yesterday the Internet was rising in uproar against the first trailer of the Sonic movie that dropped. In fact, people were so angry, the entire team behind the movie actually went back and animated the whole thing again.

In hindsight, seeing the movie Cats, perhaps the original Sonic wasn’t that bad, you know? At least he looked like an animal and not some 21st-century deranged version of Frankenstein’s monster. Just some food for thought.


Sorry, sorry, but we simply had to include another one of these. It’s pretty self-explanatory, but we just know that this one is sure to get a few terrifies giggles out of you.

Let’s just all be thankful that Jennifer Hudson actually sings like an angel and managed to do justice to what is perhaps one of the most hauntingly beautiful tracks in the entire world. Too bad they made her look like a slightly less cross-eyed version of this meme, though!

Next: 10 Savage Tweets About The New CGI Cats Movie