For decades, the Lord of the Rings books and their subsequent movies have left an enduring legacy on pop culture. Further proof of this is the Lord of the Rings fan art that’s been circulating on the Internet.

While some of it’s serious, there are quite a few fan art photos that poke fun at the Lord of the Rings’ story or combine it with something else for the sake of humor. Of course, it’s all in good fun and not meant to make the franchise look bad. So here are arguably the most hilarious Lord of the Rings fan art photos out there.

Hobbits To Isengard - By albinonial

One of the Lord of the Rings movie lines that’s been turned into a meme is from The Two Towers when Legolas tells Aragorn and Gimli that the Uruk-hai are taking Merry and Pippin to Isengard. So we get fan art like this one by albinonial which replaces some of the characters with ones from the anime Hetalia: Axis Powers that personifies all the world’s countries.

The characters on display are the Roman Empire Italy and Romano (aka Southern Italy) who replace Aragorn Merry and Pippin. Meanwhile, Spain France and Prussia replace the Uruk-hai which is hilarious since they’re known as the Bad Touch Trio.

Realities Of An RPG’er: Xp Hogs - By Travis Hanson

RPGs, or Role-Playing Games, come in a variety of forms whether they’re physically played on boards or electronically through video games. But almost every fantasy-themed RPG out there is arguably influenced by Lord of the Rings, though especially Dungeons & Dragons. 

Hence this cartoon by Travis Hanson where it shows two characters of the Fighter and Monk classes walking away from a third character resembling Gandalf. The joke here is that it references Gandalf’s defeat of the Balrog, but it’s phrased like an RPG scenario. Particularly, where a player defeats a Boss-level adversary and takes all the experience points (or XP).

Lord Of The Rings - By  NekoCat17

Besides Gandalf, other popular characters from the Lord of the Rings franchise include Aragorn and Legolas. They are not only similar due to being the heirs of particular kingdoms, but also different in terms of their personalities. 

While Legolas comes across as the ‘pretty boy’ due to his fine features, Aragorn is seen as more rugged by comparison. Thus, it leads artists like NekoCat17 to imagine that Legolas is vain about his looks while Aragorn is down-to-earth. But what makes this picture hilarious is the urgency of the situation and the fact that they’re fighting over one sword.

It’s Still Count Only As One - By the-evil-legacy

Among the greatest duos in cinematic history, the one that arguably doesn’t get enough credit is Legolas and Gimli. Initially not trusting each other because of the animosity between their respective races, they form a close friendship by the end of the Lord of the Rings film trilogy.

Though between these two points, they find themselves competing over the number of kills in battle. A famous example happens in The Return of the King where Legolas slays an Oliphaunt single-handedly though Gimli tries to make it seem less impressive. It’s a funny scene in of itself, but it’s exaggerated to hilarity in this picture by the-evil-legacy.

Meeting The Parents - By wheeloffortune-design

Just like Frodo and Sam, Gimli and Legolas have become subject to fan shipping due to them being dynamic opposites that still manage to get along. So this picture that wheeloffortune-design created depicts the two as a gay couple who are meeting each other’s fathers.

The humor in this picture comes from the reactions of their fathers, with Thranduil looking unimpressed by Gimli’s presence while Glóin is mildly irritated at seeing Legolas. But the latter’s reaction is clearly the punchline since Legolas met Glóin during the Hobbitmovies. Namely, The Desolation of Smaug where Legolas was initially hostile toward the Dwarves. 

Finding HP In LOTR - By Disneyfreak007

Besides Lord of the Rings, another popular fantasy franchise that’s still loved by fans today is Harry Potter. So naturally, people have compared the two leading to funny pictures such as Disneyfreak007’s one here.

Not only is Frodo’s reaction hilarious in of itself, but so is Gandalf’s statement where he refers to the One Ring as Sauron’s Horcrux. While Horcruxes and the One Ring are not the same things, they serve the same purpose in their respective stories. Namely, being tied to the soul of a great evil that the heroes must destroy in order to be rid of them for good.

Merlin: Lord Of The Crossovers - By blackbirdrose

Prior to Game of Thrones, one of the few fantasy-themed TV series that managed to be successful was the 2008 BBC show, Merlin. A reimagining of the Arthurian legends, it featured younger versions of the main characters including its protagonist in a world that outlaws magic. 

Now since Lord of the Rings was arguably inspired by Arthurian legends among other literary works, it makes sense for someone like blackbirdrose to imagine a crossover between Merlin and Lord of the Rings. Though this picture is especially hilarious due to the miscommunication between Morgana and the Nazgûl while Arthur and Merlin are hiding along with the Hobbits.

Nine Companions - By Choppic

Among the most unforgettable scenes from The Fellowship of the Ring movie was Frodo deciding to take the One Ring. This, in turn, inspired the other characters to accompany him, with Aragorn Legolas and Gimli even pledging their weapons to Frodo.

It’s a touching and powerful scene as it shows true loyalty that transcends race as well as safety for oneself. So Choppic decided to parody that notion with this picture that shows the weapons not only being pledged for Frodo’s sake but also physically given to him. Though the punchline is that no one wants to go with Frodo.

Legolas And The Bop-It - By pikapikashuichi

Back in the 1990s and early 2000s, one of the most popular children’s toys was the Bop-It. Still made today, it became known for its loudness and difficulty as a rhythm game.

So it’s a hilarious idea to have Lord of the Rings characters playing with a Bop-It as this comic by pikapikashuichi demonstrates. This is mainly due to the contrast of having an electronic device in a fantasy world, though Legolas’ priceless reaction is great too. It’s both a fitting reaction to the device itself and matches Legolas’ ignorant behavior when it comes to human-related things.

Pretty Punny Pippin - By Kumama

Though Lord of the Rings is littered with funny moments to help break up the seriousness of the overall story, the characters that arguably provide the most laughs are Merry and Pippin. Because even while they develop as characters throughout the trilogy, they make light of their situations with good-natured humor.

With that said, there are some instances where this kind of humor may seem inappropriate which makes this picture Kumama created hilariously. In context, Frodo has been stabbed by a Nazgûl so Aragorn tells Pippin to get the King’s Foil herb to soothe Frodo’s pain. Instead, Pippin brings back tin foil with a crown on top.