As a DC Comics character, the Joker has always been insanely popular. But ever since the new movie starring Joaquin Phoenix has hit theaters, it seems like the Joker mania is stronger than ever. And while we’ve seen pretty much every iteration of what the character is in the minds of different actors, writers, and artists, there will probably be many more portrayals to come, and many more interpretations to be made in upcoming years.

The good thing about a fantastic character that gets resurrected every so often in the entertainment world, is that fans simply can’t wait until they get their hands on the new content to give it a hilarious spin. Plus, just because the Joker is such a dark character, it doesn’t mean people shouldn’t be allowed to have their fun with it. With that in mind, let’s take a look at ten hilarious Joker memes that will make you laugh out loud—almost as loud as the clown Prince of crime himself!

Who Will Win?

Disclaimer: we mean absolutely no disrespect to Jared Leto’s portrayal of the timeless villain. As we’ve mentioned before, each artist, be it a writer or an actor, will have a different perspective of how the character should behave. But die hard fans of Heath Ledger’s version in The Dark Knight simply couldn’t help themselves.

Granted, Leto’s Joker is completely different from Ledger’s. But that’s much preferable to an actor trying to replicate another actor’s work, right? Either, way, whether you love them both, or hate them completely, there’s no denying the meme is pretty funny. Mostly because all the versions of the Joker love…jokes!

It Was That Horrible Dentist!

Shout out to all the brave should who have endured, are currently enduring, or will eventually endure the pains and challenges of getting braces. It’s not fun, it’s not cute, and it hurts. A lot. Enough to give you both psychological and physical scars for a lifetime.

We never really get to know how Heath Ledger’s Joker got his scars, and that’s part of what makes the character so compelling. Keeping the mystery alive, and all that jazz. Either way, it’s pretty funny to imagine the villain getting his signature scars due to botched job of dentistry. Pray for that dentist, though.

A New Meme Is Born

If you speak Internet, chances are, you’re pretty familiar with memes in general. Even if you’re not, there are some memes that become so incredibly popular, it’s impossible to escape them - sometimes even in real life. A great example of this is the Pikachu surprised face, that has been used in thousands of memes thus far.

But then comes a new one, better and more exciting, ready to take his place. We’re not sure who was the mastermind behind the replacement of Pika’s face with Joaquin Phoenix’s Joker, but props. We can sense a new trend forming, and it will soon flood all the social media channels one can imagine.

Life Is A Rollercoaster - Just Go With It

What’s even funnier that a dentist who doesn’t know how to do his job properly? A woman on a rollercoaster so scared that she uses someone else’s face as a means to convey her terror. We’re not sure who we feel bad for - the lady, the poor guy having his face nearly slashed, or both.

Truly, the mystery of Joker’s scars was a brilliant move on Nolan’s part when he brought the character to his series of Batman movies. Mostly because it allowed the Internet to produce quality content like the meme we see above.

Nope, Nope, Nope…Cool!

There are many times when Joker is not a mood. When he is kidnapping innocent people, killing innocent people, plotting to hurt innocent people…you get the gist. Murder and crime are horrible, and while that’s something that goes without saying, we’ll put it out there nonetheless.

But there are other times when Joker can actually be a major mood, and his facial expressions come in handy to describe pretty much every single one of us when it comes to work. Especially the third one.

I’m Not Sure About This McDonald’s

You know what, it seems a little selfish that the Joker gets dozens of portrayals in the form of movies, comics, and television shows, and Ronald McDonald, the mascot behind one of the most delicious fast-food franchises in the entire world, doesn’t even get an origin story. Not even as a straight to DVD movie.

We can’t blame anyone for accidentally mistaking Joaquin’s Joker for the lovable clown, though. The makeup surely is on point. But please people, don’t take your kids to see the movie - trust us, it’s not about Big Macs and sundaes.


We would like to ask everyone to join us and begin a petition for the makeup artists behind Joker’s look in The Dark Knight to begin their own YouTube channels and start filming tutorials.

It seems only fair that all of us get to look this dashing. You know, just a little something to go to grocery store. Just a simple look to buy apples. 10/10 guarantee you’ll find the man of your dreams! Who could possibly resist?

Drinks Are On The House!

Joker being a mood yet again! Let’s be real here - who amongst us hasn’t take happy hour a little too far? You know, you go out with your co-workers or your friends, the beers keep on coming, everybody is laughing and joking about how they got their braces scars…and the bam! All of a sudden, you’re in full clown makeup.

Never happened to you? That’s because you don’t understand the true meaning of happy hour. We encourage you to try - just make sure to pack the red lipstick and green paint with you.

Chandler! Bing!

It’s pretty much universal consensus at this point that Joaquin Phoenix deserves all of the awards we as a society can bestow upon an artist for his unbelievable performance as the Joker. The man is a walking, talking, breathing masterpiece of an actor. And that laughter? We still get the chills.

But picture this - every time he laughs, it sounds like Janice. Go ahead, do it. We still can’t decide whether that makes the movie even creepier of just pure genius. We’ll just have to wait for the Internet to do its thing.

That’s Not How You Do It

Last but certainly not least, we introduce to you what we think is the most spot on theory for how the Joker got his scars. it’s certainly the most believable one! If you ever tried to eat one of these bad boys, you know exactly what we’re talking about.

They’re delicious and sugary, but they make you work for it. And then you suddenly can’t feel your tongue anymore. The most ambitious amongst us might try to pull a Joker and stuff them horizontally in our mouths. Warning: do not attempt this at home, you might become the Clown Prince of Popsicles.

Next: Joker: 10 Essential Films To Watch Next