Sci-fi comedy animation Futurama is often seen as the underrated sibling of The Simpsons. Also created by Matt Groening the show ran for 7 seasons, following the adventures of frozen in time pizza delivery boy Fry and the quirky crew of the Planet Express delivery ship. Its humor is more adult in places and it’s setting much quirkier.

While it didn’t gain the huge following The Simpsons has, Futurama holds a special place in many fans’ hearts. The outcry was so huge when it was canceled, that it briefly returned for some follow up tv movies, giving us all a reminder of how much we loved the show.

Of course, with every great show, there also come great memes and Futurama is one of the most memeable shows around. Here we take a look at the very best.

Take It All

The “shut up and take my money” meme is probably one of the most well recognized of all Futurama memes. Fry is an incredibly memeable guy and this line is one of his most memorable. Very relatable and understandable, the meme has so many uses you’ll often see it on forums especially.

As expected there are also many variations, often making franchise cross overs by dressing Fry as an alternative character and changing the word money. However, the original is still the best, which is why it makes this list.

Zapp Not Listenigan

While many memes focus on the Planet Express crew it wouldn’t be a meme list without at least one crazy side-character. One of the best is Zapp Brannigan, famous for his womanizing and inability to pay attention to anything that isn’t about him.

This meme sums up Zapp perfectly, while also capturing those moments when we tune out what others are saying. Relatable and useful this is a meme with many applications. Just make sure you don’t employ it too often or your loved ones won’t appreciate it!

Good News Everyone

Admit it, you also read the header in his voice didn’t you? Professor Farnsworth is the leader of the Planet Express crew and an inventor with somewhat limited success. However, the thing he does have is a great catchphrase and a distinctive voice.

Many Futurama fans don’t even need to see the picture in order to read the infamous phrase in his voice. Some have even been known to say it out loud, in a really terrible impression. The idea that this phenomenon is actually his invention? It’s my new reality.

That Simpsons Shade

You’ll probably recognize this face of Fry’s. It’s another which has been immortalized in literally hundreds of different memes. We could write a whole list just of memes that use it and still have many to spare.

While it’s difficult to choose just one, this image perfectly captures the feelings of many Futurama fans after the show’s cancellation. No one knew if they should be sad or relieved, especially as the show went out on a high. No offense to The Simpsons, well maybe just a little.

Leela Of Little Comedy

Leela is much loved but simply not as memeable as Fry. This image captures it perfectly, playing off the well known Fry meme, while also making a terrible eye-related pun.

It’s certainly not the classiest joke around but it is funny. Eye am sure Leela wouldn’t mind, after all, it’s far from the only cyclops joke we’ve heard at this point.

Where’s The Blackjack?

Bender is a robot of simple needs. He likes to drink liquor and voice his opinions, loudly. He frequently announces that he is going to start his own things, and usually they involve blackjack and hookers.

This take on those immortal words once again refers to the show’s cancellation but also brings in that other much-loved and canceled sci-fi favorite, Firefly. This is one meme we wish were true. Please make it happen Bender.

You Should Feel Bad

This meme shows the moment everyone’s favorite crustacean, Zoidberg, becomes a heckler. If you want to express your dislike of something, this meme has you covered.

Using the original “and you should feel bad” ending, there are once again many versions of this meme online. If you’ve ever wanted to heckle Futurama style this is the meme for you. Just don’t post it too often or you might turn into a troll.

Where’s My Phone?

Gigantic Bender trying to be sneaky is still one of the funniest moments in the show. Fry’s seemingly genuine bafflement just increases the humor.

This meme not only reminds us of that great moment but it’s truly relatable. How many of you have put your phone down in a dumb but obvious place and spent far too long searching for it? I know I have. This meme is for us all.

Meme Stealing

Bender is not known for his honesty and that’s reflected in this perfect meme that implies he stole a bunch of memes. The fact he gets angry if someone else steals then steals them from him? Also so relatable.

Don’t you people know how hard it is to find and reblog, repin or otherwise collect all those memes from other people? It’s not like memes are just found absolutely everywhere on the internet you know. Oh wait, hang on a minute, what’s this article about again?

We All Need Zoidberg

When making a list of memes I inevitably needed another Futurama meme and Zoidberg provided. Yet again Futurama shows its versatility as this is another image you will no doubt recognize.

The classic phrase “Why not Zoidberg?” is a memorable line and an even more memorable meme. Everyone’s favorite Doctor, unless they are actually ill in any way, likes to pose this question a lot. Here it is immortalized in meme form for all, along with countless other questions you never knew the phrase could answer.