In a time when people all around the world were going crazy over supernatural related entertainment, Teen Wolf reached our screens. It’s obvious that phenomenons such as the Twilight saga and the slightly more R-rated True Blood came into light, fans everywhere were aching for more. And television networks were quick to deliver, including with shows that soon became a fan-favorite for many younger people out there.

Teen Wolf was the kind of guilty pleasure which everyone loves to hate and hates to love. Over the course of the six seasons it lasted, the show gave us everything we could hope for. High school drama, teenage romance, brutal fight scenes, all against the backdrop of a Buffy The Vampire Slayer-inspired small town. While it all began with werewolves, as the show gained popularity and some extra budget, other supernatural elements were added. And, even though the show it’s over, it’s definitely worth revisiting the characters that were so important for so many fans. With that in mind, let’s take a look at ten details you might have missed about the main characters on Teen Wolf!

The Origin Of Scott’s Tattoo

The funny thing about Tyler Posey, the actor who plays the main protagonist of the show, is that he actually auditioned for the role of Jacob Black in the first Twilight movie. And even though he lost out to fellow actor Taylor Lautner, he soon went on to play another werewolf and become the teen idol for many avid fans.

Of course, Tyler had everything one expects to find in a teen idol, including extensive tattoos that add to the whole bad boy look. But, even though these tattoos looked very good on Tyler, they didn’t exactly fit the character of Scott, especially not when we first meet him! Covering all of them up took the makeup team so long, that they decided to stop covering the double band tattoo on his arm and make it a part of Scott’s character. It wasn’t added for the purpose of the show!

Stile’s Name

Teen Wolf did a great job of introducing a whole new audience to a fresh batch of marvelous, talented, and charismatic actors. None checks all of these boxes quite like Dylan O’Brien, who played the lovable best friend and hilarious comic relief, Stiles. In fact, he was so greatly catapulted into stardom he was nearly completely absent from the last season of the show in order to fil his Maze Runner box-office hits.

One of the longest-running secrets on the show was Stile’s actual name. He never told it to anyone, and, up until the very end, only his father knew what it was. While it was finally revealed as Mieczyslaw Stilinski, the showrunners made a small mistake when showing for the first time briefly on a PTA meeting, since it’s clearly not the same. Oops!

Don’t Go Chasing Scott McCall

When you play with fire, you do tend to get burned. And, even though werewolves aren’t exactly fire, one could argue that they are a million times worse, and even more dangerous. Of course, they scarcely compare to many other antagonists that eventually made their way to the show, but still, best to stay away. It’s best to not pursue a romantic relationship with them.

Obviously, one of the most engaging parts of a show like Teen Wolf will always be the romantic connections and relationships, but a case could be made that perhaps Scott shouldn’t be a gal’s first choice. Especially considering that his first true love, Allison, died, and Kira also left him eventually. This was due to the actresses wanting to leave the show, but if we look solely into the show’s universe, maybe love is just really hard for a werewolf.

Lydia’s Screams

Lydia was arguably one of the characters with the best character development. She began as your typical high school queen bee type who lives for nothing but makeup and dating the hottest guy around. However, she developed into a much more complex person as her arc went on, and she eventually became one of the most well-liked of the show’s main cast.

Of course, one of the biggest advancements in this was finding out she was actually a banshee. You know, the kind of creature that can crack your skull with the power of her screams? Well, as it turns out, the screams were fake. It was revealed that, while the ones from season 2 were all from actress Holland Roden, from then on they were all taken from the bank she managed to amass throughout the years. Quite impressive, actually!

Allison’s Teenage Years

It’s hard to know what to expect from a show like Teen Wolf, especially in the beginning. Like in many shows of the sort, usually when someone dies, they don’t really stay dead. It’s a good way to keep things dramatic but still somewhat hopeful and light-hearted. But when the actress who played Allison died, it was for good.

In fact, it actually makes sense that the actress would want out. Actress Crystal Reed was already 28 years old when the first season of the show came along, and she was supposed to be playing a 16/17-year-old high-school girl. While it’s common practice to have adults play actual teenagers, we really can’t blame her for wanting out in order to pursue more mature roles considering her teenage years were already behind her.

Double Names

If there’s one thing we can’t accuse Teen Wolf writers of is having lack of imagination and creativity. You can’t come up with six seasons of a show that always involves new enemies and some sort of mythical lore without being blessed with some serious mental muscles, especially when going from just werewolves to full-on banshees and ancient demons.

However, maybe because they were so focused on bringing the creative points onto the actual narrative, the writers slacked-off a bit when it comes to naming their characters… or they just completely exhausted their ability when naming Stiles. Either way, when all it’s said and done, the truth is that the show had two Tylers, two Dylans, two Codys, and two Ians. Sounds a bit repetitive, but fans probably didn’t even notice.

The Initials Tribute

It’s always heartbreaking when we lose a character that we love and have invested so much time and energy on. Whether it’s in a movie, a book, or a TV show, we’re always left with a sense of emptiness and grief over this fictional human that meant so much to us. Allison Argent was one of those characters, and her death dug deep into the hearts of the fans.

Especially because they always held on to the hope of having her brought back like many others before her. However, that wasn’t Crystal’s wish, and both fans and characters alike mourned her deeply. In order to pay tribute to his first love, when the seniors are carving their names on the library bookshelf, Scott also carves Allison’s. It’s a very small moment, but incredibly meaningful.

Scott’s Everywhere

You can’t have Teen Wolf without a teenager werewolf, and you can’t have a teenage werewolf without a Scott McCall. Scott was one of those characters you could see fans arguing about quite a lot on social media and blogs. Some loved him, some hated him, others found him boring and just didn’t care for the character one bit.

But it doesn’t matter how you feel; the show is called Teen Wolf, and it centers around Scott McCall’s life. None of the other beloved characters would have existed without him in the first place, so it’s quite understandable that he is a huge part of the show—so much so that over the course of the entire show, Scott was the only character that appeared in every single episode of the show! Did you realize that or not so much?

What’s In An (Unscripted) Kiss?

Allison and Scott were the first couple people were really rooting for on Teen Wolf. But if you’ve ever been part of a fandom, then you know that usually the couples who tend to inspire more devotion and love from the fans, are those who aren’t actually… well… couples. You know those characters that have so much chemistry, and people are just dying for them to get together, but they never do? That was Stiles and Lydia up until the very last moment.

These two were the definition of a slow burn, and all that fans got over the course of six seasons before Stiles came back was a peck on the cheek and an actual kiss when she was trying to calm him down. Remember the look of surprise on her face when Stiles kissed her cheek? Well, that wasn’t acting; Dylan actually improvised it. Just adds to the cuteness!

Foreshadowing Everywhere

Teen Wolf knew exactly how to keep things fresh and interesting. Well, sure, initially it was all about werewolves and hunters. But, as the show progressed, fans were introduced to more and more supernatural elements. If you think about it, you’ll realize that each season actually had its specific theme and followed a set number of antagonists from a certain origin.

But the coolest thing about this is the small little details the showrunners left at the end of each season foreshadowing what would happen next. Because of the time in-between seasons, fans probably forgot the last scene they say, but, in truth, it was all there. For instance, the firsts season’s ending shows Jackson being bitten, foreshadowing him as the Kanima in the second season. The season 2 finale shows the pack sign on the burned hale house door, foreshadowing the alpha pack is coming to town, and so on!