Miss Americana is Taylor Swift’s most recent documentary where she shares details about her life, along with footage of her performances. It takes fans behind the scenes and into her mind as she divulges some close kept secrets. Fame doesn’t bring happiness and Swift shares the journey she took to bring some into her own life.

Fans took to Twitter to share their feelings about this film, and many will tug at your own heartstrings. They shared their reactions to the film and the impact it currently has on their own lives. Keep reading to learn about 10 heartfelt Twitter reactions to Taylor Swift’s Miss Americana.

Lessons Can Be Learned

This user saw the documentary as a learning experience that we all can relate to in our own lives. Many of us struggle with the idea that approval must come from others in order for us to be successful and feel wanted.

Swift unwraps this modern-day ideal in her documentary and shares her journey as she figured out how to love herself. This is a recurring lesson that comes up throughout life as we transition from school to work environments, which is why it was so great she included this in her documentary.

Heartbreak Hurts

Taylor Swift understands the meaning of heartbreak as her list of exes is long. She shared these words in her documentary that many of us can relate to, especially if we are undergoing a breakup.

This fan felt their heartfelt reaction as Swift’s words hit home in their heart. It made them feel less alone as they began to understand that famous or not, pain is universal and it takes time to recover.

Artists Were Inspired

Some choose to convey their feelings through words, while others use their artistic talents to tell a story. This Twitter user created a piece of art that speaks volumes about the impact that the documentary had on them as a person.

The inspiration is evident as Taylor became their muse following the completion of the film. It is this reaction that she had hoped to gain from her audience as she led the way for others to accept who they are and focus on their personal talents.

Emotions Ran High

This Twitter user found themselves on an emotional rollercoaster as Swift took fans through her highs and lows. It left fans with goosebumps as her raw emotion put them on edge, but also had them reflecting back on their own lives.

Tears were a common theme among viewers as Swift laid her heart out for everyone to see and discussed some prominent issues she faced in her career. It was obvious she put a lot of time and effort into the documentary, and it left a huge impression on her fans.

Swift Makes The Rules

Swift pointed out some key points during the film that left fans shocked and in awe of her confidence. She is a strong and independent woman who deserves to make the rules, and this persona was on full display.

Fans couldn’t get enough of this side of Swift following the terrible things she had been through because it was epic. This Twitter user shared this heartfelt gif in response and many of her fans couldn’t agree more with this sentiment.

Body Positivity Issues Exist

Many think that Taylor Swift has no reason to doubt her own body. Unfortunately, this is not the case as she discussed several body positivity issues within the documentary and the steps she took to eradicate these thoughts.

Fans took her words to heart as she literally said she was done with those negative thoughts, and we couldn’t agree more. Most of what we face is a mental battle as the media gives us unrealistic ideals. This Twitter user has the right idea as they plan to take these vibes into the new year.

Tears Were Mandatory

The goal of a documentary is to educate the audience on a certain topic and garner an emotion that will help bring about a change. Taylor Swift achieved this as tears were flowing freely throughout the film as several viewers found themselves needing a box of tissues.

Many wondered how many times it was acceptable to cry throughout the film as Swift struck home with several viewers. This tweet was sure to bring a smile to Taylor’s face as she achieved her goal of creating a conversation about certain topics.

Her Cats Made An Appearance

Some people watched to see what Taylor had to say, while others watched strictly for some extra views of her cats. She brings them everywhere with her and even has a bag so she can carry them on her back no matter where she goes.

Fans love her pet’s adorable faces and the way she cares for them so deeply. It is no wonder as they have her back no matter what happens with the media. It was not as heartfelt as some other reactions we found, but it was a different sort of emotional tweet that is hard not to love.

Mother-Daughter Relationships Are Key

Taylor Swift loves her mother dearly which is why she was featured in the documentary alongside her daughter. Many fans connected with this sentiment as they watched the film with their own parents. Their dynamic was adorable and loving, which is how they should always be.

Swift even opened up earlier this year that her mother was battling cancer once again, but this time in the form of a brain tumor. Her tour dates were shortened because of this as she revealed that being home was the most important thing, and all we can do is wish her family the best.

It Made Fans Feel Something

Taylor Swift is an inspiration to her fans as she continues to grow as both an artist and a person as she progresses through her career. This fan shared this heartfelt sentiment after watching the documentary as she wanted to both dance and drink her woes away following the end of the film.

It was full of deep confessions and many even responded by saying their opinion of this artist had changed. A truly great documentary invokes these feelings, and Taylor Swift delivered when this film was released.