Harry Potter and Pokémon are both incredibly successful franchises, but also incredibly different. Harry Potter started as a book series and contains a ton of culture when it comes to its European roots. Pokémon, on the other hand, began as a video game series and contains a ton of culture when it comes to Shintoism from its Japanese roots. One is the story of a boy in a magical school while the other is a character catching and battling magical monsters.

However, a lot of people love both of these franchises. Their major commonalities are magic, nostalgia, and their popularity. So here are ten pieces of fan art that combine the two. Please take the time to see the artist profiles as well, especially Lushies-Art, as she created most of the fan art we are listing.

Professor McGonagall

This is part of Lushies-Art’s “Pottermon” collection. The reason her art is featured a lot in this list is that she was creative enough to do a ton of different characters as trainers. She did not just focus on the main trio characters. She gave the teachers of Hogwarts a lot of love too!

The Pokémon she gave to McGonagall are Eevee, Flareon, Jolteon, and Vaporeon from the first generation. This is because Eevee, and its evolution, are associated with cats. While there are cat Pokémon, the artist chose Eevee and its first-gen evolutions instead because they are about adaptability and change, which suits McGonagail since she shape-shifts.


Of course you have to draw the teacher who cares for the magical creatures on campus as a Pokémon trainer! This man would love Pokémon and if he played and got addicted to the games, no one would be surprised.

Lushies-Art gave him a Snubbull, Ariados, and a Shiny Charizard. They are all great choices for his character. Snubbull was chosen because of his dog, Fang. The Ariados is obviously because of Aragog. Then the Charizard is because of Hagrid loving to take care of dangerous creatures like dragons. It’s shiny because he likes creatures that are unique.

Professor Snape

Pokémon can reveal a lot about their trainer, and Lushies-Art put that thought into Snape’s team. Obviously, he has a Serviper which is symbolic of his attachments to Slytherin and Voldemort. The Nosepass is just a bit of a silly choice, as it was purely picked by the artist because of Snape’s prominent nose. Lastly, there is Deerling, because of his grief over Lily’s death and their shared Patronus designs.

An amazing touch in this piece is that Snape is holding a Hyper Potion from the Pokémon series, rather than a potion from Harry Potter.

Fred And George

This piece of Fred and George is adorable, and it has a lot of call-outs to Harry Potter fans in the Pokémon that they have. Lushies-Art gave them a Plusle and Minun because they are twins. Having pair Pokémon just makes sense. Then there is a Ditto, which is a symbol of their trickster-like nature and in the fact that they are identical and many people cannot tell the twins apart.

They sort of have a Charizard. It is made of fireworks! This is a callout to the scene in Harry Potter where the twins chase off Umbridge with a dragon made of fireworks.


Lushies-Art gave Ron a lot of cute Pokémon which include Furret, Ratatta, and Rowlet. If he was to battle, these are not the strongest team, but the artist definitely had her reasons for these choices. The Furret is based on his family name: Weasley. Furret is a weasel Pokémon. The Rowlet is for his pet owl,  Pigwidgeon. Lastly, the Ratatta is for Scabbers. That was his pet rat before it turned out to be a weird man.

Draco Malfoy

Draco has an Ekans, Krabby, and Golem. Like Snape’s Serviper, his Ekans is symbolic of his Slytherin pride.

Lushies-Art actually had a pretty interesting reason for Draco to have a Krabby and Golem. Krabby and Golem are actually symbols of Crabbe and Goyle, Draco’s friends.

Harry Potter

This art of Harry and a Rowlet was done by Aliciane. According to the artist, this fan art was made in anticipation for both the upcoming Sun and Moon Pokémon games as well as the Cursed Child for Harry Potter. So they decided to combine these two excitements into this adorable fan art.

Rowlet is obviously symbolic of Harry’s trusty pet owl, Hedwig.

Luna Lovegood

Luna Lovegood has a Clefairy, Lunatone, Jigglypuff, and Buneary. Like all the others, Lushies-Art’s reasoning for picking these particular Pokémon for this particular character is very solid.

Lunatone is symbolic of Luna’s own name. Buneary is based on her Patronus. Then Clefairy and Jigglypuff are purely for her personality. They also both evolve with Moonstones, so they also are name-themed. Fairy-Type Pokémon definitely seem to suit Luna’s character.


It feels right that the Headmaster himself of Hogwarts would have a legendary Pokémon. Not only that, but the artist choose a legendary that matches with the story of Harry Potter. Moltres is a perfect symbol for Dumbledore’s phoenix, Fawkes.

This is the last piece of Lushies-Art that we are listing. Please, once again, check out her Pottermon gallery. She has way more characters than just the ones we have shared in this list. Other characters she has done include Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, Dudley, Ginny, Harry, Hermione, Neville, and more.


Rather than making them run-of-the-mill trainers, this artist decided to show Pokémon in the Harry Potter world as Patronus.

The artist is WilliamFenholt and he gave Hermione a Buizel Patronus. Obviously, Buizel is an otter Pokémon, so it is perfect for Hermione since she canonically has an otter as her Patronus in the Harry Potter series. Besides Hermione, the artist has also drawn Harry with a Pikachu as his Patronus.