The greatest revelation from the last Game of Thrones episode is that every American household learned that their television’s brightness settings had supposedly been too low this entire time. There are also many other things that this season has yet to reveal. There’s no denying the fact that Game of Thrones likes to take its time when delivering big narrative pay offs. The show has so much mythology and family drama that it’s sometimes difficult to keep up with all of the sub-plots. Season eight has impressively tied up some of the loose threads that date all the way back to season one. However, there’s a few other storylines that need to be resolved. Check out the list to see ten plot lines that Game of Thrones needs to wrap up by the end of season eight!

Cersei’s Baby 

How crazy would it be if Cersei’s baby came out of the womb with blue skin and horns? Bran is the Night King and Cersei’s lover, confirmed. Obviously we’re joking, but the sub-plot revolving around Cersei’s pregnancy needs to be wrapped up. 

There are all sorts of theories surrounding this plot line. One idea viewers keep throwing around is that Cersei may very well be lying about her pregnancy in an effort to manipulate Jaime. Another possibility is that Cersei had initially been lying, but her recent relationship with Euron has resulted in an actual pregnancy. Then there’s the notion that Cersei has been telling the truth the entire time and wants to do whatever it takes to protect her baby. Whichever way this pans out, this storyline has major ramifications for all of the characters in Game of Thrones. It’s safe to say viewers would like to know sooner than later the truth behind Cersei’s pregnancy. 

Bronn The Assassin

How does the saying go? All Bronn and no brains? Well, if Bronn has any brains he’ll realize Cersei’s request to assassinate her brothers seems fishy. 

The plan is ill advised for both Bronn and Cersei. If Bronn chooses to go through with it then he is effectively betraying his two best friends. Conversely, if Bronn ends up defying Cersei’s command he is then an enemy of the crown. The bottom line is that this plot line presents a lot of logic gaps. One can only assume that Cersei knows her assassination plan has a fifty percent chance of success. Someone hiring their brothers’ best friend to kill them inherently welcomes a huge chance for failure. Hopefully this season will quickly reveal Bronn’s decision. 


Cleaganebowl is just like the Super Bowl except that it has a way smaller bracket. Like, Cleaganebowl would only feature two people. Not much of a bracket. Never mind it’s nothing like the Super Bowl. 

Any self-respecting Game of Thrones fan knows the term Cleganebowl. For the uninitiated it refers to the well overdue fight between brothers Sandor Clegane and Gregor Clegane A.K.A. The Hound and The Mountain. Season seven gave fans a teaser when The Hound sees his brother’s Frankenstein-ish looking form for the first time. That moment was basically the most intense stare off in the history of Westeros. Considering the fact that season eight has already delivered some really cool pieces of fan service, it’s safe to assume that Cleganebowl will happen very soon. 

Azor Ahai

Is Ahai pronounced Ahi or Ah-high? We’d like to think Ahi because it’s fun to imagine that the prophecy of Azor Ahi refers to a giant tuna fish god that will eventually restore peace to Westeros. 

In reality, the series claims that Azor Ahai was a legendary knight that had existed eight-thousand years before the show takes place. Supposedly Ahai had been the person to originally forge the sword known as Light Bringer. Legend dictates that Azor Ahai will be reborn in order to wield Light Bringer and rid the world of darkness. Many fans are speculating that Arya is the reborn Azor Ahai due to the fact that she recently defeated The Night King. However, there has been no actual confirmation within the show stating whether or not this is the case. Although the Night King just died, there’s still many other forms of evil within Westeros. Time will tell if Game of Thrones decides to officially bring the Azor Ahai storyline full circle. 

Three-Eyed Raven 

What can be confirmed is that Bran’s purpose as the Three-Eyed Raven is to teleport inside of birds, stare at people and do other…weird stuff. Like sit down, a lot.

What’s clear is that Bran has the power to see into the past and (basically) omnipresently view everything going on in Westeros at the same time. However, what isn’t clear is how Bran’s new title as the Three-Eyed Raven fits into the overall narrative. It’s apparent that the Night King wanted to kill Bran. The question is why did the Night King want to take out Bran? 

It’s still unknown what it is about Bran that’s so significant to the balance of good and evil in Westeros. The recent episode, The Long Night, finally shows Bran and the Night King coming face to face. Yet, this interaction ultimately doesn’t provide any further information regarding Bran’s importance to the mythology of Westeros. There’s a few episodes left and hopefully audiences will finally get to know the true nature of the Three-Eyed Raven.

Tormund and Brienne 

Anyone who says that they don’t ship Trienne (Tormund + Brienne) is lying to themselves. 

The comedic push and pull of Tormund’s infatuation with Brienne is a scene stealer in any given episode. It would admittedly be a shame if Brienne didn’t kiss the guy at least once. Tormund’s crush on Brienne starts off as funny gag. However, it’s actually become a really sweet way of adding a softer side to Tormund. What Tormund says about having children with Brienne is true. Their babies could conquer the world. 

Jaime and Brienne 

Brienne is leaving all the boys in Westeros thirsty. A storyline season eight has brought back into the fold is the complicated relationship between Jaime and Brienne. 

Previous seasons had made it seem like Brienne has unrequited love for Jaime. Yet, season eight is playing with the idea that Jaime might be reciprocating those feelings after all. The episode A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms contains several scenes of the two characters giving each other several glances and having tension filled conversations. It is going to be interesting to see how this drama plays out once Jaime and the rest of Winterfell confront Cersei. 

Tyrion’s Bargain 

It’s a little known secret in Westeros that one must be careful when trying to have a moment of intimacy with their significant other. Especially if it’s on a boat because Tyrion might just be on the other side of the room listening and making a pouty face. 

Season seven shows Jon and Khaleesi finally making love. Tyrion has a look of guilt on his face as this scene takes place. One assumes that Tyrion has made some sort of deal with Cersei regarding either Jon or Khaleesi. The catch is that viewers never actually get to witness the moment where Tyrion bargains with Cersei. So whatever Tyrion and Cersei spoke about can really end up being anything at this point. This is a dangling plot thread that will presumably have a major impact once it’s concluded during the final episodes. 

Night King 

Huge spoiler incoming. Everyone has been warned. ARYA IS THE NIGHT KING. That means when she killed the Night King she also died in the process. That’s an exclusive scoop from

Sorry, we couldn’t resist. The truth of the matter is that Arya, still fully alive, does in fact heroically kill the Night King at the last minute in The Long Knight. Sure the Night King is dead, but we still don’t really know anything about the character. The Night King’s connection to Bran is yet to be fully fleshed out. There have been some moments in previous seasons showing the Children of The Forest creating the Night King. However, none of these scenes reveal the Night King’s true motivations. One can suspect that the show won’t reveal any further information regarding the Night King. But, alas there’s three episodes left and we’re keeping our fingers crossed. 

The Iron Throne 

Let’s be honest. Everyone wants The Hound to sit on the throne. Folks in Westeros would never go hungry because there would be a royal decree for people to eat chicken at least five times a day. 

More seriously, whichever character that ultimately sits on the Iron Throne is what we’ve been wanting to see since day one. Every major player in Game of Thrones has their own reasons and qualities as to why they should be ruling the Seven Kingdoms. Cersei accurately says in season one, “When you play the game of thrones, you win or you die. There is no middle ground.” Game of Thrones is past its mid-point and well into the final stretch. People are ready to see which character has played this game the best. The world is ready to see who is worthy of the Iron Throne.