Redesigns of our favorite characters, whether they’re from Star Wars or any other fandom, using more varied body styles, abilities, races, sexual orientations and other diverse representations, is one of the best results of fanart shared worldwide.

People who’ve never seen someone quite like them in the fandom can enjoy feeling like they’re included for the first time, and people with narrow views are challenged in new ways as they’re invited to appreciate bodies in all forms. In short, it normalizes the human condition in a way that only art can. Sometimes it simply makes our favorite characters cuter, as we can see in these fun renditions of chonky Star Wars characters.

Chunky Yoda

Artist Alex Solis has famously made many adorably fat Star Wars characters, including this version of Yoda after a hamburger. Yoda appears to be in deep concentration as ever while he attempts his latest goal: to sate his hunger. This lunch looks much better than most things we’ve seen on Dagobah, so we’re pretty sure he summoned it with the Force from far away.

Just look at the details on him, from his green toes to his light saber tucked into his belt. Solis has nailed the proportions in this and his other pieces, and the addition of the hamburger is the perfect little tongue in cheek finish.

Fat Ewok

It makes sense for there to be fat hobbits. Not only are there fat bodies in every culture, but Ewoks are also kind of like the furry, albeit a bit more bloodthirsty, versions of hobbits in the Star Wars universe, and many hobbits are naturally chonky, too. We tend to see them as cuddly bears, which is far from the truth, but they just look right with a little pouch like the one artist dsilvabarred drew here.

Admittedly this paunch, combined with the soft fur and dewy eyes, makes us want to hug the “Fat Little Ewok,” as the artist has named it, but we know better. Look at what almost happened to Han and Chewy!

Stormtrooper Cutie

Another creation of Alex Solis, this chonky stormtrooper looks so much less threatening–not just because he’s so round and cute but because he’s also on a lunch break! Like Deadpool, this soldier isn’t about to chase after rebel scum or the resistance when he’s got a hot chimichanga in hand. Or maybe it’s a burrito? Who cares, it’s hot and delicious, which is probably a rarity for stormtroopers working in harsh conditions.

Customary of Solis’s art, this stormtrooper is highly detailed from helmet to boots and while the soldier probably can’t hit the side of a barn, he definitely has good taste in quick lunch options.

Boba’s Burgers

The idea of a Boba Fett crossover with Bob’s Burgers might be a little too outrageous (or too awesome) to even picture, but Boba definitely stopped in for a burger in Alex Solis’s art here. The bounty hunter isn’t even enjoying his meal but looking ahead, shocked; has he found the subject of today’s hunt? Will he finally bring in Han Solo, or whoever he’s after this time?

Boba’s burger may have to wait until he’s taken care of business, but that doesn’t surprise us. He has pressing matters on his mind. Even so, he definitely looks much more approachable in Solis’s work, whether because of his irresistible tubby look or the fact that he’s got a burger and not a blaster in one hand.

Luke Skywalker

When Alex Solis decided to re-imagine Luke Skywalker in a much more chonkier form, he made sure to show that Luke still has his priorities in line: Jedi duties first, then the hamburger, as he’s shown here brandishing his lightsaber while his meal awaits in his holster. Luke appears deep in concentration here as he navigates the complex simplicity of the Force, and when he’s done he can have his burger as a reward.

The cutest part of chonky Luke has to be those little shoes. They’re almost baby feet-like in their roundness and the relfection of light makes them extra cute.

Luke’s Dad

Hey, if Darth Vader truly were a parent, he’d know what it would be like to be referred to as his kid’s dad rather than his own name, as many dads experience. And while Darth isn’t exactly wearing dad jeans in Alex Solis’s work here, he definitely looks ready for the PTA meeting with his taco in hand and his belt inching up above his waist.

Yes, he will still be styling with his red Sith lightsaber and his snazzy, shiny black costume that was much more beloved by his grandson than his kids, but he’ll definitely relate to the other parents when they discuss their love of comfort food and their rebellious, rascally kids.

Darth Maul

Like the big snuggly stormtrooper, Darth Maul loses a bit of his not-so-phantom menace when he’s concentrating on his burger instead of slicing Jedis in half with his double-bladed lightsaber. In fact, he looks more like the uncle who can tell good jokes and show you where the best fishing spot is more than the threat Qui-Gon found him to be.

Solis has really transformed Maul here without losing any of his standard look, from his makeup and robes down to the last horn on his head. Once he opens those peepers he may seem every bit as formidable as usual, but the floating burger sure does soften his look for now.

R2-D2 And C-3PO

Alex Solis strikes again with this super sweet take on R2-D2 and C-3PO. The roundness of R2’s body is cuteness in overload and 3PO’s chunky legs are so cute we want to pinch them–or eat them. He’s practically a fat baby and we love it. Like his chonky Yoda, Solis’s droids are both heavily detailed featuring everything we know to expect from decades of media, and they are both proportionally stretched in a convincing manner that’s not obnoxious but adorable.

A little food stain at the corner of 3PO’s mouth is especially convincing here and the hologram of the burger is a particularly nice touch.

Fat Yoda

This version of Yoda is by artist FGonso2004. A cross between a Yoda who might appear in Kung Fu Panda and one who might advise “fat Thor,” he brings to mind both endearingly chubby characters with his sweet, round belly. The little steaming bowl of noodles makes the image a bit on the comforting side even if Yoda looks like he could still kick anyone’s butt between that steady gaze and steady hand.

What’s lovely about this is that none of Yoda’s integrity is compromised. Just like Thor, he retains his worthiness and power, and he just looks all the more huggable while doing so.

Chewing Chewy

Star Wars: Rise of the Skywalker spoiler alert: Chewbacca looks like he went out to celebrate after he finally got that medal! After the ordeal he went through and everything he’s lost over the years, we certainly wouldn’t blame Chewy for taking a moment or two to himself. What better way to celebrate than with a burger and a shake, as Alex Solis portrays him here?

Chewie looks adorable all of the time, anyway, which is a helpful cover-up for his ferocity, but here he looks even cuter with his mouth full of burger. We love how fluffy he appears, which makes him look even more like a giant teddy bear than ever.