The ABC dating competition series The Bachelor seems to always make national news, and this season has delivered some controversial content. Pilot Pete is down to three women, one of which walks away from their dinner date after learning just how intimate Peter got with the other ladies during their fantasy suite dates at the end of Monday’s episode.

Reality Steve has received an outpour of information regarding some of the contestants and evidence of the outcome, but fans will have to wait another two weeks for the finale, where all the dirty details will finally be revealed. Until then, let’s take a look at the ten best theories regarding the result of season 24, and what decision Peter will ultimately make.

Peter Gives Hannah Ann The Final Rose

Since it’s pretty much confirmed by Reality Steve and others that Madison eliminates herself and leaves their location in Australia, any theory involving Madison begins with her alleged self-removal. In this theory, Peter gets wind that Madison eliminates herself, and gives the final rose to Hannah Ann.

Reality Steve believes there is no current relationship between Hannah Ann and Peter, writing in his blog: “Peter and Hannah Ann, I feel very confident in saying are not a thing right now and won’t become finale time.” Though the contestants have trolled fans with fake posts and cryptic comments, it seems the community has no faith in a lasting relationship between Hannah Ann and the pilot.

Madison’s Exit Is A Fake Out

After Peter revealed his indiscretions with the other women at his sit-down dinner with Madison, she seems to leave Peter in the dust, giving up on their relationship. There’s a theory that her exit is actually a fake-out, and she comes back without actually eliminating herself.

If this is the case, Peter will most definitely give Madison the final rose.

Peter Chases After Madison, They’re Engaged

Madison leaves, which Peter finds out from Chris Harrison, as seen in the upcoming previews. After melting down, Peter decides to chase Madison, and ends up catching her in time to win her back, and the two are currently engaged. Whether or not he gives Madison the final rose is unclear– perhaps he chases Madison after picking Hannah Ann (see below), or maybe he waits to plead his case until they’re finished with filming and back home in the United States.

“All of the time post-filming is them trying to sort things out and Peter trying to prove he’s worthy of Madison. Peter is now a churchgoer and is saving himself for marriage with Madi,” says Reddit user /u/AyJayH. Whatever the case, most fans believe its Madison that Peter is currently dating.

Peter Proposes To Madison During The Live Taping Of After The Final Rose

There’s a theory floating around that Peter and Madison are currently dating, and the pilot will propose during The Bachelor reunion show, “After The Final Rose.” Madison revealed her virginal status and gave Peter an ultimatum, saying she couldn’t be with him if he slept with either of the other two women during their fantasy suite dates.

Of course, Peter had sex with both women, which Madison didn’t take well. It wouldn’t surprise fans if Peter wanted to have a speedy engagement with waiting-until-marriage-Madison since he is the four-time-windmill-guy after all! Fans also believe Pete’s mom Barbara is referencing Madison in the promos: “Don’t let her go […] Bring her home, bring her home to us.”

Peter Pulls An Arie

Some fans theorize Peter pulls a similar move to Bachelor alum Arie Luyendyk Jr. and gives Hannah Ann the final rose, only to take the proposal back after the fact! In his hypothesis, Peter and Hannah Ann have their “happily ever after” scene, the two spend a few weeks off-camera together, and Peter realizes he’s made a mistake. Peter then decides to break things off with HA and goes after Madison.

Arie made this move during the 22nd season when he originally gave the final rose to Becca Kufrin, then retracted their engagement, begging Lauren Burham to take him back. Arie and Lauren are one of the only successful couples from The Bachelor, married with a daughter. Maybe this outcome wouldn’t be the worst thing after all!

Peter Goes After Previously Eliminated Contestant; “The Kelley Flanagan Theory”

There’s a small conspiracy theory going around Reddit that Peter doesn’t choose either of the Final 2 and goes after one of the other previously-eliminated contestants, namely Kelley Flanagan. The 27-year-old attorney seemed to be the most level headed of the final contestants, but Peter eliminated her before hometowns.

The Reddit users /u/heygirlhey89 and /u/SomethingCreativeish speculates Peter could be dating Kelley since she was absent from attending the “Women Tell All,” which airs this Monday and was filmed last week.

UPDATE: The Tik-Tok user @edie_v did some expert sleuthing and determined Kelley is the only contestant Peter’s parents follow, including Madi and HA! Paired with her absence from WTA, does this evidence indicate Kelley’s win?

Peter Is Dating His Producer, Julie LaPlaca

There’s been a surprisingly popular rumor circulating that involves Peter dating one of his producers, Julie LaPlaca. Though there’s been no evidence of a romantic connection, fans have picked apart every photo the pilot posts, and a photo of Peter smiling alongside the Bachelor producer caused Bachelor Nation to make assumptions about the true intentions of their relationship.

ABC executive Rob Mills commented on the rumors: “Well, I hate to get in the way of a good rumor, so I’m not going to confirm or deny about whether he ends up with a producer!” Today, Chris Harrison went on Access and commented on Peter and Julie: “It’s an intimate relationship. You spend that much time together we all get close. Sometimes those lines get blurred,” which sent fans spinning. We think it’s a no-go– Chris Harrison would never spoil the outcome!

Peter Gets A Contestant Pregnant

There have been pregnancy rumors traveling around Bachelor Nation since the beginning of season 24, and fans are about to find out whether or not there’s any truth behind them. While some fans believe he impregnated one of his final 3 during a Fantasy Suite Date, others think he had sex with a contestant earlier on, and her pregnancy will be revealed before he’s about to hand out the Final Rose.

There’s a scene of Chris Harrison pulling Pete aside when it looks like he’s about to deliver the final rose, and says: “before you’re about to do what you do, there is something you should know.” The host continues, “there’s something I just found out, all of us just found out.” Cut to a scene of Pilot Pete hyperventilating with a washcloth on his forehead, lying down on a bed with what looks like a producer (ahem!) near his side. Though fans also speculate it’s about Madison eliminating herself, it could also be about pregnancy!

Peter Doesn’t Give Out A Final Rose

Madison leaves Australia, and Peter either chases after her successfully, just doesn’t put a ring on it, or he doesn’t get any of the girls and remains single. This is the first season the veteran Bachelor spoiler Reality Steve has been unable to predict the outcome and winner of the show, sending Bachelor Nation fans into a tailspin, creating one conspiracy theory after another.

Peter Goes After Hannah Brown/They’re Currently Dating

Redditor /u/Overall-Dragonfly believes Peter and Hannah Brown are currently dating– a piece of evidence to support this theory? They were both spotted at Hannah G. and Dylan’s recent engagement party. The two have always remained close, and who could forget their quadruple tryst in the windmill?

There’s a theory Peter goes after Hannah Brown instead of choosing Madi or Hannah Ann; however, it doesn’t have much backing. Whether or not the pair are currently dating, rumors of Hannah B. being the next Bachelorette have been debunked, as she will be on a Dancing With The Stars tour that conflicts with the filming dates of being the leading lady once more.

BONUS: Peter Chases After Charlize Theron

Quite possibly the most unbelievable of the theories: Peter snags the Hollywood superstar Charlize Theron. Bachelor Nation has dug up flirtatious Instagram comments between the two– we all know by now if these fans are given an inch, they’ll go a mile. Guess we’ll have to wait until the two-night finale on March 9th and 10th to find out the truth!