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Content is still the best marketing tactic that’s out there to help promote brand exposure and reach the right type of clientele. However, how that content is promoted is also of strategic importance. Without the right kind of content promotion strategies, we find ourselves not maximizing the impact we can get from all the various types of content being produced and distributed out there. 


With the right type of content promotion, you can have a much more cost-effective digital marketing strategy to help make sure that customers find you and ultimately convert to sales. 


Content promotion is all about distributing that content, whether it’s videos, written blogs, infographics, or any other type of content, through both organic and paid channels. It’s about getting the content in front of as many digital eyes as possible that will impact that type of content best. 

Part of content promotion strategies is finding the right mix of channels between paid and organic and with the right platforms to hit the highest saturation of one’s target market.


The key promotions to consider with marketing are as follows. Public Relations is a great way to get your information to the right news channels about a product launch, important event, or action at your company. This is an initial paid marketing strategy. 

Then there’s advertising, primarily on social media channels such as Facebook and Instagram, or still with Google Ads. This is a paid promotion that helps get users directly to the call-to-action page. This is also considered a paid marketing tactic. 

From there, we move to direct marketing channels, where this is either from influencers pushing a product directly, third-party sites or directly on your marketing channels and website. Again, this is inclusive of email marketing with a strong call to action to a particular product.

The final place comes from personal selling, which can also utilize social media channels (such as through live streams) or the request for additional information and a personal demo. Again, this is a more hands-on approach to pushing product or service features with the mindset of leading to a sale.  


Keep in mind that a few of these strategies are how the content itself should be made, rather than how to distribute the content effectively. Without relevant content, it makes it much more difficult to hit that virality you may be looking for. 

  • Consistency

Here we’re talking about producing content regularly and to a uniform standard. As you start to focus on the right content promotion strategies, you’ll learn early on just how much content you need because you run out of that content very quickly. It’s about effective time management and production management to keep the faucet of marketing open with the right amount of content to be promoted as often as possible. 

  • High-Quality content

With consistency comes quality as well. Even if you push content through PR channels or as paid advertisements on social media, you want to ensure that it’s of the highest standard. You’re asking for people to take a moment of their time to engage with your content, so the quality needs to be there. This will subconsciously help them appreciate your product and brand, as you’ve put so much effort into your marketing tactics. 

  • Repurposing the content

Work smart (and hard). That means you want to build content that can be repurposed on multiple channels. For example, consider content such as a video. The original can be used as content on YouTube, while a shortened version can be used on Facebook, and you can subsequently use snippets on Instagram and TikTok. All of this is with the mindset to maximize the effective usage of just one piece of content that can be pushed on multiple channels. 

  • Guest content

This is often overlooked, but one of the strongest sales promotion and personal selling methods is offering your content to be published on other authoritative sites similar in your industry. It can help to drive traffic to your site, or your call to action that you’re looking to promote, while at the same time using a completely different audience that, beforehand, you didn’t have the right type of access to. Doing these periodically, for any kind of capacity, will help to cross-generate leads and more opportunities for sales conversions. 

  • Social media channels

A great suite of channels to handle sales promotion, advertising, and direct marketing all in one. Here you’re looking to effectively maximize the timing of your posts to be on all the relevant channels for your product and brand. You don’t ever want to just use social media channels as a distribution platform for your content promotion strategies, as the advertising budget can go up quite fast, with a minimal impact. Instead, you always want to do social media marketing and advertising in tandem with all other available channels. This will help to make a multi-pronged approach and push those advertising dollars to work. 

  • Email marketing is still relevant

Email communication is still a relevant marketing tactic that perfectly complements other distribution channels. It still helps to get the word out, and there are advanced tools out there to track click-through rates, actions, and penetration of these emails. There are also a lot more ways to bucket and personalize your email contacts and break them down to receive relevant and engaging content. It’s a great place for public relations, announcements, and direct marketing to subsets of the target audience. 

  • Targeting the right audience

Speaking about the target audience, it’s critical to know who that is. There should be a primary target audience which is the focus of the entire marketing strategy, and then subsets built off that. This will help with content promotion strategies, how to target advertisement locations, and where to push PR announcements. Simply saying ‘everyone’ is a target market will only lead to excessive marketing budgets and ranges to focus on with social media adverts and how the content is created. 

  • Having the appropriate call to action everywhere

Just as there’s relevance that needs to go into the content promotion strategies, there also needs to be a call to action. It’s nothing having explosive content that has engaged a user to commit without some next step forward. So whether it’s a sign-up to a newsletter, being sent directly to the eCommerce page, or reaching out for more information, there always needs to be a call to action on any strategy. 

  • Influencer Marketing

This is now a staple requirement for content promotion strategies. Digital influencers do just that and have become experts in cultivating highly engaged users and communities that can be used to promote products and services. The use of an influencer can lead to a lot of attention to your product or company at one time, so it’s important to even bring it up as a marketing tactic before, during, and after the campaign working with a said influencer. 

  • Using data-driven metrics

At the end of content promotion strategies, it is necessary to review its success and compare it to other campaigns and marketing tactics used. This constant review and refinement will lead to only putting out successful content promotion strategies that will, in turn, lead to virality and huge promotional pushes with each new campaign. 


The major advantage of successful content promotion is getting the word out there. Although it doesn’t always lead to a sale, it does generate that digital buzz that helps potential customers remember you and eventually can lead to sales down the line. 

One of the major disadvantages of content promotion is that unless the sale is made directly through the channel(s) being promoted, it’s hard to track those users that came from different channels. Are the users coming due to the content promotion they saw in the past? Or was it something else?


A major challenge is the tracking issue mentioned earlier above. When the customer sees the content promotion strategies and does that lead to a sale later down the line is the critical issue. One way of closing this loop is to always ask for feedback at the end of the sale to see what brought them to the site in the first place that led to the sale. This could just be the missing piece of information needed.

With that, there’s also managing the budget with paid promotional strategies as they can get costly. Creating the content, distributing it through PR channels, and paid advertisements costs money, and it can cost a lot if it becomes popular. So here it’s about setting smaller budgets that are more manageable at the start and, more importantly, tracking the outcome so that future budgets are more refined with marketing tactics that work for your business. 


No matter what, if you’re entering the digital marketing arena, you’re going to need to keep a disciplined mindset when it comes to content promotion strategies. You want to hit those numbers and make sure they’re effective, so always take the time upfront to plan out the campaigns, the budgets, and the required content for success. Need more strategies for Instagram? Check out this article on How to Earn More Engagement on Instagram Reels. 

Karina Gandola was born and raised outside the city of Charleston, in the beautiful mountain state of West Virginia. Karina loves writing about the influencer marketing space and an area she is passionate about. She considers her faith and family to be most important to her. If she isn’t spending time with her friends and family, you can almost always find her around her sweet yellow Labrador retriever, Poshna.

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