Friday Night Lights was an utterly wonderful television show that provided us with five seasons of utter magic. Even people who don’t enjoy sports would’ve been able to appreciate the brilliance behind this show, mainly because it was near enough impossible to ignore it.

Today, we want to take a look at some of the most emotional moments from all five seasons — and, of course, the term emotional can mean a series of different things in this particular instance. FNL was something special and we’d love to see a similar concept come back one day. Or, alternatively, we’d enjoy a full reunion.

Vince Visits His Mom

Vince came from a rough background which is why it was so nice to see him get a featured spot with the underdog Lions. Alas, he had some rough moments throughout the course of the show’s run, to say the least, including when his mother had an overdose. He went to visit her in the hospital, and at that moment, Vince was as strong as he was vulnerable – capturing the hearts of the masses in the process.

His story, thankfully, had a happy ending, and that’s something we’re all pretty grateful for.

Eric & Tami Leave For Philadelphia

For so long Tami Taylor had followed her husband Eric Taylor wherever he went, supporting him and his career along the way. Sometimes, though, the roles have to be reversed, and that’s exactly what happened in the final season of Friday Night Lights as Tami was given the opportunity to take a new job in Philadelphia.

Eric went with his wife to Philly, leaving his life in Dillon behind. The final shot of them leaving the field and walking off into the distance as still as poetic and beautiful today as it was when it first aired.

Jason Hits Riggins

Tim Riggins was viewed as a great piece of eye candy for a whole lot of people who watched the show, but we could never quite get over the fact that he slept with his best friend’s girlfriend – especially given the circumstances.

When Jason finally found out about Tim and Lyla, it soon became obvious that he was going to go after Riggins. He did just that and planted one hell of a punch on him before essentially chasing Riggins out of the room, in his own words, like the coward he was.

Jason’s Injury

When Jason Street went down with an injury in the very first episode of the series, it was heartbreaking to watch.

It really did come out of nowhere and served as a big blow to viewers who felt like they were only just starting to attach themselves to someone who we all believed to be the lead character. In many ways he still was, but this definitely took his story in a direction that very few could’ve predicted after watching just a few minutes of the show. Thankfully, as we’ve said, he still stuck around.

Clear Eyes, Full Hearts

We could put down every single speech that ended with clear eyes, full hearts, can’t lose, and we don’t think fans of the show would mind all too much. Why? Because it’s a damn great catchphrase for a damn great show.

One sticks out above all the rest, though, and that is the speech during half time of the State Championship game in the first season. Coach Taylor delivered a phenomenal speech to the team ahead of the second half in what will forever be remembered as one of the defining scenes of the entire series.

Smash Is Going To College

Smash had to go through an awful lot in order to get to the top, but once he arrived at that point, he never looked back. Coach Taylor was instrumental in trying to get him to college, regardless of the team he wound up at. When he finally had his moment in the sunshine and told his mother the great news, it really did feel like he’d come full circle.

There wasn’t much to him in the first season, but eventually, that all changed and we all grew to love the guy.

Panthers Win State

We were tempted to put in the Lions’ State Championship triumph from the final season but let’s be honest with ourselves here, the inaugural title win with all of the originals beats it out pretty convincingly.

The Dillon Panthers had worked incredibly hard in order to get to a point where they could call themselves state champions. When they finally accomplished that goal, completing a marvelous comeback in the process, fans of the show celebrated as if their own team had just won the Super Bowl. That’s what TV is all about.

Texas Forever

Tim and Billy had a complicated relationship throughout the show’s run and most fans would suggest we’re downplaying that just a little bit. Still, they loved each other through thick and thin, with Tim even going to jail for his brother.

When the series eventually came to an end and we saw the two hanging out, building and drinking beer together, it felt like they were finally at a point of peace. Then they utter those two famous words that we all know and love one last time: Texas forever.

Everybody Leaves Me

With Matt’s life somewhat falling apart he starts to lash out, catching the eye of Coach Taylor in the process. Coach quite literally wants to give Saracen some tough love, but when he attempts to do so, it’s pretty clear to see that the issues he’s suffering from are much deeper than anyone realized.

Matt rattles off a speech about how everyone leaves him, crying whilst he sits in the shower that Coach Taylor put him in. Eric doesn’t even really know what to do or say, before reassuring Matt that there’s nothing wrong with him.

Matt Buries His Father

Firstly: the scene where Matt breaks down in front of the Taylors is absolutely heartbreaking, and needs to be featured as part of this entry.  Secondly: when Matt has the courage to stand up at the end of his father’s funeral and help bury him, it really is a jaw-dropping moment. This boy has turned into a man and in the process, he has closed the chapter regarding his relationship with his dad.

It’s a bittersweet pill to swallow, but it makes for one of the best scenes in the entire show, which seems hard to do that late in the series but they pulled it off.