The Justice League is arguably one of the most powerful and well known super teams in all of comics. With Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, and other well-known heroes making up the roster they protect the world from any incoming threat.

Harry Potter and his group of friends do something very similar on a smaller scale and without superpowers but with magic and bravery. The two teams are very different yet very similar. These 10 artists reimagined our favorite DC characters and Justice League heroes to live in the Harry Potter world and wear the uniforms of the Hogwarts students. Let’s look at this amazing artwork.

Superman And Wonder Woman In Gryffindor - by Annji Atelier 

Gryffindors like all Potter fans know are among the bravest and noblest of the houses, housing the true heroes of Hogwarts who serve for the greater good, much like Superman and Wonder Woman. It’s a perfect fit for two of the noblest heroes in DC comics who are embodiments of truth and justice.

Young Justice  - by RC-Daisy 

The Justice League has an age limit. For those heroes too young for the League they join Young Justice. This next entry has our young heroes excited to join the wizard of school and even more excited to get sorted into their respective classes.

This photo isn’t just adorable and creative but it is also part of a fanfiction created to fulfill both DC and Harry Potter fans. It is a very well thought out series with a lot of lore that would make fans really happy.

Batman Playing Quidditch - by thejacklee  

This next piece combines Batman with everyone’s favorite game with flying brooms. Quidditch, as described by the players, is a very cruel game that offers up plenty of life-threatening injuries through the course and forces competition among other houses.

Would Batman be a good Quidditch player? What position would he play? For a character like Batman, not much is impossible and there are even fewer things that he’s perfected so it’s safe to say he would fare well in a “friendly” game of Quidditch.

Maybe we should be looking out for other players who might be taking batarangs to the face while flying around Batman.

Robins In Their Houses - Sam Khalil 

Every Robin is different, different personalities, different skill sets, different looks. That much is very true and present in this iteration of the Boy wonders as they all sport different house colors.

Dick is the most stoic and heroic so he would definitely be a Gryffindor. Jason would be an ideal Ravenclaw because he likes to learn and educate himself to be the best. Tim is a good Hufflepuff because he’s the mediator of the group, often looking for alternatives to fighting, and Damian is the complete opposite, cunning and always looking for a fight. Check out more work from the artist here.

Bruce Wayne in Slytherin - by Annji Atelier 

Annji once again comes to us with a reiteration of Bruce Wayne/Batman happily sporting the Slytherin colors and of course using a bat as his animal companion.

Bruce Wayne in Slytherin is a match made in heaven because Bruce has every trait that makes someone a true Slytherin. The house gets a bad rep but Slytherins are often the ones who end up wealthy and with good jobs due to all the risks they take and the confidence in their abilities, much like Batman.

Nightwing & Robin - by KABE 

This next piece has two of Batman’s closest sidekicks sharing a moment in their potions class. We know all the robins are somewhat close, give or take a couple attempted murders.

We know Dick is often the one that the other Robins go to for advice considering he’s the oldest and longest-tenured Robin. Like a good big brother, Dick happily agrees to help his fellow Robins without a second thought and in this picture he’s doing much of the same. Even though they’re in different houses, the brotherhood they have between each other is unbreakable.

Barbara & Dick - by Hanna Cummingham 

Another close pairing is of Batman’s two first sidekicks, Robin (Dick Grayson) and Barbara Gordon. In some comic continuities, these two are in love and have a relationship but in others, they are just close friends, but either way is close nonetheless.

Barbara has always been the voice of reason for Dick while Dick has always been the good friend Barbara has never had. They have each other’s back and have a beautiful friendship and make the most out of their early transition into heroism, even if their boss isn’t the nicest. Check out more artwork from Hanna here.

Young Justice being sorted into Houses - by king of losers

This next picture doesn’t just invoke humor and fantasy in combining the wizarding world and DC but also gets us thinking as to what houses our favorite Young Justice members would be a part of.

It’s as important as an MBTI, it’s all based on personalities as well as the potential of each individual. The leaders, the jokers, the workers, where would each member be placed?

Justice League Trinity Going To Hogwarts by - Annji Atelier

Annji’s third picture of her series makes it on this list because it shows the trinity happily enjoying their time at Hogwarts, regardless of being in different houses. When you think Justice League, you often think of these three as they are the most popular and most powerful among the rest of the League.

When they work together they can make a lot of things happen and picturing them learning and going to school together should put a smile on DC fan’s faces, thinking of all the trouble they could get in throughout their time there.

They would give our favorite Hogwarts trio a run for their money for sure.

Kid Flash and Robin Playing Quidditch- by Sarah Anton

This last piece has the fastest being in the universe and the first Robin competing and having fun playing a friendly game of Quidditch. How would a speedster fare in a game of Quidditch and is Wally West really a true Gryffindor?

Sarah Anton seems to think so, also adding Damian and Colin watch on their friends soar through the sky. It’s a beautiful piece of art to follow some of the most famous members of YJ.