The Justice League is the mightiest team in all of the comic books and in media, with DC’s best heroes making up the roster. They serve as an inspiration to both people within the comics and us in real life as they fight for the greater good and inspire us.

Disney has served as a source of inspiration as well, providing decades of classic movies we can enjoy with characters just as heroic as the Justice League. These artists reimagined our heroes and used Disney as an inspiration for their art, combining the Justice League with Disney. Here are some Justice League members reimagined as Disney characters.

Disney Princesses as Justice League Members - by photocomicart

The first entry on this list comes from photocomicart who reimagines our favorite Disney princesses as the founders of the Justice League and dresses them accordingly. We see a unique take on the princesses and find them looking just as confident in their newfound gear as the heroes that have worn it.

From watching these classical films, we know that most of these Disney princesses are more than capable of handling the job and saving the world if they had to.

Wonder Woman As A Disney Princess - by  Hanie Mohd

This next piece reimagines our favorite female superhero as a beautiful Disney princess with a charming dress that matches her everyday gear fighting crime.

Wonder Woman is the last girl to prefer a dress over her armor but we think she might make an exception for this type of dress.

The Toy Story Trio as The Justice League Trio - by Darrin Brege

This next entry reimagines two of pop culture’s most well-known trios and combines them together, with Toy Story’s heroes wearing the gear of the Justice League Trio.

With Woody, the leader of the group sporting Superman’s cape, Jesse wearing Wonder Woman’s armor, and Buzz wearing the Dark Knight’s gear. Imagining these three going out and taking down the crime in the toy world is hilarious and could make for some good stories.

Batman As A Disney Princess - by Stephanie Fritz

This one is the most comical and the most unlikely to ever happen due to Batman’s no-nonsense demeanor, but we do think he’d look pretty in a dress. Stephanie Fritz takes a comical turn with giving the Dark Knight a bright pink dress to sport while still wearing the signature cowl and frown as he wears something he looks ridiculous in.

We’ve seen some cosplayers take influence from this very picture, and we’ve seen some slight modifications over the years and we still laugh at the sight of Batman wearing something we would never in a million years wear.

Up/Batman Crossover - by seniorgoldenspork

This next entry combines our favorite duo in UP with our favorite duo in comics to make a comical old Batman with a lovable Robin.

Russ and Carl have an unconventional relationship in the movie, with Carl being annoyed 99% of the time and Russell simply trying to help Carl and help him come out his funk. We like to think that Batman and Robin’s relationship is probably similar and just as unconventional.

Trinity in Mulan’s world - by Brittany Williams

This next artist combines the beauty and artistic animation of Mulan and draws the trinity being around to fight in Ancient times. We see the color schemes of their suits and their determination on their face as they face off whatever threat is in front of them.

This is beautiful due to the various colors and the creativity of the piece as it pictures the trinity in a whole other world.

The Flash As A Disney Princess - by Anna Retberg

The fastest man alive is now reimagined as the fastest princess alive when Anna Retberg reimagines our favorite scarlet speedster. The confidence and thrill of being able to run at lightning-fast speeds shows in every way as she runs through the canvas and right into our hearts.

The red hair flowing behind her as she runs, the amazing and catchy songs she can sing with her newfound abilities.

Who wouldn’t want to see a Disney movie about a Flash Princess?

Hercules Superman - by Messy Pandas

Superman is the strongest being in the DC universe with not a lot of heroes being able to match his brute strength. Hercules is the strongest being in his universe due to his Godlike strength provided by being a Demi-God.

Messy Pandas combines the two brutes and paints Hercules as the Man of Steel along with his love interest Meg and his loyal friend Phil.

Snow White as Wonder Woman - by Isaiah Stephens

Snow White is often associated with being one of the first Disney princesses and pioneering the way for them. Her story is as old as time and has been retold thousands of times. Wonder Woman is a pioneer in her own right, being one of the first female superheroes and being one of the most powerful heroes in DC, standing toe to toe with Superman.

Both these ladies are heroes in their own rights and Isaiah Stephens does a series in which he imagines the Disney princesses wearing outfits of some popular figures. Snow White and Wonder Woman are the perfect combo. As the dark-haired ladies both pull off the armor perfectly. Check out more of Isiah Stephens’s work here.

The Incredibles as Justice League Trinity - by Samuel Cheve

Our favorite superfamily had to make their way on this list as they replicate powers similar to our Justice League heroes. This artist paints the league with similar animation as the Incredibles and puts them in the superhero world of Pixar.

We wonder how the Incredibles world would look like with a super team rivaling the superfamily and their heroics. How would that change the landscape of the movies?

Or maybe a race between the Flash and Dash to see who’s really the fastest. An arm-wrestling competition between Mr. Incredible and Superman? In this reimagining the possibilities are endless.