Disney and the DC Universe are not the natural two worlds you’d put together. In fact, with Disney actually owning Marvel, in some ways, DC Comics are actually the competition. However, the two universes crossing could create some intriguing interactions.

There’s a number of brilliant crossovers that could occur from this clashing of worlds, but there are also some interactions that you wouldn’t predict but could actually have a lot of potential, especially as couples! Here are 10 Disney and DC crossover couples we’d love to see.


This seems like an odd combination but the couple of Joker and Cruella could be just the right kind of crazy that we’re looking for. Cruella’s schemes are really messed up for the Joker and evil and he has a bit of money to impress her.

Sure, they aren’t the most conventional of couples. But, when you look at Joker’s exes, she could actually fight right into that lineup. They would argue a lot, each looking for control over the other, making them even more entertaining.


Wonder Woman and Hercules would technically be brother and sister if the two were to ever crossover so a couple between them would not happen. However, Wonder Woman’s rival and friend would make a fitting girlfriend for the demi-god.

Artemis would not only be with Hercules to spit Diana but would also be one of the few who could actually match him in strength, wit, and personality. She’s a mighty warrior and probably far more intelligent than the boy that went from zero to hero.


Ariel and Aquaman both belong to the ocean and each actually lives in Atlantis. Although Poseidon is actually the father of Ariel, Aquaman comes from a line of both human and Atlantean families, making him extremely unique.

Each would have a lot of comparisons to each other, as they struggle to balance life both above and below the water. Their abilities are quite similar and their life experiences could be comparable. They would make for two great partners romantically and in leadership.


It’s interesting to pair up two magical entities from different worlds. Genie and Zatanna are both incredibly powerful people and there’s a lot of similarities between the characters. Zatanna would have the compassion to set the genie free.

They’d be the ultimate power couple and Genie’s humor would work well alongside some of Zatanna’s more stern personality features. They’d actually be hilarious together but are ultimately extremely loyal, making them a formidable couple.


Elsa and Captain Cold haven’t just been paired together because of their love for ice. Although, the ice palace Elsa could make for the pair of them would definitely be suitable for this new couple. However, their personalities actually match very well.

Both have operated in a kind of grey area before, with Elsa flirting with villainy and Captain Cold having stepped over to the side of heroism for a time. They’d make an interesting combination with Elsa probably pulling the scoundrel back in line.


Moana and Firestorm represent completely different elements which is why they complement one another so well. They’d be able to combine their powers in completely different ways but their personalities also reflect their gifts and ways in which they deal with situations.

Whereas Firestorm can be quick-tempered but also a little reckless, Moana has become far more reasoned and strong-willed. They’d complement each other well but Moana still has a great sense of humor which Firestorm can capitalize on and cheer her up with.


The combination of an older Alice and the Mad Hatter is not so much a couple we actually want to see but a crossover we’d like to see play out. There’s every chance that Mad Hatter would try to be in a relationship with Alice, but could kill her before that.

What we’re actually interested in is the two fighting off against one another. Hatter could become a bit obsessed over the fact the real Alice is standing in front of him; Alice herself would be incredibly confused by the situation we imagine. Alice would never actually be with the criminal though.


It’s great to see the combination of some villains and we’ve got a few that we want to highlight. The first is another magical pairing of two power-hungry and sadistic individuals that would probably be together to further their long term aims.

Jafar and Enchantress both have incredible powers that they could use to enhance one another to even greater strength. They are very greedy and sometimes have the same flaw, biting off a bit more than they can chew. This would be an entertaining duo.


There are two villains in DC and Disney that plot more than anyone else. There’s aren’t exactly unknown characters either, but the leading villains of both of their universes. Maleficent and Lex Luthor would be such a unique combination.

Maleficent has a magical power that cannot be taught, whereas Lex has the intelligence, money, and resources to back up any plan. They have the same ego and the same cruelty, although each can be misunderstood in some way and have seen redemption stories.


Two of the greatest warriors of these universes are Mulan and Batman. They have had some form of similar training and have faced off against significant evil. There’s a lot the two can relate to one another aside from their combat training though.

Both have interesting relationships with their parents; one protecting her father, the other losing both parents at a young age. They know the value of family and have built makeshift ones of their own. They are resilient, strong and would make an excellent couple.