Outlander is a show that makes the extraordinary and seemingly impossible come to life with twists and turns around every corner. The historical fiction and fantasy series effortlessly weaves romance with history and still manages to throw everyone for a loop with their storylines you never see coming.

The story of Jamie and Claire Fraser has grown and evolved over the four seasons it has been airing on Starz, and with that growth came new characters, new stories, and new twists that shocked the audiences - especially those who maybe haven’t read the books.

Because this series is forever keeping us on our toes, it stands to reason that the show we all can’t help but obsess over would lead its fans to constantly be theorizing on what will happen next. Whether there are fan theories about crossovers, the next episode, or for the next season, there is always something to be guessing over during the unfortunate “droughtlander” we have to endure.

This is why we had to compile our very own list of the most insane fan theories, some of which very well could be true. And on the opposite end of the spectrum, we also have some theories that make absolutely no sense regardless of how interesting they may be.

Here are the 10 Crazy Outlander Fan Theories That Could Actually Be True (And 10 That Make No Sense).

Could Be True: Murtagh And Jamie Go To War Against Each Other

With season 5 soon to be in production, there are already fan theories swirling around what will occur between Jamie and Murtagh since they are on opposite sides of the spectrum.

Some fans think that regardless of their close bond, they will go to war against each other since Murtagh is a Regulator and Jamie was given land in exchange for his loyalty to the Governor. While this seems unlikely to happen in some ways, I’m sure that tensions will be high and their loyalty to one another will be tested.

Makes No Sense: Murtagh Is Jamie’s Biological Father

This theory arose during an episode in season 4 when Jamie’s Aunt Jocasta tells Brianna about her sister - Jamie’s mother - and her pregnancy. It turned out she was pregnant before marrying Brian, Jamie’s father.

This led fans to think she had an affair with Murtagh and the baby was his.

But not only did author of the Outlander series, Diana Gabaldon, confirm this wasn’t true, but the timeline doesn’t add up either. The first child wouldn’t have been Jamie, since he was the third child born, so even if it was Murtagh’s - which it is not - it wouldn’t be Jamie.

Could Be True: Jamie Will Remain Loyal To Murtagh In Season 5

As we know, there’s a good possibility that Murtagh and Jamie will have to face off in a war in season 5 if things don’t change for either of them politically. But knowing their relationship as Godfather and Godson, and how undeniably close they are, there’s also a strong possibility that the opposite will happen.

Maybe Jamie will pretend he’s on the Governor’s side while assisting Murtagh and the Regulators in their own plans. Or maybe he will just warn Murtagh before anything tragic could happen to himself or his men.

Makes No Sense: Jamie’s Ghost Showed Up In Inverness To Scope Out Frank

In the pilot episode of Outlander, it appeared that Jamie’s ghost was outside of Claire’s window in Inverness while she was on vacation with her then-husband Frank.

A fan theorist suggested one possible reason Jamie’s ghost was there was not for Claire, but to “scope out” Frank. He knew that one day he would be fathering his own daughter, Brianna, so they suggested he would want to see not only who would take care of Claire in his absence, but his unborn daughter. To me, this seems like a big stretch, especially considering I believe his ghost was there for a different reason…

Could Be True: The Ghost Of Jamie Showed Up To “Steer” Claire To His Time

We’re all well aware that no matter what is thrown in the way of Jamie and Claire’s love, they will find their way back to each other - even in death. So while Jamie has been gone in Claire’s modern time for quite a while, he still visited her in Inverness during the pagan holiday that allowed him to travel from the afterlife to Claire’s world.

Fan theorists believe this is because he was there to guide her to 1743 Scotland to find himself, so their love story could begin.

This seems like the most plausible reason for Jamie’s ghost appearing outside of Claire’s window.

Makes No Sense: Claire Went Back In Time Because She Was Thinking Of Black Jack Randall

One reddit user thought that Claire possibly went through the stones to that specific time and place because in her modern time, she and Frank were researching his ancestry and were learning about Black Jack Randall.

Jack Randall was not only the foe of Jamie and Claire for the first two seasons, but was also Frank’s ancestor. While this may sound logical, the premise of the show surrounds Jamie and Claire’s romance. So Claire being sent back to that time and place for Jamie sounds a lot better than her going back to meet the psychopath that was Black Jack Randall.

Could Be True: The Comte St. Germain Is Fergus’ Father

It has been implied in the books that Fergus’ biological father was none other than the Comte St. Germain - a.k.a. Claire and Jamie’s adversary during their time in France.

This actually holds a lot of weight to it and would make sense for Fergus to be the Comte’s illegitimate son.

His father was a noble man, as was the Comte, and was clearly French. What’s even more interesting is who his biological mother would be, in that case. But we’ll discuss more about these ancestral connections later…

Makes No Sense: We Could See Geillis Again

There is a storyline later in the series that brings certain characters face-to-face with Geillis Duncan. But this storyline not only would be hard to skillfully translate to screen, but it is not until book 8.

So this would have to mean A) the show will still be on the air for a season 8 and B) the writers will not deviate from the books at all for this fan theory to pan out.

The latter does not seem plausible. Geillis was a fun character, but we likely saw the last of her when Claire ended her life in the season 3 finale.

This goes back to the theory that the Comte St. Germain is Fergus’ father. Since he is possibly the Comte’s illegitimate son, there was also an implication that his mother was Amelie Beauchamp.

Claire’s maiden name was also Beauchamp. This would mean that she could be very distantly related to Fergus.

This is sweet to think about, really, since Claire has acted as Fergus’ adoptive mother since she and Jamie took him in when he was a pick-pocket in France as a boy.

Of all the fan theories about possible relatives, this is one of the most bizarre. The two women are mortal enemies so it’s hard to imagine a world where they are actually related.

But this theory started under the assumption that Claire’s Beauchamp lineage actually stemmed from Fergus and Marsali’s line, and since Marsali is Laoghaire’s daughter, that would make them related.

But that seems like a big assumption and it would actually make more sense that she descended directly from Amelie instead.

Could Be True: Lord John Grey Could Get A Spinoff

Lord John Grey is both a fan favorite in the books, as well as on the television show, so it makes sense that fans would be hoping for a spinoff of his own. He does, after all, have a spinoff in the books.

While this hasn’t been confirmed, author Diana Gabaldon herself tweeted when asked about his character getting a spinoff, “Who knows? Interest has been expressed is about all I could tell you.”

Cryptic, indeed. But it looks like there’s hope.

Makes No Sense: Charlotte from SATC Is Actually Claire Fraser

Granted, this is one of those fun crossover fan theories where someone believes two completely different shows are one in the same, or at least in the same universe.

See, in season 3 of Sex And The City, Charlotte York not only marries a Scottish man, but has “The Skye Boat Song” - which is the Outlander theme song - play at her wedding.

Because of this, they have surmised that Charlotte is actually Claire Fraser who has time traveled once again and just found a different Scot.

This is probably the most insane theory on the list, but would be hilarious if true.

Could Be True: Time Travel Abilities Are Hereditary

There is more proof of this fan theory of time traveling being hereditary in the books than in the television series so far, but it still stands to reason that it would make a lot of sense that those who can travel through time have it in their genetics, rather than randomly being able to do so.

For instance, Jamie Fraser is unable to travel through the stones, but Claire is able to. So is their daughter, Brianna, which means she got the gene from her mother.

There has to be a connection there.

Makes No Sense: An Outlander/Doctor Who Crossover

A reddit user came up with this rather outlandish fan theory about our heroine, Claire Fraser, and her true origin story.

Rather than going through the stones at Craigh Na Dun, this user states that she never actually went through the stones, but the Tardis showed up at that time instead.

And with a Doctor in tow who was to take his companion - a.k.a. Claire - on a new adventure. But Claire gets stuck back in time instead.  This is wild and may be fun to think about, but there is no way this is actually what happened to Claire.

Could Be True: Jamie Has Visions Of Brianna

This is yet another theory that has more credence when looking at the books than just the TV series, but there was some implication of it in the latest season.

See, Jamie mentioned dreaming of Brianna before she ever went through the stones to find her parents to warn them of the fire they will die in. He even mentioned a specific birthmark she had that Claire had never told him about.

This theorizes that Jamie is able to see Brianna in her modern era in his dreams as visions.

Makes No Sense: Murtagh Is Based Off Duncan Innes

In the books, Murtagh met his end at the Battle of Culloden. But that was not the case in season 3 of the hit show. He survived the battle and ended up at Ardsmuir Prison with Jamie after.  But there was a notable character missing from the prison, Duncan Innes, who was featured in the books.

This led fans to believe that Murtagh took on storylines and traits of Duncan Innes.

This was debunked when the actor who plays Murtagh, Duncan Lacroix, stated this was not true and his character is getting his own original storylines.

Could Be True: Frank Knew Brianna Would Go Back Through The Stones

Frank Randall was a historian who also dealt with his wife traveling through time and falling in love with another man.

Knowing his wife’s history, and that he could find information about whether or not she or Brianna go back, it makes sense that he may have seen something to indicate Brianna went back, too.

This is indicated by the fact he taught her to shoot and ride and have other basic survival instincts prior to his untimely demise. Much of which she would not need to live in Boston in the ‘60s.

Makes No Sense: Jamie Will Travel To The Future

This is a very loose fan theory that is maybe more hopeful than actually a probability. But some fans speculate that our very own Jamie Fraser will somehow gain the ability to time travel, and eventually travel to the future himself.

There is literally no evidence or reason for him to do so, but it sounds like fans just want him to be able to time travel like his other family members.

That may sound like a fun storyline, but it would only cause more headaches and is highly unlikely to happen, anyways.

Could be True: More Trouble Is On The Way For Roger And Brianna

This comes directly from Sophie Skelton, who plays Jamie and Claire’s daughter, Brianna. At the end of season 4, Brianna and Roger finally reunited after a long time apart. But there is still much to discuss.

Skelton said, “I have a feeling there will be some difficulties,” but they are only going off of how the recent season ended.

They still need to talk about Brianna’s new baby, who could be Roger’s, and everything they’ve been through while apart. Plus, they never resolved their argument over Roger keeping the information away from her about Claire and Jamie’s cabin burning down in the obituary he found.

Makes No Sense: Jamie And Claire Will Be Eliminated Off After Season 6

This is probably the most bonkers fan theory on the list. This stemmed from the thought that the actors will no longer want to be a part of the show after season 6, since that is when they are renewed through, and therefore the writers will knock them off.

They think this will happen with the cabin burning down with them inside like it said in the obituary.

The thing is, even if the two lead actors don’t wish to return, it makes more sense that they would neatly wrap up the show than have them perish tragically in a fire.