The Chromebook is one of the hottest gadgets out there currently, with it being typically lighter than the standard laptop, and less prone to viruses and malware. They practically require no maintenance and lower software causes, making it quite popular with people on a budget looking for a nice laptop.

Most of the data reside on the cloud than on the device itself, meaning you don’t have to worry about data losses and data wipes if it gets lost or stolen. But there are things you didn’t know you’re Chromebook could do, which this list counts down, so sit back, relax and enjoy.

Use ChromeOS Launcher As A Calculator

Don’t tell this to your kids stuck on their maths’ homework. But yes you can use ChromeOS Launcher as a calculator, bu using the new ChromeOS Launcher, just put in the maths problem and add an equal sign at the end and get your answer quickly, easily and swiftly, a nifty little feature you didn’t know you could do, and one which is extremely minor yet largely helpful to one’s needs and daily life, and now, one you can use. Also, it can convert units into other units, for example, “4 ounces into grams.”

Make Skype Calls

Chromebook users can now log in to their Skype accounts and chat over the internet using the service provided by Skype, which can also be used to make voice and video calls. As this is still in its beta testing stage, there are occasional bugs and freezes, which will most likely be improved by the time in updates and bug fixes, most probably in the near future.

This is a major feature, as what people thought to be just a web browser for money can actually allow you to video and voice calls.

Launch Apps Just By Typing

A shared feature by Windows and iOS, now Chromebook users can also access their apps by typing after clicking on the launcher icon and typing the name of the app, in the search button on the lower left, and run apps like “WeVideo Video Editor” just by typing its name. Yes, it’s that easy. It’s a quick little feature that saves lives so why not?

It’s one of the few similarities, that a Chromebook shares with regard to other laptops like Windows, etc, which the community will accept with open arms

Use “Ok Google.” To Search For Information

Using the Google Assistant, which is activated by “Hey Google.” or “Ok Google.” can be used to get the information you didn’t know you could get from a google assistant including searching for showtimes for movies. This can only be accessed by enabling the “Enable ‘Ok Google’ to start any application or to even ask the score of the latest Laker’s game,  getting the most out of your Chromebook.

Google added this crucial, immersive feature to the Chromebook on popular demand from the community with the google assistant’s efficiency and usefulness and range of information, almost limitless.


This is for touchscreen Chromebooks only.

You can draw anything you want and you can, limited by your imagination and ability to draw color and love for art, you can draw on the touchscreen Chromebook, using your fingers or a stylus, both working perfectly and meeting your demands with another nifty feature, which would definitely come in handy, honing and using your artistic skills on your Chromebook has never been easier, with a Da Vinci-Esque masterpiece, just a few swipes away…

Run Apps Offline

After heading over to the web store and scrolling under “offline apps” which will run even after the internet goes down for some reason. These will run offline, without any internet connection, for example, Gmail Offline, Kindle Cloud Reader and Gliffy diagrams.

These will provide an immersive experience, one which is wholesome and easy, and offline, guaranteed to be a feature not many knew, this earns our #6 spot on the list, along with others, as this amazingly eases the experience and use.

Get Google Cards From OS Launcher

At the bottom of the OS Launcher, there is a little black arrow that when clicked shows a Google Now Cards with a suggested search based on your browsing history. Scrolling down will expand the cards in size.

You can easily refresh and update the content and expand the content and criteria pressing on the “more” option. An easy-to-use feature for the Chromebook and one which is a fun feature, for a frequent user.

Keyboard Shortcuts

The following keyboard shortcuts will greatly help you in the future, using your Chromebook, these include shortcuts to snap windows to the left and right side (-ALT and +ALT), pressing CTRL+ENTER before and after adding a web address will add “www.” and “.com” before and after, respectively.

This, surprisingly, saves a giant amount of time in the long run, making your Chromebook experience just a little easier and better. Also, using the power and refresh button will force a reboot of the system.

Video And Photo Editing

You can use the Polarr Photo Editor to add those special effects and filters for the ‘gram, getting you those important followers and helping you in your editing, either for business or pleasure and other apps can also be used for video editing which you can search on the Web Store by searching the keywords “Video Editor”.

Run Android Apps

Yes! Google introduced this feature last year, announcing that they would add android app compatibility on the Chromebook, but the only catch is it’s kind of incompatible, with only select apps being available for Chromebook use, one which makes users feel like they’ve been lied to by Google, although Evernote and DuoLingo are available for Chromebook users.

Google announced that they’ll extend and upgrade this feature, in the near future, making most apps available through the App Runtime for Chrome.