In its six-season run, Glee broke boundaries by showing the not so fun side of high school from different outcast perspectives. In the choir room, everyone was welcome regardless of social status, race, gender identity or sexual preferences. For the time it was quite progressive.

As the seasons continued, unfortunately, there were some plot errors made along the way. Something as small as a character’s background info to character development has resulted in errors throughout its run. Think you caught most of these errors, read on to see the 10 Continuity Errors That Fans Probably Didn’t Notice In Glee.

Sue’s Short Hair Cut Backstory

In the Madonna episode in season 1 when Mr. Shue rebuts Sue’s hair joke audiences first hear about how Sue’s iconic hairstyle came to be. She talks about how when she was home alone she and her sister decided to dye her hair just like Madonna’s, resulting in her hair frying off never fully able to grow past the current length.

But later on in the season 5 episode “Puppet Master,” Sue recalls that she cut off her long hair and stopped wearing dresses so that students would take her more seriously, leaving audiences to wonder if this was just a common error or just another web of Sue Sylvester’s lies.

Blaine & Karofsky’s Relationship

One of the biggest storylines for season 2 was Kurt being bullied by David Karofsky for no other reason than he was out of the closet. Later on, audiences see that he’s angry because he was hiding his sexuality and didn’t know how to come to terms with it. Through this Kurt left McKinley and meets Blaine. Blaine inspires him to be courageous and even helps Kurt confront Karofsky after he hate-kisses him.

Years later somehow Blaine and Karofsky start dating and eventually move in together. This throws everyone for a loop because of everything that Dave put Kurt through. Despite everything he did, their relationship just makes no sense and makes viewers feel uncomfortable in the process.

Glee Club’s Popularity

Throughout the series, the club is branded as outcasts at McKinley, but this label seems to fluctuate. Audiences see members of the New Directions getting slushied and bullied. Despite how much students say they dislike the glee club, whenever they perform at assemblies, dances and frankly, in general, they are welcomed with open arms. Even if students find the glee club dorky or stupid, people tend not to be as mad at them when they are singing top 40 hits.

Besides that, some of McKinley’s most popular students are members of the glee club. Regardless of being slushied and occasionally roughed up a bit, the football players and cheerios on the team give them more “street cred” then they realize.

Unique’s Treatment in New Directions

Wade “Unique” Adams was introduced to gleeks in Season 3, as Vocal Adrenaline’s secret weapon. Making allies with Mercedes and Kurt, she eventually realized that the New Directions was where she was meant to be. Come season 4, Unique joins the remaining members of the glee club on their road to nationals.

Being the previous year’s MVP at nationals, would in some minds gives her talent validity to be the next lead soloist. For the remainder of her time on the show, Unique is treated like the rest of the new members instead of the seasoned show choir member that she is.

Ryder Quitting Glee Club

After being a victim of cat-fishing from fellow New Direction member Wade “Unique” Adams, Ryder decides in the season 4 finale we find out that Ryder plans on not returning to the Glee club after regionals, but low and behold when season 5 rolled around he’s still in the choir room participating as if nothing happened.

Without even a slight explanation we are left to assume that somehow Unique and Ryder made amends after the damage was done and decided to move forward.

Sam’s Living Arrangement

Toward the end of Season 2 audiences find out that Sam’s family has lost their house and is living out of a motel. This resulted in his temporary absence in season 3 until Finn and Rachel convince him to come back. At this time Sam lives with at the Hummel-Hudson household, but at the end of that season, both Finn and Kurt graduated and eventually moved out.

Leaving this to question, what was his living arrangement? Did his parents move back to Lima? Did he stay put? The fact of the matter is we don’t know, but somehow he made things work.

Santana’s Graduation Money

At the end of Season 3, Santana’s mom gifts her with enough money to buy “a mic-mansion” by Santana’s standards, for college. Seeing that she got a full ride to the University of Louisville for cheerleading, she got to choose what to do with the money. In the end, she probably used a good chunk to live in New York, and the constant flying back and forth between there and Lima. Outside of those few expenses, we are left wondering what she did with the rest. Did she save it for a rainy day? Did she use it to buy a place for her and Brittany in New York? Did it pay for their season 6 wedding?

Performance Enhancing Drugs Plotline

After losing sectionals for the first (and only time) in the series, the glee club tries to find their way back into competition. In the process, Sam obsessively researches and finds out that the Warblers we’re taking steroids to increase their chances of winning, which is against the high school show choir rules.

Even though this rule was enforced for the Warblers, it was not enforced for the New Directions in season 3. At the previous season’s national competition, Mercedes was hit with a serious case of food poisoning. Right before their final performance, she miraculously feels better and tells members not that she has so many steroids in her that if they piss her off she might turn into the Hulk. Does this not apply since she was sick? Is it all forms of steroids? Or is that determined on a case by case basis?

Rachel’s Character Arc

From the get-go, audiences knew that despite her flaws and controlling behavior, Rachel Barbara Berry was a star. Her dream and life’s goal was to head to Broadway and never look back. This was established heavily in the first five seasons. From glee club to NYADA to Broadway.

That was the plan, but that got derailed as the fifth season came to a close. Giving up her childhood dream of being the lead in “Funny Girl” for a TV show, which ended up being the disaster known as “That’s So Rachel”. This drastic jump didn’t fit the Rachel that we’ve come to know and love, and in the end, somewhat derailed the show until the end of the final season.

Brittany’s Intelligence

Throughout the series, Brittany was known for her quick-witted and child-like nonsense filled lines. She still believed in Santa Claus, the magic of Leprechauns and didn’t fully understand where babies come from. She often forgot who she dated (besides Santana of course) and lived life with mainly no cares.

But in season 4 her character arch shifted and it was revealed that she was a genius. Eventually leaving McKinley to go to school at M.I.T. is practically impossible in general, let alone for the only character in the show that was held back and completed her homework in crayon.