Before streaming technology gave fans the ability to binge through their favourite shows in a single afternoon, fans of sitcoms and television programs had to wait a week between episodes. And since re-runs were not common at the time either, if an episode was missed than it was unlikely that one would be able to see it again. This made it much easier for writers and showrunners to switch gears, abandon plots, and swap actors out entirely. Few fans would be able to recall events from years prior and most insignificant details were forgotten.

But now that we are able to breeze through several seasons in a single weekend, we have begun to notice that there are some glaring continuity issues in some of our favourite classic shows. Today we will be examining some of the more frustrating errors from ten classic 90’s sitcoms.

Donna’s Missing Sister

In the early episodes of That 70’s Show, Donna was not the only Pinciotti child in the household. Originally, she was meant to have a sister. Her sister even appeared in one episode when she snuck into a party that Donna was hosting.

Sadly, her sister was never seen again and was eventually no longer even alluded to. After that point, the canon shifted and Donna became an only child.

Rachel And Chandler’s Introduction

In the pilot episode of Friends, a wet and bridal Rachel is introduced to Chandler as if they have never met. And at this point in the show, the audience has no reason to assume otherwise. However, it is later revealed that the two met years ago when Monica was struggling with her weight, Rachel had her old nose, and the boys were still in college.

They meet again at a college party that the two girls sneak into. Maybe Rachel is so self-involved that she forgot he even existed. Or maybe Chandler is just that forgettable.

Uncle Jesse’s Changing Name

Uncle Jesse was originally introduced to the fans of Full House as Jesse Cochran but after the first season, his last name was changed and he was given Greek ancestry out of seemingly nowhere. For the rest of the series (including the spin-off) he was known as Jesse Katsopolis.

Some fans believe that “Jesse Cochran” was a stage name that he was trying out while attempting to make a name for himself in the music industry but that he chose to go back to his roots after living with the Tanners taught him the importance of family.

Shawn’s Missing Sister

In the first season of Boy Meets World, Shawn has a sister (and not a very nice one.) Though she is never seen on screen, she can be heard mocking him over a brief phone call during one of Cory’s many identity crises.

And then she is simply never mentioned again. Shawn is no stranger to random siblings either as a thug that threatens Cory in a later season is revealed to be a relative of Shawn’s (before disappearing never to be seen again) as well as Eric’s college roommate, who is revealed to be Shawn’s half-brother. Luckily this brother gets to stay around until the end of the show.

A New Becky

This one was hard to miss; however, it was not really addressed and should be made note of. Halfway through the original run of Roseanne, the actress that played Becky was replaced.

This was not the only show to do so in the 90’s. Both That’s 70 Show and The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air replaced key cast members in the midst of production and some dedicated fans may have noticed that two different actresses played the supporting role of Carol on Friends. Though they had their reasons, the sudden change of face did irritate many dedicated fans of the show.

Topanga’s Unstable Family

When Topanga was originally introduced to the fans of Boy Meets World, she was a true flower child. She was out of this world- as was her family. Her father was a guitar making hippie who asked his children to call him by his first name and encouraged them to be their most authentic selves.

But in the later seasons of the show, we meet Topanga’s father again. Not only is he being played by a different actor but both he and her mother are the picture of suburban America. They are well-dressed, formal, distant, and nothing like they were earlier in the show. These are not the kind of people that would have raised someone as special as our Topanga.

 Danny’s Clean Slate

Full House’s Danny Tanner is known for being neurotically clean. That man was practically born with a mop in his hands. At some points in the show it seems as though a single stain on the couch could send him into a fit of madness. Many characters comment on how he has been this way since childhood as well.

So why was his house such a mess in the shows first season that he had to clean it, in a panic, so his mother did not see it? Some fans believe that the temporary mess was the result of grief; though must just chalk it up to the show not figuring itself out until the second season.

Forgetting Your Friends Birthdays

It can be hard to remember the birthday of every single person in your life, and, as we get older, some of your friends might prefer if you forgot exactly how old they were. When it comes to the show Friends, it can be rather difficult to track the exact age of every character.

This is because both the age and the birth date of several main characters seems to change with no logic or consistency. Ross is the character who is most severely affected by this as, by the end of the show, the man has two birthdays a year that tend to swap months every time they are mentioned.

Cory and Topanga’s Confusing Romance

Everyone wants a relationship like Cory and Topanga. The kind where you meet when you were two years old and were inseparable ever since. Holding hands in your strollers and destined for love. No, you meet in the sixth grade and hate each other until you are teenagers. No, you meet as children but you hated her for years because your brother told you to.

At least they never cheated on each other until that night at the ski lodge. Wait, no. Cory kissed another girl at a party while Topanga was sick and another girl while visiting a college that Eric was considering attending. The writers couldn’t seem to decide whether they wanted a fairytale or a soap opera, so they did both and hoped that we wouldn’t notice.

Rachel Can’t Spell Her Name (And Neither Can Anyone Else)

This continuity error might seem rather small but it still drove several fans wild over the years. Rachel, as well as everyone around her, seems to have a bit of trouble spelling her last name.

Sometimes her last name is “Green” and others it is “Greene.” The name, which is spelt differently each time it appears, can be seen on wedding invitations, the door of her office at Ralph Lauren, and in the end credits when her family members make brief appearances.