The writers of The Office are some truly talented people. The show had an incredible 9 season run. It’s understandable that over the course of 201 episodes, some minor details may have gotten lost along the way.

The writers are only human. There have definitely been some continuity errors on the show. Most of them were little blips but others are glaring issues. Either way, keep reading to find out the top 10 continuity errors from the show!

The Ringer

Pam has made some questionable decisions on the show. She hasn’t always been the most honest or ethical person. When Pam attends a local job fair with Michael she reminisces in her old high school gym. She has fond memories of lying about her health to get out of playing volleyball.

During the company picnic, Pam surprises everyone with her skills in the sport. In an interview, she says she played the sport in high school. And in college. And she went to a volleyball camp every summer. If Pam was such a volleyball fanatic why would hse have lied in gym class to get out of it? Playing your favorite game in gym class is a sweet treasure of school days.

Meta Cameos

The Dunder Mifflin universe is a confusing place. It’s not really clear if The Office takes place in our own timeline or not. The characters have made references to famous films, contemporary music, and even current events. That certainly implies that they’re living in the same timeline we are. Both Will Farell and Jim Carrey have been mentioned by Dunder Mifflin employees.

This made it very confusing when Jim Carrey showed up for an interview. No one recognized the comedian nor did they care about his upcoming trip to the finger lakes. Even more puzzling was when Will Farrell took over Michael’s office and no one pointed out his identity. These meta cameos stretch suspension of disbelief.

A Degree Of Confusion

Micahel Scott is a deeply flawed person. He’s been known to fib for the sake of entertainment and to tell huge lies to make himself look better. Michael has referenced college more than once but his stories seem to change from episode to episode. Michael once told a story about working hard to save up money for college.

He lost it all in a pyramid scheme and says he couldn’t go. Michael later tells his coworkers he misses the parties on campus. Did Michael go to college? Does he have a degree? It’s not clear.

Mixed Signals

Meredith Palmer is a confusing lady at best. After Michael hits her with his car she gains the sympathy of the entire office. The whole staff goes to the hospital to see her. When she makes her triumphant return to work she’s in a hilarious pelvic cast.

To make things as awkward as possible Meredith asks Jim to sign her crotch. She lays on the flirting so hard that Jim is visibly disturbed. In later episodes Meredith confesses that she can’t stand Jim, citing that he gives her the creeps. She even likens the bad guy in a scary story to him. He freaks her out that badly. Which is it? Is she attracted or repulsed?

New Rules

With the exception of Angela, it seems like the whole staff loves a good cocktail, especially if it’s on the clock. There are plenty of episodes that feature boozy parties and sneaky sips. Meredith practically has a dry bar in her desk. This company culture of knocking them back is pretty well established. That’s why it was so confusing when Toby raised some concerns.

Michael heads out to buy some liquor for an office party. Toby points out that they can’t serve alcohol on company property. That’s certainly news to the entire audience. Even Angela has mistakenly taken a sip of champagne at a Dunder Mifflin event. This is one scene that explains why Michael hates his HR rep.

Long Lost Relatives

It’s pretty clear that the Schrute family is huge. Dwight brags about his plethora of cousins, each more impressive than the last. With all those relatives maybe he could potentially lose track of one or two but there are two examples that are a little fishy. After Ryan moves to New York he befriends a successful financial mogul.

The two are partying hard in a night club when Dwight and Michael catch up with them. Dwight is mystified by Troy and thinks he may be a hobbit. Later Troy returns as a Schrute applying for work at Dunder Mifflin. How could Dwight have mistaken his cousin for a halfling? During the hay festival, a little boy on the moving truck hayride has a few lines. Later on, when we meet Dwight’s sister, the same boy returns as Dwight’s nephew. It’s clear the two aren’t close but Dwight does know the boy. How could so many Schrutes slip by Dwight unnoticed?


Angela is many things but humble isn’t one of them. She loves to look down her tiny nose at people and remind herself just how much better than everyone she is. In an interview, she once bragged about her grudge-holding skills. She claims to have a sister with whom she was once very close.

She admits they haven’t spoken in many years and says she can’t even remember why. Later at her wild bachelorette party, Angela’s story is much different. She’s elated the second she spots her sibling. he two engage in a warm embrace. Angela tells the camera crew that she and her sister are very close. Did they have some kind of off-camera make up?

Title Switch

When we first meet Meredith Palmer we find out she’s an accountant. Her job title is mentioned by Michael in an insensitive birthday card.

Later on, she’s referred to as the supplier relations representative and nearly gets herself in a lot of trouble. It seems she’s had too many relations with suppliers.

You Never Forget

In season 3, episode 10 Michael rides his bike into the office. He announces he’s donating it to the office gift drive. It’s even implied that the bike has been ridden quite a lot and isn’t worth donating.

Later in the show, Michael’s employees are drafter into teaching him to ride a bike. The one skill you allegedly never forget.

Getting Rusty

It might be time to worry about Oscar. He seems to be really forgetful. When Dwight accidentally discharges his weapon Oscar discovers hardwood floors under the office carpet. While everyone is all hopped up on expresso in the coffee maker episode he pulls back the carpet and rediscovers the wood flooring.

Oscar also confidently plays arcade basketball in one season only to appear to have forgotten all about the game the next time he sees it. Has the stress of working at Dunder Mifflin taken its toll on his mind?