One of the most timeless movies from the 90s is Clueless. The film that spawned the famous line “As if!” and introduced Cher Horowitz (Alicia Silverstone) to the world deserves its place in pop culture. The film’s 25th anniversary is fast approaching, and still, we love this movie as much as the day it came out. Cher, a spoiled and popular rich girl from Beverly Hills has it all. Initially out to save her report card, Cher discovers how much she loves conducting good deeds and begins helping others and learning lessons along the way that show her how clueless she really was about the world beyond her periphery and she becomes a better person because of it. Cher’s journey is funny, exciting and relatable on certain levels, making for some great memes. That said, here are 10 Clueless memes that are too hilarious for words.

An All-You-Can-Eat Dilemma

The struggle is real. When you’re faced with a dilemma like an all-you-can-eat restaurant, it seems all cards are off the table and you allow yourself to give in to temptation. That is unless you have seriously strong willpower. It’s hard, especially when limitless amounts of your favorite food are right in front of you, seemingly torturing and taunting you. The look on Cher’s face in this meme says it all: the struggle of knowing you don’t want to, but thinking you must have all that food!

Thinking About Your Ex Like…

Cher captures our feelings precisely in this meme. Your ex is an ex for a reason. Still, sometimes you find yourself reflecting on your past, and things like your ex can tend to pop up. You wonder what you ever saw in them, what you were thinking at the time, etc. At the end of the day, though, it’s best to leave it on Cher’s note: you feel an overwhelming sense of ickyness at the very thought of them, and so you permanently leave them behind.

Dear Diary

No one oozes self-confidence and self-esteem like Cher. It wouldn’t be surprising if Cher started a whole revolution about how to empower yourself through your own words. She is into conducting good deeds, after all. Encouraging others to feel more self-empowerment would totally be her thing. That’s why this meme is perfect. Get a furry pen like Cher’s and start writing down your empowering notes.

You Think I’m Beautiful?

Practically everyone has experienced something like this at one time or another. A random stranger catcalls you or screams profanities your way. You’re offended (or maybe not, depending on the circumstances) but deep down you’re thinking it’s nice to hear that someone finds you beautiful. Sometimes it’s just nice to be reminded that you’re still attractive to somebody, or that you’re having a good hair day. It’s the little things that boost your self-confidence. Strangers catcalling isn’t necessarily the best way to be reminded of your beauty, but we never said the human psyche made sense.

Political Opinions

Cher doesn’t exactly research her topics in debate well, but she still manages to deliver an entertaining performance. Plus, it’s totally relatable. Not many people like conducting extensive research. Besides, with everything happening in politics, it’s not easy to keep up. So it’s easy to side with Cher’s approach to debate, and copy this meme’s message of being in favor of politics and leaving it at that.

Those 1990s Insults…

One of the biggest burns in 1990s pop culture. After transforming Tai’s looks and personality to go with it, Cher realizes the monster that Tai has become because of her influence. Tai was very harsh with Cher when she said this, and Cher was already having a bad day. While that was awful, the hilarious aspect of this meme is that the insult is simple yet effective, and it spawned a flurry of utilization in text messages to people referencing the film or giving their friends a hard time. Movie insults–there just isn’t anything like them.

Those Shopping Habits…

You couldn’t have used a better character to accompany the meaning of this meme. Cher is all about style. Clothes, shoes, accessories, hair products, and especially make-up. Cher wouldn’t be caught dead without her make-up or in clothes that weren’t strictly designer-made. For Cher, she can go out and buy just about anything without having to worry about a credit card limit. For many others, it’s not so simple. That’s why this meme is so wonderfully and hilariously relatable. You don’t need to eat this week, do you? The make-up palette is higher on the priority list.

The Total Amount

Speaking of priority lists and expenses, this is another hilarious meme that lies in the same category. It’s not cheap to look good. You want to look nice for others, especially a significant other, as this meme demonstrates. The look on Cher’s face is perfect (in the movie, she was looking back at a potted plant she’d just taken out with her car) for the way we feel when we pay the bill. Our bad. Next time your significant other wants to splurge, let them. Life is too short to say no to everything, and it’s better to keep it balanced between the two of you anyhow.

The Dionne To Your Cher

If you’ve got a bestie like this, then you totally get this meme. You’ll call or text each other even if you’re a few feet away. You relate on just about everything, share a keen sense of fashion, and are always hanging out together. You’re always supporting one another’s endeavors (perhaps giving someone else a makeover to help them achieve popularity) and you have a language all your own. Dionne and Cher are #friendshipgoals.

As If!

Honestly, how many times have you used this in a reply? How could you not utter this at least fifty times a day, considering all the things you tend to run into that you find unbelievable, unfathomable, or simply unavoidable? It’s an exclamation of disgust, of knowing you’ll never do what the world appears to have forced onto you. In Cher’s case at the point the meme utilizes, it has to do with her rejection of high school boys. “As if!” has lasted 25 years throughout pop culture and is still going strong, which is why this meme tops our list.