Ever since all of the MCU’s awesome female heroes stood beside each other on the battleground in Avengers: Endgame to help Captain Marvel get the Infinity Gauntlet through the horde of Outriders, a lot of Marvel fans have been dying to see an A-Force movie, which is to say, an all-female Avengers movie. (There’s a small minority of misogynistic fans that see the prospect of an A-Force movie as some kind of apocalyptic nightmare, but let’s just ignore them.)

Brie Larson and Tessa Thompson said recently that they and their co-stars are up for such a movie, and implored fans to pester Marvel to get it into development, so it could be a reality soon. So, here are 10 Characters We Want To See In An MCU A-Force Movie.


She might be busy over the next few years with her new position as the King of New Asgard and her search for a queen in Thor: Love and Thunder, but no A-Force movie would be complete without Valkyrie. Fans have even been ‘shipping her with Captain Marvel.

Tessa Thompson introduced us to this hard-drinking, Pegasus-riding Asgardian warrior pretty late in the game, in Thor: Ragnarok, but she’s so strong-willed, fun, and interesting that it didn’t take long for her to be accepted as one of the MCU’s greatest heroes. Frankly, she can’t be featured in enough movies – the more, the merrier.

The Wasp

Evangeline Lilly has said that she’s not interested in doing a Wasp solo movie, and the future of the Ant-Man solo franchise is unclear, so an A-Force movie might be the best chance to give the Wasp a chance to shine in the MCU going forward.

The Wasp is one of Marvel’s earliest and most beloved superheroes – she was even in the very first Avengers line-up in the comics – and Lilly has been doing a fantastic job of bringing a blend of cynical edge and warmth to the character on the screen. So, seeing her in action again would be a treat.


When Nebula was first introduced in 2014’s Guardians of the Galaxy, she was a more or less one-dimensional villain. She was jealous of her sister Gamora, who Thanos had always favored over her, and she simply wanted to kill her because of it.

However, she has since developed into a more interesting character, reconciling her differences with Gamora, getting tortured when Thanos thwarted her attempt to murder him, and eventually being forced to confront her past self to fully move on. Nebula is easily one of the most complex characters in the MCU, and she finally got a chance to shine this year in Avengers: Endgame.


Letitia Wright has said that she’d love for Shuri to become the Black Panther one day. It would be an interesting plot for a movie, if T’Challa got injured badly and couldn’t defeat a villain, leaving Shuri to step in and save the day. Whether this would happen before or after an A-Force movie remains to be seen, but Black Panther or not, Shuri has plenty to offer the team.

She’s one of the smartest people in the world – smarter than any of the other Avengers, as proven by Infinity War – and she also has those awesome vibranium hand blasters.

Scarlet Witch

So far, the MCU has not properly served Wanda Maximoff. Her magical powers are unique and she has as tragic a backstory as any other MCU hero and she was responsible for the Sokovia Accords, yet somehow, the movies thus far have made her kind of boring.

Scarlet Witch’s Disney+ series WandaVision, as well as her upcoming team-up with the Sorcerer Supreme in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, look to make her character a lot more interesting, which should set her up for an exciting future in the MCU, like an appearance alongside the A-Force (and maybe even a “House of M” movie).


There are a lot of MCU characters who are more useful in hand-to-hand combat than Mantis, but she’s more useful than anyone else in other areas. As an empath, she’s able to tap into people’s feelings, and in certain cases, that can have a lot more impact than punching them in the face.

She had the power to put Ego, an entire living planet, to sleep. She even managed to subdue Thanos long enough for her cohorts to very almost get the Infinity Gauntlet off his hand (before Star-Lord let his emotions get in the way and screwed everything up).

Maria Hill

After Black Widow, who Scarlett Johansson has confirmed is permanently dead, Maria Hill was the second major female hero to be introduced into the MCU. When Loki stole the Tesseract from S.H.I.E.L.D., she jumped in a car and singlehandedly chased him down.

She had a large role in this year’s Spider-Man: Far From Home, but that turned out to be a Skrull disguised as Hill. The real Hill deserves a chance to shine, because she’s one of the few people that Nick Fury has ever trusted and she’s been one of the quickest-witted, sharpest-shooting, badass agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. for years.


As the general of the Dora Milaje and the leader of all the Wakandan armies, Okoye is easily Black Panther’s most trusted ally. Danai Gurira has been playing the character brilliantly in the MCU.

She’s blunt, to-the-point, incredibly skilled, and has a delightfully dry sense of humor (“It’s an earthquake under the ocean; we handle it by not handling it!”) – and she’s proven to be so popular among Marvel fans that there was an uproar when Gurira was unjustifiably deprived of billing on the top of the Avengers: Endgame poster (the studio even ended up changing the poster in response).


Although the Gamora that we saw go on a beautiful emotional journey to opening herself up and becoming one of “those who dance” is permanently dead and the one who’s alive is a villain on the back end of her tenure serving Thanos, it wouldn’t feel right to have an all-female team-up movie in the MCU that didn’t include Gamora.

Zoe Saldana has nailed this character, turning her into one of the most vulnerable and conflicted, yet strong and foreboding warriors in the entire franchise. She’s a sword-wielding badass who doesn’t let anyone push her around – they need her on the team.

Captain Marvel

Obviously, if an A-Force movie gets made, Captain Marvel will be heavily involved, since Brie Larson is its most outspoken advocate and the character is arguably the most powerful Avenger of all. Avengers: Endgame suggested that Carol Danvers won’t be all that present in the wider MCU, because she’ll be busy dealing with problems in the farthest reaches of space.

However, if the franchise’s female heroes were to join forces in a team-up, it would be a no-brainer for her to lead the way. She has practically limitless abilities, she has a military background, and she’s a strong leader. And she was the one who led them in the Endgame moment that kicked off A-Force discussions in the first place.