WARNING: Spoilers ahead for Captain Marvel.

Captain Marvel has some big reveals and twists that impact not just Carol Danvers (Brie Larson) but the MCU going forward. Here are the biggest spoilers from the Captain Marvel movie.

Set in 1995, Captain Marvel follows Starforce member Vers in the ongoing brutal conflict between the Kree and Skrulls - a shapeshifting extraterrestrial race and how Earth is dangerously caught in the middle - who discovers she’s actually from Earth and was transformed into one of the universe’s most powerful beings. Teaming up with a young (still two-eyed) Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson) and fan-favorite Phil Coulson (Clark Gregg), she eventually discovers her past and directly influences everybody else’s future.

The final film before MCU’s 22-movie arc wraps up in next month’s Avengers: Endgame, Captain Marvel has released under a veil of secrecy about how Carol - who was teased in Infinity War’s post-credits scene - connects to the Phase 3 capper. But aside from details directly linked to the ongoing Infinity Stones debacle, the movie also set-up potential stories that Marvel Studios can explore further down the road. Here are the ten biggest spoilers in Captain Marvel.

10. Annette Bening Is Mar-Vell

Marvel Studios has kept the identity of Annette Bening’s Captain Marvel character a secret since she was first cast. It was recently confirmed by the actress herself that she portrays the Supreme Intelligence - the Kree’s leader - but that’s not the full truth.

Captain Marvel revealed that Bening is playing a gender-swapped Mar-Vell (the Kree hero who gave Carol her powers in the comics), disguising herself as Dr. Wendy Lawson. Lawson was hiding on Earth as she’s secretly working on a hype-space technology using the Tesseract. This would help the Skrulls escape the Kree Empire and find a safe planet to settle in, effectively ending the brutal war between the two races.

9. Jude Law Is Yon-Rogg

Like Bening’s role, Jude Law’s Captain Marvel character was shrouded in mystery. He was initially reported to be Doctor Walter Lawson, a.k.a. Mar-Vell, but this was never confirmed, with Marvel only ever calling him “Starforce Commander”. As a result of this mystery, many began to suspect he was playing someone else.

Those theories were right - Jude Law is playing Yon-Rogg, Mar-Vell’s greatest nemesis in the comics. A devout follower of the Supreme Intelligence, Yon-Rogg killed Mar-Vell and abducted a newly-transformed Carol from Earth to Hala where he wiped her memory and trained her to become a loyal Kree warrior. In the movie, he wants to claim the Tesseract for the Kree cause, but winds up falling foul of Captain Marvel and being sent back to Hala empty-handed.

8. Captain Marvel Gets Her Powers From The Tesseract

Dubbed the strongest hero in the MCU, there were naturally many theories about where Captain Marvel got her powers from. Many theories linked it to the Quantum Realm from the Ant-Man movies, but in actuality they came from the Tesseract/Space Stone, tying her to the MCU’s overall narrative involving the Infinity Stones.

In 1989, Carol was flying with Dr. Lawson on Earth when Yon-Rogg and his team attacked them. Coming clean to Carol about her real identity as Mar-Vell following their crash, Lawson told the young pilot that she needs to destroy the ship’s engine which is powered by the Tesseract. However, she was killed by the Starforce leader before she was able to. Despite not understanding what’s exactly going on and being held at gunpoint by Yon-Rogg, Carol finished the job for her mentor. She was caught in the explosion, in the process absorbing its energy. It’s important to note her powers come from the Tesseract and are not directly linked to it.

7. Talos Wants The Tesseract To Escape The Kree

Ben Mendelsohn’s Skrull leader Talos was positioned to be Captain Marvel’s main villain, and indeed the movie depicted him as such most of the film. He’s disguised himself as a S.H.I.E.L.D. official to get a hold of Carol following her escape, and almost kills Fury during a fight in P.E.G.A.S.U.S headquarters. But after following them all the way to Maria Rambeau’s (Lashana Lynch) home in Louisiana and earnestly asking their help, his real intentions are revealed.

With the use of the black box recording from Lawson and Carol’s plane crash six years prior, Talos proves that Yon-Rogg and the Kree are the real bad guys of the story. All the Skrulls really want is access to the Tesseract which Mar-Vell was secretly using to develop a hyperspace technology to help them escape their nemesis and settle peacefully in a brand new planet. With this revelation, Carol agrees to assist them to locate the power source - Mar-Vell’s lab cloaked in Earth’s orbit, which was also where Talos’ family was hiding.

6. Minn-Erva Dies

Minn-Erva (Gemma Chan) is one of the members of the elite Kree team called the Starforce in Captain Marvel. A rival with Vers to be Yon Rogg’s best subordinate in the team, the two had always had an icy relationship. It’s later revealed that she was present when Yon-Rogg adjusted Carol from Earth.

In the comic books, Dr. Minn-Erva became a notable enemy of Mar-Vell, giving fans the impression that she’ll stick around for possibly becoming a recurring villain for Captain Marvel 2. However, during the film’s final battle, she is killed in an aerial battle with Maria Rambeau in a S.H.I.E.L.D. Quinjet.

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5. Captain Marvel Scares Ronan & The Kree Away From Earth

Guardians of the Galaxy villain Ronan the Accuser (Lee Pace) was confirmed to be in Captain Marvel back in early 2018. However, Ronan’s role in Captain Marvel wasn’t as prominent as many expected. For much of the film only appearing in a hologram to Yon-Rogg, Ronan eventually turns up at Earth to subjugate the planet, only for his weapons to be destroyed by Captain Marvel. Terrified of her immense power, he calls his ships to retreat. After this, Carol deals with Yon-Rogg, sending him back to Hala as well.

This non-combative ending works on multiple levels. Carol tells Yon-Rogg she doesn’t have to prove anything to her former mentor, while Ronan’s fear may explain why Earth hasn’t been bothered by the Kree (or any other extraterrestrials other than Thanos) for such a long time: everybody’s wary of Captain Marvel.

4. Goose Is A Flerken - And Scratches Out Fury’s Eye

Captain Marvel promised to reveal how Fury lost his left eye, and did so in a rather surprising way: it’s all it’s Goose the Cat’s fault. Carol Danvers’ pet from the comic books, there called Chewie, made his way to the big screen as Goose, a reference to Top Gun. Of course, comic readers will have known this isn’t your typical cat but the last of a ruthless alien species known as the Flerkens; tentacled beings whose bodies contain interdimensional portals and terrify Skrulls.

Goose plays a pivotal part in Captain Marvel’s third act, ingesting the Space Stone for safekeeping, fighting off Starforce and ensuring the Skrulls’ safety. However, after the final battle was finished, Goose suddenly scratched attacked Fury’s left eye as he was holding it closely to his face. Fury at first shrugs it off, but it soon becomes clear it’s more than a flesh wound.

3. Carol Danvers Leaves To Help The Skrulls… But Leaves Fury His Pager

When Nick Fury called Captain Marvel in Avengers: Infinity War’s post-credits scene, everybody wondered why he hadn’t called her before. Earth had been in peril plenty of times between 1995 and 2018, and yet Carol was never called to help the Avengers.

Captain Marvel explains that. At the end of the film, Carol has committed herself to helping the Skrulls find a brand new home. Before leaving, however, she returned Fury his pager (after confiscating it earlier) with a few Kree tech upgrades that will allow him to send her a signal a couple of galaxies away if he ever needs her.

2. Nick Fury Names The Avengers After Captain Marvel

Captain Marvel is Fury’s first superhero encounter - and a very important one. His experience with her gave the then-desk jockey a reason to stay in S.H.I.E.L.D. at the time when he wasn’t sure what his purpose was in the organization. More than that, she directly inspired the Avengers.

In response to what he witnessed during his mission with Carol, Fury came up with a proposal for a new project that would bring together a group of heroes that can defend the Earth in case another attack comes along, initially dubbing it “The Protector Initiative.” Thankfully, after a brief conversation with Coulson regarding finding other superheroes out there, he found a better name: Carol’s old F-16 was emblazoned with her call sign, Carol “Avenger” Danvers.

1. Captain Marvel’s Post-Credits Scenes: Carol Danvers Returns To Earth Right After The Snap

Captain Marvel’s mid-credits scene connects the events of her movie directly to Avengers: Endgame. It shows the Avengers - Captain America (Chris Evans), Black Widow (Scarlet Johansson), War Machine (Don Cheadle) and Bruce Banner (Mark Ruffalo) - in the aftermath of Thanos’ snap examining the numbers of the dead. They’ve retrieved Fury’s pager, which they’re monitoring. It switches off, which surprises the survivors, and then Carol arrives behind them, asking “Where’s Fury?” A simple tease for Carol joining Earth’s Mightiest Heroes, this would seem to confirm she’s going to be part of the team from the start of Avengers: Endgame.

The second stinger at the end of the credits shows Goose depositing the Tesseract on Fury’s desk, directly leading towards its use in The Avengers.


With Carol Danvers’ origin story in Captain Marvel out of the way, fans can now look forward to Avengers: Endgame with a more hopeful perspective knowing that MCU’s strongest hero has finally arrived to help against Thanos.

Next: Everything We Know About Captain Marvel’s Role In Avengers: Endgame

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