While The Office may have focused on Michael Scott and the working relationship he had with his employees and their interactions with each other, the workplace comedy was also so much more.

Beyond the “that’s what she said” jokes and hilarious antics everyone got up to at Dunder Mifflin was the romance that many of the characters had with, typically, another co-worker.

Some couples had far more romantic moments than others, but overall, there were some amazing romantic gestures all throughout the nine seasons of the hit sitcom. These are our top 10 of them all.

Jim Asking Pam Out On A Date

It was the moment that stole our breaths away. All throughout the third season of The Office, we continued to watch Jim and Pam individually dance around their feelings for one another. Jim was dating Karen while Pam had briefly reunited with Roy.

By the finale, Jim was still with Karen but Pam was single. There was also the big question of if Jim would get the job at corporate and move to New York with Karen.

But in the last few minutes, as Pam is coming to terms with the fact he may not come back, Jim pops in – indicating he took himself out of the running for the job and probably broke up with Karen – to ask Pam out on their first date. Pam’s tears of happiness after her accepting made the pining they went through worth it.

Michael’s Proposal To Holly

All Michael Scott ever wanted was to be in love and to be loved in return. After many failed attempts at that, he finally found his soulmate in Holly Flax, HR rep at Dunder Mifflin.

The two were practically made for each other and Michael realized this in season 7 when he decided to put a ring on it.

He wanted his proposal to be special and he went above and beyond to accomplish that. He took her on a romantic trip around the office to show her the progression of their relationship and where and how they fell in love in the first place. By the end, Michael’s proposal by candlelight with the entire office watching on made for a beautiful moment for these two.

Andy’s Christmas Gifts To Erin

Andy had a serious crush on Erin when he first met her. He kept wanting to go out with her but wouldn’t just ask her out himself. So when he got her for Secret Santa, he decided to go all out with a “12 days of Christmas” theme. The only problem was many of the gifts involved live birds the caused way more harm than good.

To make up for the injuries the birds caused Erin, he finished off the theme with twelve drummers drumming. He even joined in on the action and finished it off by wishing Erin a Merry Christmas. She was very touched by the sweet gesture, as were we.

Dwight’s Proposal To Angela

Towards the end of season 9 and after a much-needed pep talk from Jim, Dwight realized that Angela is the one for him and that they’ve always loved each other. So he decides to propose to her in the most Dwight-way possible.

He forces her to pull over and shouts out through a bull horn that he loves her. Then, believing Phillip isn’t his son, he says, “And I don’t care that Phillip’s not my son. I will raise a hundred children with a hundred of your lovers if it means I can be with you.”

After he proposes and Angela accepts, she tells him the truth: he is the father of Phillip. It was the most unconventional yet adorable proposal for this crazy couple.

Pam’s Homemade Comic Book For Jim

During the “Classy Christmas” episode in season 7 of The Office, Pam is worried about her very personal gift she made for Jim over the course of the year for Christmas: a comic book about Jim getting bit by a bear on the way to work and turning into one, much like Spider-Man’s story.

After receiving negative comments from her co-workers, she nervously gives it to him, only to leave him speechless in the best way possible. He adored her gift and the fact she put so much hard work into such a deeply sentimental and beautiful present.

Jim Dressing Up As Popeye For Pam

It is common knowledge that Jim was never one for costumes throughout his tenure at Dunder Mifflin. He would do the bare minimum each Halloween just to get through it.

But one Halloween, Pam is told by a man she dated before they got together that he didn’t call her back because she seemed “dorky”. It hurt her feelings, and since Pam had wanted Jim to dress up as the Popeye to her Olive Oyl, he went and did just that to surprise her and make her day.

It was a classic Jim move to do whatever it took to make her happy and was a swoon-worthy moment.

Dwight And Angela’s Wedding Dance

After Mose kidnaps Angela during her bachelorette party and Dwight’s subsequent rescue of her with his bachelor party, Angela’s legs are not working the way they used to due to the series of events that occurred.

This meant that Dwight had to swing Angela back and forth himself during their first dance. It honestly only made their wedding and first dance that much more adorable and heartwarming than it already was, which is seriously saying something.

Dwight’s selflessness and wanting to make a memorable first dance for his now-wife was the sweetest thing to watch unfold.

Jim’s Video For Pam

During the final season, Jim and Pam begin experiencing problems in their marriage for the first time. It was a lot to do with Jim being absent more often than not as he follows his dreams at a company in Philadelphia.

This led to marriage counseling that eventually helped them, but Pam still had a lot of insecurities. She mainly felt that she wasn’t going to be enough for Jim, which she conveyed to him.

So he went to the documentary crew and made a short film showing the highlights of their relationship and how much she means to him. After showing her the video and the card he never gave her all those Christmases ago, he says, “Not enough for me? You are everything.”

Jim Proposing To Pam

At the beginning of season 5, after a botched attempt at proposing to Pam in the season 4 finale, Jim decides that he can’t wait to be engaged to her any longer.

They decide to meet at a gas station halfway between New York, where Pam’s at, and Scranton. It’s pouring rain and Pam thinks they are going to meet for lunch when Jim gets down on one knee, stating he just couldn’t wait.

He finally asks her to marry him and she readily agrees, making Office fans everywhere rejoice in their love.

Bob Vance Paying $1,000 To Hug Phyllis

This is honestly the most underrated romantic gesture in all of The Office’s history. During an auction organized by Michael and Holly after a robbery at their office building – that they inadvertently caused –, Phyllis is auctioning off a hug.

It is treated as if it isn’t a real “prize” to win by Michael, but then Dwight and Bob Vance – Phyllis’ husband – get in a bidding war for a said hug.

Dwight wants to win it after her great advice she gave him about Angela, but eventually, Bob Vance wins out by bidding $1,000 just to hug his wife. If that’s not the most romantic thing you’ve ever heard, we don’t know what is.