On Schitt’s Creek, when Johnny Rose bought a small town with an unfortunate name, he never thought one day he and his family would call the place home. But the little hamlet isn’t entirely without its charms. There’s the diner with an ambitious menu, a thriving cultural scene, a quaint motel and no shortage of friendly, helpful locals.

Schitt’s Creek lacks some modern conveniences, but thanks to the Roses, this tiny burg is finally on the map. While the air can be thick with unpleasant and unidentifiable odors, it’s also full of amour. The town might be small, but everybody is lovin’ large. Here are the 10 biggest (& best) romantic gestures to take place on Schitt’s Creek.

Patrick Proposes To David

The only reason to explain Patrick’s decision to take David on a lengthy hike in the woods is that he knows David will never suspect the forthcoming proposal. Nothing goes as planned on season 5’s “The Hike,” and Patrick seems ready to throw in the towel. David is touched by the effort Patrick put into their picnic, and he’s determined to see it through. David is so preoccupied that it never occurs to him he’s helping to orchestrate his own surprise.

The rock is special to Patrick: it’s where he would go when he was trying to sort out his feelings for David. Now, the breathtaking spot is where he declares David to be the love of his life. David carries an injured Patrick up the mountain, but he’s the one who gets swept off his feet.

Patrick Tells David He Loves Him

David doesn’t enjoy being caught up in his sister’s romantic drama, but Alexis having the courage to tell Ted she loves him inspires Patrick to declare his love for David on season 4’s “Singles Week.” Patrick doesn’t make a huge deal out of it, even though those three little words are ones David has only spoken three times: twice to his parents and once at a Mariah Carey concert.

Cute, sweet, earnest Patrick is the perfect down-to-earth yin to David’s way-the-heck-out-there yang. Knowing that David can be a flight risk when it comes to love and commitment, Patrick immediately takes the pressure off David to say it in return, but not without knocking the whole interaction out of the park by calling David his Mariah Carey.

Ted Crashes Singles Week

Schitt’s Creek’s first-ever Singles Week works out for at least one couple – Alexis and Ted. The entirety of season 4’s “Singles Week” celebrates Alexis’ transformation from a spoiled party girl into someone more caring, selfless and genuine. After pining after Ted for months, Alexis finally gets a happy ending.

With a nudge from David, Ted shows up at an event full of lonely losers searching for love and infuses them all with hope by giving Alexis a third chance and a big kiss. Making the moment that much sweeter is David, who is blissfully in love himself, as he’s thrilled to see his sister finally get what she deserves.

Alexis Declares Her Love For Ted

There was a time when Alexis was fine with being a heartbreaker, but that changes when she falls for Ted. It takes Alexis a while to figure out who she is and what she wants before settling firmly on the hunky town vet. This torch is a heavy one, so Alexis decides to admit her feelings, and she does so without any games or ulterior motives on season 4’s “The Rollout.”

There are no bells or whistles, just a girl standing in front of a guy who likes animals, not asking him to love her. Alexis thinks Ted deserves the truth after everything she put him through, and for a girl who used to be all about appearances, letting herself be completely vulnerable and expecting nothing in return is a pretty big deal.

Johnny Rereads Moira’s Letters

Moira is too busy making the best out of filming a terrible horror movie in Bosnia to miss Johnny. But once she gets home and discovers her husband has kept a stack of love letters from a mystery woman, she turns into a green-eyed monster. Contributing to her belief that Johnny has feelings for another is the combination of jet lag and Bosnian uppers.

Sleep-deprived and delirious, Moira shares the letters with the whole town, painting Johnny out to be a philanderer. She fails to remember the prose was written by her years earlier during her Sunrise Bay days. Johnny misses Moira so much when she’s on location, he reads them to feel closer to her. Poor Johnny is a lost lamb without Moira in the picture, who is so touched by Johnny’s sentimentality she finally passes out cold.

Patrick Serenades David

It’s a tough sell, but to drum up business at Rose Apothecary, Patrick convinces David they need to have an open mic night on season 4’s “Open Mic.” For born showman David, the thought of locals traipsing through the store displaying their affinity for a song, dance and beat poetry is unappealing at best. Even more disconcerting is Patrick’s plans to entertain.

But Patrick is a man of many talents, including the ability to turn Tina Turner’s “Simply the Best” into a beautiful acoustic love song. He dedicates his performance to David, who is brought to tears. Patrick continues to surprise someone who is, on a good day, mortified by absolutely everything.

Mutt Continues Doing Community Service

When Alexis spots Mutt, it’s lust at first sight. The shaggy but sexy local doesn’t seem swayed by Alexis’ considerable charms. Forced to spend time together to fulfill their community service requirements, the two strike up a flirtatious friendship. It’s only when Alexis is ready to leave Schitt’s Creek on season 1’s “Town for Sale” that she discovers Mutt has continued working despite being under no legal obligation to do so. He’s spent hours making Schitt’s Creek a slightly better place motivated only by his affection for Alexis. Alexis has been wooed by some of the best (and worst) men in the world, but Mutt’s actions let Alexis know her crush isn’t as unrequited as she thinks.

Alexis Supports Ted’s Dream To Leave Schitt’s Creek

When it comes to Ted and Alexis’ relationship, Ted is eager to please his high maintenance lady love. The new and improved Alexis understands how important give and take is in a relationship: Ted gives, and she takes. When Ted is ready to turn down his dream job in the Galapagos Islands on season 5’s “The Roast,” Alexis realizes, with some help from Twyla, that it’s her turn to make a sacrifice. But a six-month separation isn’t in the cards for these two lovebirds. Indoorsy and blissfully-unaware Alexis will be roughing it alongside her man.

Patrick Makes David’s Birthday Special

When his entire family forgets his birthday, David gets down in the dumps. Patrick swoops in to save the day with a special birthday date. Soggy cheese sticks aside, David is touched by Patrick’s sentimental gift (the receipt from the first Rose Apothecary sale) and giddy with anticipation at the possibility of a new romance. The two share their first kiss which turns out to be the first-ever with a man for Patrick. David’s birthday may start forgettably, but it ends up a night to remember.

Johnny Saves A Nude Photo

During a heated political race for the town council, Moira grows concerned sensitive photos from her past could come back to haunt her. Much to her dismay, she can’t find the nude pics anywhere on season 2’s “Moira’s Nudes.” A trip down memory lane becomes a thoughtful episode about mortality, aging and what constitutes female beauty.

Moira avoids public scandal, but somebody does have a sensitive photo of a nubile Moira – Johnny. Not only did he snap the shot of his wife in the nude, he keeps it close by at all times.