The Good Place has been a dramatic and hilarious series through and through. While it gets us laughing on a regular basis, there’s no doubt that they’ve snuck in several other themes and messages along the way.

One of those themes is the connection formed between two humans (or not-humans, in the case of Janet). The Good Place has shown us both the best and worst that people can be towards one another. Today, we want to celebrate the best moments. And that means we’re talking about some of the biggest and most romantic gestures shown on the show. We hope you enjoyed these moments as much as we did.

This list contains spoilers from The Good Place season 4.

Running Off And Eloping

When our beloved characters found themselves back on earth (not that they remembered being dead at this point) things changed pretty rapidly. One of those biggest changes had to be the relationship status of many of them.

Jason didn’t remember being with Janet. And thus, he ran off with Tahani to get engaged. This wasn’t technically speaking a moment of romance – they did it for monetary reasons. But Jason wanted to use Tahani’s money to help people out, which is actually very sweet and big of him.

The Small Things

Sometimes it’s the small things that end up being the biggest impact in our lives. One of our favorite little moments is when Janet went out of her way to provide something for Jason. We’re talking about the time that Janet learned how to make Jason’s favorite food (the wings from his favorite restaurant).

This is a moment that quickly cascaded, with Jason treating Janet more like a person (not a girl), and Janet learning to be more human with her emotions. That all quickly resulted in their marriage, but that’s a whole different can of worms.

A Day of Comfort

Back before Eleanor and Chidi ever fell in love, they were friends. Before that, they were teacher and student. You’d think that this would result in less romantic moments, but you’d be wrong. One of the biggest gestures on Eleanor’s part came from this time frame.

Eleanor is a needy person. It’s a fact she came to terms with over the series, as she was constantly demanding that Chidi help her be a better person. Upon realizing that he needed a break, Eleanor made one grand gesture for him.

She prepared a boat on the water, so he could spend the day out there reading. Granted, it quickly turned out to not be the relaxing moment that Chidi wanted. But that’s not Eleanor’s fault.

The Three Ballerinas

In the first season of The Good Place, there were plenty of romantic gestures to be found. This was partially due to the fact that the characters still believed that there were soulmates in the afterlife. They were also admittedly confused and conflicted about that fact.

One beautiful gesture game from Chidi, with the hopes of helping Jason and Tahani. Here Chidi created (or asked Janet to create) a beautiful painting. It was of three ballerinas, all of them with Tahani’s face. It embodied the art style that Tahani loved, and was full of complex emotions. Tahani did quickly figure out that it was not Jason (still in disguise at that point) who did it.

A Quirky Wedding

We mentioned this one briefly up above. The wedding between Jason and Janet. Talk about a crazy situation! While this was a wedding that confused almost every character in the series (minus perhaps the two directly involved), you’ve got to admit that it was sweet. In its own way.

These two characters brought out the best in each other. Jason treated Janet with respect and saw her as another person (even if she was quick to remind him otherwise). He made Janet want to feel emotions and create more of a connection. There is something truly very sweet there.

So even though their wedding was a bit crazy, we’re going to include this moment on the list. How could we not?

Comforting Eleanor

That description could admittedly apply to several different situations, but we have one specific moment in mind here. When the four humans were being hidden inside Janet’s void, Eleanor went through a bit of a crisis. To be fair, she was under a lot of pressure. But it wasn’t the best time for an identity crisis – as evidenced by all of the insanity that followed.

Luckily, Chidi was there for Eleanor. He was there in the sweetest of ways, comforting Eleanor and reminding her of who and what she is – and how wonderful he found all of that. It was exactly what Eleanor needed to hear.

A Medium Moment

One of the (many) times that Eleanor and crew ended up in the Medium Place, Mindy St. Claire had an interesting revelation for Eleanor. That revelation came in the form of a video, which arguably is fairly gross and upsetting, but moving on.

In that moment, we see Eleanor confess her feelings for Chidi – and Chidi immediately responds in kind. For Chidi to be able to say something like that, without any doubt or hesitation is actually quite a big deal. So even though this is not a moment they directly remember, it was still a powerful moment.

Eleanor’s Declaration

This moment is directly related to the one up above. Seeing that sweet moment between the two of them spurred Eleanor’s currently building emotions. She quickly found herself conflicted and falling for Chidi – and who can blame her?

In the end, Eleanor confessed her feelings for Chidi. She knew that this being Chidi, he wasn’t going to be able to respond well to being on the spot. But she did it anyway. Those feelings were reciprocated at the moment. But we all know that they did end up building once again, for these two seem to always end up together.

Chidi’s Note

Speaking of Chidi and Eleanor always ending up together. Let’s talk about Chidi, and his feelings for Eleanor. We all know that Chidi is a painfully indecisive man. He’s the type of person who never said ‘I love you’ while he was alive because that was too much of a decision for him.

But he said it to Eleanor. In fact, he was so determined about his love for Eleanor that he left himself a little note with Janet. A reminder of his love – and the reason why he was willing to make the greatest sacrifice in order to save them all.

The revelation of this note was a true heartbreaker, but it was also beautiful and so perfectly displayed everything that has gone on up until now.

The Goodbye

One of the most painful moments of the series was also one of the most beautiful. We’re talking about the conclusion of the third season, in which Chidi made a very difficult decision. He realized that his presence – alongside his ex – was going to put the whole experiment at risk.

Thus, he was ready and willing to erase his memories one last time. This would cost him his relationship with Eleanor. But it also showed his complete faith in her getting the job done. In her ability to save everyone – including himself.

Their goodbye was truly bittersweet and was the emotional peak of the series. Thus, we’re giving it the number one spot on our list. Don’t worry, we won’t judge you if you feel like crying all over again about this one.