Fans all know that the characters on Teen Wolf barely have time to have a social life, never mind a romance. However, the teens still managed to relax now and then and showed us that their lives were not always doom and gloom.

While the viewers do enjoy the mystery and suspense of it all, they can’t deny that it wasn’t a relief to see the characters engage in typical teenage behavior. They even taught us a thing or two about how to maintain a healthy relationship despite the chaos around them. But have you wondered what the most romantic moment of the series could be? Keep reading to discover the 10 biggest (& best) romantic gestures on the show.

Scott and Kira’s first date

Scott and Kira’s romance may have been short but it was the sweetest and most endearing of them all. Although Scott and Kira met in season 3, they didn’t make their relationship official till season 4 since Scott was still grieving for Allison.

Before they are rudely interrupted by Kate and her Berserkers, Scott and Kira have their first official date in Derek’s loft. When Scott asks Kira to touch one of the lights, the viewers see that Scott has decorated the loft with several light bulbs dangling from the ceiling. He also planned on watching a movie with the kitsune. Bonus points have to be awarded to Scott for the effort he put in.

Aiden’s death

Aiden’s death had to be one of the saddest casualties on the show. However, his final words showed that Aiden had one last romantic gesture left in him (“The Divine Move”). As Aiden is dying, he remarks that “Lydia never believed he was one of the good guys” - a reference to the episode “Illuminated” when Lydia said that he was a “bad guy” and she didn’t “want to be with the bad guys.”

As a result, Aiden had spent the remainder of season 3 trying to prove to Lydia that he could change for the better and be the boyfriend she wanted. He dedicated his life to prove her wrong, which she never got to see until it was too late.

Stiles stops Malia from transforming

In the season 4 episode “The Benefactor,” Scott and his pack travel to Lydia’s lake house to wait out the full moon. However, they run into an unexpected problem when half of the school show up to have a party. Whilst this is on-going, Malia is hiding out in the basement with Stiles.

As Malia begins to transform, she orders Stiles to leave which he refuses to do. Malia then begins to worry about hurting Stiles as her restraints begin to break. However, similar to Scott discovering his anchor in season 1, Stiles’ speech manages to talk Malia around and helps her revert to her human form. It’s a really sweet moment for Stalia fans.

Malia heals Scott

Malia and Scott’s relationship may have been rushed in the final season but that didn’t mean that the chemistry wasn’t there. Especially when the bond between the werewolf and were-coyote helped Scott to heal in the aftermath of his fight with the Anuk-Ite.

Whilst Scott was battling with the supernatural creature, he was forced to blind himself to avoid the Anuk-Ite from turning him to stone. However, Scott struggles to heal himself and is at risk of losing his sight permanently. It was only until Malia kisses Scott that he can refocus his attention on his abilities and regain his sight. It goes to show how strong their bond has evolved.

“I’ll never leave without you”

Whilst all the couples of Teen Wolf have their own significant gestures, Stiles and Malia’s recurring moments always involved one of them promising to never leave the other behind. The first time fans heard the sentiment was in “The Dark Moon” when Malia pledged to never leave without Stiles.

However, the one time that it struck a chord in fans’ hearts had to be in the episode “Weaponized” when Malia fell victim to the mysterious illness that had broken out at the school. Malia was seen to be vulnerable and scared, asking Stiles that he was going to be coming back. Stiles was quick to reassure her that he “would never leave her behind”, which placates the were-coyote for the time being.

Derek finds out Paige knew about his werewolf status

Scott and Allison’s love story was tragic but so no one will ever forget the heartbreak they felt when they witnessed young Derek and Paige’s romance. These flashbacks occurred in the episode “Visionary” when Peter recounts the tale of why Derek’s eyes were a different color to the other werewolves.

Peter reveals how Derek fell in love with Paige whilst he was in school. However, she died after she rejected the bite from Ennis - a request Derek made because he was afraid she wouldn’t be able to love him if she found out he was a wolf. In her final moments, Paige revealed to Derek that she knew he was a werewolf and loved him regardless.

Stiles and Lydia’s first kiss

Stydia fans around the world rejoiced when Stiles and Lydia shared their first kiss in season 3. For years, they watched as Stiles pined for the banshee whilst she was dating the likes of Jackson and Aiden. Still, tension remained between the friends until a little sliver broke out in “Alpha Pact.”

During this episode, Lydia decided to kiss Stiles to snap him out of a panic attack. It may not have been romantic at the time but Lydia would later say that this was the moment that changed everything for her. It does make you frustrated that the writers made fans wait another three years to make them happen.

“Because I love you”

Fans were frustrated when Allison and Scott broke up in “Night School”, especially when the hunter believed Scott had left her and their friends die. Still, it didn’t stop the pair from being drawn together - with Allison confiding in the wolf about her family’s secrets and Scott protecting her from a distance.

The pair eventually end up reuniting at the winter formal when Scott spends the night trying to confess his feelings for her. The memorable moment occurs when Scott asks Allison to dance and ends up kissing her. When she asks why he did it, Scott replies with the iconic line “Because I love you”. It had to be one of the sweetest gestures.

Significance of the key

Jackson and Lydia may not have been a fan favorite couple, but they did share one of the most romantic scenes on the show. In season 2, Jackson’s transition into a werewolf didn’t go to plan when he was accidentally turned into a killing shapeshifter - known as a kanima.

Near the end of season 2, Jackson had fallen under the control of Gerard - who uses the teen to fight off Scott and his pack. However, Jackson is stopped in his tracks when Lydia turns up and shows him his house key. The viewers are granted access to Jackson’s memories, which showed how Lydia got the key and what he meant by the gesture. We then see Jackson’s feelings for Lydia when her presence causes him to shift back into his human form.

Allison accepts the wolf

The most romantic gesture to ever occur on the show had to be Allison’s acceptance of the wolf. For the first season, the main storyline involved Scott trying to conceal his werewolf status from the Argents. It was one of the main reasons for his break up with Allison.

All secrets come out in the season 1 finale. When Scott is forced to change to protect Allison from Peter, he tries to hide his face from her. However, Allison refuses to let him turn away and kisses him. When Scott asks why she did it, she echoes his love confession from earlier. It’s all Scott has ever wanted, which is why it is so sweet.