Star Wars is a franchise that is tailor-made for romance. A cornerstone of pop culture with some iconography that has and will stand the test of time through many generations, Star Wars has spawned some of the most iconic couples and romances in all of cinema and pop culture.

Through all these romances and couples, there have been many romantic moments and gestures that have touched the hearts of fans. From grand sacrifices to subtle gestures, romance in Star Wars is more often than not pretty great - even if there are some duds. Here, are 10 of the biggest, and the best, romantic gestures in Star Wars.


The execution of this was pretty poor, and yes, some may not consider the idea romantic. But at its essence, Anakin was so consumed by his love for Padmé and his desperation to save her from death and save his children that he would seek out any way, any means to keep her alive.

Not necessarily a good romantic gesture per se, but Anakin adored Padmé. The fact he turned to the dark side as a way to give her everything she wants and to save her life is, in its idea, romantic, just not in how it was put to practice.


In the Rebels episode “Jedi Night”, a rescue mission is devised by Kanan, Ezra and co to get Hera back. Near the episode’s end, Kanan has Hera back and she professes her love for him, a love all fans knew existed. In that moment though, the Imperials blow up the fuel tower the two stand upon, and Kanan holds the fire off in time to save Hera and the Ghost crew before it engulfs him.

Seeing Hera profess her love for Kanan is a small but beautiful gesture. What Kanan does in sacrificing himself to save her life is beautiful in a far more heartbreaking way. While Kanan’s sacrifice may not intentionally be romantic, he saves the woman he loves rather than himself.


The dynamic between Rey and Kylo throughout the sequel trilogy is amazing. Their relationship and the chemistry the two exude throughout each film are undoubtedly one of the sequel trilogy’s best features. A romance between them was clear and in the final moments of The Rise Of Skywalker it came to be.

When Rey uses the last of her life energy to kill Palpatine, Ben climbs out of the hole Palpatine put him in and uses Force heal to save her life. When this happens the two smile and share a kiss before Ben becomes one with the force. Kylo did not have to sacrifice himself, he already had turned to the light, but it is clear he had feelings for Rey and had to save her. While some will see this as more of an act of kindness rather than romance, the kiss says otherwise.


A subtle gesture, but when Han is about to be frozen in carbonite and potentially die, he does not freak out or shows how scared he is. Instead, he remains calm, tells Chewbacca to look after Leia and the famous “I know.” happens, the first confession of their love.

The second part of this comes when Leia, Luke, Lando, and co. travel to Tatooine to save Han. Leia releases Han from the carbonite and tells Han once more she loves him. 2 subtle and beautiful romantic moments between the franchise’s most iconic couple.


Another subtle gesture which is also heartbreaking - but gestures do not need to be happy affairs - is Obi-Wan and Satine confessing their love for each other. The two fell in love in Obi-Wan’s early days as a Padwan as he and Qui-Gon were tasked with protecting the Duchess, but duty separated the two.

The two were reunited during The Clone Wars and during the show, where Satine tells the Jedi master she always loved him, for Obi-Wan to tell her he would have left the Jedi Order for her. Their romance added so much to Obi-Wan’s character and this small exchange is beautiful and tugs at the heartstrings of fans.


Solo: A Star Wars Story introduces fans to Han’s first love, Qi’ra. The two were scrumrats on Corellia and planned to escape the planet and fly around the galaxy. However, just as they were on the verge of escaping, Qi’ra is captured and Han cannot get back to her.

Han tells Qi’ra he will get back to her and so enlists in the Empire. Han remained in the Empire for a while after being kicked out of the academy, always keeping in mind his purpose - to get back to Qi’ra. Going through all that to get back and save the girl you love, never forgetting her, is a grand romantic gesture if there is one, even if Qi’ra did not know it was for sure happening.


The great book Dark Disciple introduced the Star Wars fandom to a brilliant and unlikely partnership between Quinlan Vos and Asajj Ventress. The two go on a journey together which leads to a romance between them.

A big gesture of romance between the two comes from Quinlan in the book when he tells Asajj he will leave the council for her. Asajj agrees to this, leading to the two sharing a kiss. A big gesture from an unlikely romance,


One of perhaps the best pieces of work to come out of Disney’s canon, Claudia Gray’s Lost Stars is a phenomenal book. The book holds a great romance between two Imperial members, one of whom defects.

Thane and Ciena fall for each other before Thane goes to the Rebellion. Ciena, though, does not capture or tell anyone about Thane, and instead hides him, a high-risk romantic gesture. The two disagree ideologically but love each other and in the end, Thane and Ciena fight, with Thane ending up saving her life. But she is arrested as an Imperial war criminal, Thane tells her he is confident she will be released and that he will wait for her, a beautiful gesture.


This is a gesture that is big on both ends. Anakin and Padmé may be criticized for the cringe-worthy dialogue and awkward performances, but they are an extremely important couple and their wedding is immensely romantic.

The romance comes from the risk - it is not right for a Senator to marry a Jedi for various ethical reasons. As for Anakin, it is common knowledge Jedi are forbidden from attachment and so cannot marry under almost any circumstance. The two love each other so much, and need each other so badly they are willing to risk their lives and livelihoods to be with each other for the rest of their lives.


A gesture that is both subtle and grand, Han attempts in The Force Awakens to turn his son back to the light. While Han is his father which likely plays in, Han does this, and risks his life, for Leia, who asks him to bring their son back.

A painful aspect of the film was knowing Han and Leia did not last. When they see each other and embrace it is clear they are still mad about each other. Han and Leia’s last ever encounter sees them hug, with Leia asking Han to bring back Ben Solo, Han does this, he loves Leia and wants to see her happy once again, they want to be together once more. They could not be, but that does not take away from the gesture itself.