It’s fair to say that Riverdale is not your typical teen drama. However, there is one convention it does follow, and that is traditional high school romance. For four seasons, the viewer has had the pleasure of watching the romances between “Bughead,” “Varchie,” and “Choni” blossom.

We can’t forget either the rival pairings that include “Veggie,” Josie/Archie, or even “Barchie” for that matter, who also have had their moments. But which couple would you deem the most romantic? From Veronica helping Archie with his stage fright to Cheryl creating the Pretty Poisons, here are the 10 biggest (and best) romantic gestures on Riverdale.

Veronica vows to wait for Archie

One of the most romantic scenes had to be in the Season 3 opener when the core four decide to travel to the town’s swimming hole before Archie’s sentencing on Tuesday. Betty, Jughead, Veronica, and Archie split off into pairs and end the day swimming and making out in the water.

Later on, Veronica and Archie decide to have a conversation about what would happen if Archie was sent down. While Archie insists that Veronica shouldn’t put her life on hold for him, the River Vixen objects and refuses to let her father tear them apart. She also vows to be working on his appeal if worst comes to the worst. You can’t help but admire Veronica’s determination.

Jughead and Betty’s Christmas presents

Christmas in Season 2 was not a good time for Betty and Jughead as the couple had broken up after the Serpent chose to end their relationship to protect her. However, that didn’t mean the two stopped caring for one another as “Chapter Twenty-Two: Silent Night, Deadly Night” proved they were on each other’s mind.

The Secret Santa brought up a lot of jealousy between the core four when Archie gave Betty a book from their childhood. Yet this tension dissipated when Jughead found out that Betty had given him a Vintage Underwood typewriter, and he gave her a book by her favorite author. Both of them appear delighted by the gifts, which suggested their relationship was far from over.

Archie’s Christmas gift to Veronica

Another couple on the outs during Christmas was Archie and Veronica, who split after Veronica felt pressured by the musician’s love confession. The atmosphere between them was tense, especially when she gave him a Christmas gift that was engraved with an inscription.

The pair soon reconciled after Veronica opened his gift, which contained a heart-shaped necklace with pictures of the two of them. Veronica ends up visiting the Andrews’ house, hanging a piece of mistletoe on the porch and telling Archie that he was filled with goodness and she needed him in her life.

Veronica helps combat Archie’s stage fright

In the days where all the students’ were concerned about were football and school dances, Archie’s biggest worry was battling stage fright. This occurred in “Chapter Six: Faster, Pussycats Kill Kill” when Archie auditioned to be part of the Variety Show only to choke when he envisioned the audience to be wearing werewolf masks.

Eventually, Archie manages to overcome his stage fright with the help of Veronica. Although Archie turns down Veronica’s offer to sing with him, she tells him to focus on someone who makes him feel safe if he feels like he will freeze up again. The technique works as Archie manages to perform by focusing on Veronica. It was also the first time we saw a real connection between the two.

Betty encourages Jughead to go to Stonewall Prep

A recent development has seen Jughead and Betty separated as the writer and journalist attend different schools. At least this time it’s voluntarily.

However, Jughead was hesitant to join Stonewall Prep until Betty gave him the push of encouragement. When they were in their English class, Betty noticed how discouraged Jughead was by the lack of class engagement. She then pulled him out of class and told him that he should take the opportunity and not worry about them because they would find a way to make it work. Jughead is delighted to hear this and runs off to pack his stuff.

Cheryl creates the Pretty Poisons

While Toni appears to be a pillar of strength for Cheryl, that doesn’t mean the Vixens’ captain isn’t capable of showing love in return. In “Chapter Forty-Four,” Toni was devastated when she and Cheryl were kicked out of the Serpents for stealing and vandalizing the Pembrooke.

A few episodes later, Toni is seen to be missing the Serpents, telling Cheryl that they were like a surrogate family to her. Cheryl tries to make amends with Toni by creating the Pretty Poisons, a new family that has many other members who need support and community. Toni is touched by the gesture, calling it the most romantic thing Cheryl has ever done.

Moose and Kevin’s first time

Many fans will agree that one of the most underrated characters on Riverdale is Kevin. Kevin may not be at the forefront of the storylines but you can always count on him to support his friends. However, fans were delighted to see Kevin get his own storyline and romance with Moose Mason.

Kevin and Moose’s relationship had its ups-and-downs but one of the most romantic moments had to be their first time. Even though the bunker would not be the first choice for a rendezvous point, Kevin manages to make it look romantic by decorating it with some candles. Later on, both Kevin and Moose appear really happy and content, which is what they deserved after the issues they faced.

Jughead doesn’t judge Betty

Season 1 saw Betty struggle with her mental health when she confided in Jughead about a darkness she was fighting within herself. As many fans know, Betty had been digging her fingernails into her palms when she was feeling stressed or experiencing trauma. This resulted in deep imprints in her hands.

However, in “Chapter Ten: The Lost Weekend,” Betty explains to Jughead that she feels like she has a darkness inside of her that makes her do bad things. She also reveals the wounds on her hands, stating that “something is wrong” with her. Instead of saying anything, Jughead takes both her hands in his and kisses them. The non-judgment Jughead shows is just what Betty needed.

Veronica refuses to leave Archie

In the opening of Season 2, Veronica and Archie had a mini-argument after he began to feel overwhelmed by his father’s shooting. When Veronica decides to take out Fred’s belongings, Archie becomes frantic when he couldn’t find Fred’s wallet. Archie then tells Veronica to leave him alone while he sorts it all out.

Veronica is about to leave but decides against it, refusing to leave Archie alone when he is hurting. She then tells him that he can yell and push her away but she isn’t going to go anywhere. It’s heartbreaking to watch as Archie breaks down in her arms, but the gesture is fully appreciated when Veronica later turns up with a brand new wallet.

Toni reassures Cheryl she is not a monster

We all know that Cheryl hasn’t had the easiest ride. Her brother was murdered by her father, her mother has abused her for years and let’s not even consider the emotional damage the Farm caused by digging up Jason’s body. It’s not surprising that Cheryl has suffered a mental breakdown.

We may not know a lot about Toni’s background but she has proven to be a supportive friend and girlfriend. Out of all the moments, her most iconic had to be in “Chapter Twenty-Seven: The Hills Have Eyes” when she reassured Cheryl that she wasn’t a deviant (as Penelope claimed her to be) and was worthy of love. From here on out, Toni has been the one constant in her life.