Severus Snape. Some people love him, others love to hate him. No matter your opinion on the character himself, you’ve got to admit that he has some seriously quotable and memorable lines. No fan will hear ‘always’ the same way again – not after the way Alan Rickman delivered the line.

Some of Snape’s best moments exist within Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Here we learn the truth and the depth behind his character – again, love it or hate it. Here are the ten best quotes from Snape during this time.

I Wish

“I wish…I wish I were dead…”

“And what use would that be to anyone?”

It’s safe to say that Snape went through a lot during his life – particularly the last decade or two. And while we may not agree with all of the decisions he made, we can certainly sympathize with him at times. Especially when we take the time to consider the pain and loss he must have been experiencing. Unfortunately for him, not everyone was so inclined to feel that way.

Brave Man

“Karkaroff intends to flee if the Mark burns."

“Does he?” said Dumbledore softly, as Fleur Delacour and Roger Davies came giggling in from the grounds. “And are you tempted to join him?”

“No,” said Snape, his black eyes on Fleur’s and Roger’s retreating figures. “I am not such a coward.”

“No,” agreed Dumbledore. You are a braver man by far than I got Karkaroff. You know, I sometimes think we Sort too soon…"

He walked away, leaving Snape looking stricken.”

The final novel in the series gave us plenty of opportunities to see flashbacks of the controversial character. One moment revealed a conversation between Dumbledore and Snape – where Snape was determined to stand firm against the impending threat. It leads to a rather poignant statement from Dumbledore.

No Wand More Powerful

“There is no wand more powerful. It answers to you, and to you only.”

In what was to be one of the last conversations Snape had, Snape argued with Voldemort. Whether or not he knew his life was on the line at that point, it’s hard to say. We can assume that he was unaware of the true loyalty of the wand (though perhaps he thought the wand was in truth loyal to him and was content to never let Voldemort get that power).

Here we see Snape trying to convince Voldemort of the power of the wand – and it’s allegiance. It ended up not being a very effective argument, though it’s likely that there was nothing Snape could have said that would have changed the outcome.

Compose an Epitaph

“Would you like me to do it now?” asked Snape, his voice heavy with irony. “Or would you like a few moments to compose an epitaph?”

Oh, the sass. Snape’s sassy comments were sometimes the best moments – as long as he reigned in some of the snark he’s most well known for. When Snape is more focused on using his wit and less on being cruel, he can really be quite a funny guy.

Hide Them All

“Hide them all. Then, “he croaked. “Keep her – them – safe. Please”

“And what will you give me in return, Severus?”

“In – in return?”Snape gaped at Dumbledore, and Harry expected him to protect, but after a long moment he said, “Anything.”

This is a quote without any explanation needed. Snape was willing to sacrifice everything in an attempt to save the woman he loved. And even when her life was lost, he continued to pay the price for that attempt.

Like a Pig for Slaughter

“You have kept him alive so that he can die at the right moment?… You have used me… I have spied for you and lied for you, put myself in mortal danger for you. Everything was supposed to keep Lily Potter’s son safe. Now you tell me you have been raising him like a pig for slaughter…”

In this one paragraph, Snape managed to sum of what so many of us had been feeling upon this revelation. He gave voice to the readers, and for that, we have to appreciate his words. Plus, you know things have gotten bad when he’s the one defending Harry.

It’s Real

“It is real, isn’t it? It’s not a joke? Petunia says you’re lying to me. Petunia says there isn’t a Hogwarts. It is real, isn’t it?”

“It’s real for us,” said Snape. “Not for her.”

Snape may have been cruel at times, in regards to Petunia, but he was also willing to see and say the things that Lily was trying to avoid. In this instance, he’s well aware that the world open to himself and to Lily is not one that would have ever welcomed Petunia (and admittedly it would be cruel to pretend otherwise).

Look At Me

“Look at me. You have your mother’s eyes.”

The final breath of Snape. It’s a line oft-repeated throughout the series, but suddenly it had a whole new weight. In Harry’s eyes, Snape could see a reminder of the woman he loved. That was likely a painful and constant reminder. But also likely a necessary one as well.

You See

“You see what you expect to see.”

Snape may have been a man of few words – but sometimes he really cut to the quick. Here Snape’s quote could be easily interpreted to represent the entire world of Harry Potter – a world in which muggles only see what they want to see, as do all of the humans in this world.


“Dumbledore watched her fly away, and as her silvery glow faded he turned back to Snape, and his eyes were full of tears.

“After all this time?”

“Always,” said Snape.”

And last, we have the most quoted line from Snape. This line became a symbol of Snape’s sacrifice and devotion. And even those who didn’t agree with his motives or methods have to admit that this was an exceptionally powerful moment.