Who doesn’t love a good musical episode? While not every TV show would suit a one-off where everyone decides to dance and sing, it’s perfect for many genre shows. Buffy The Vampire Slayer led the charge with ‘Once More With Feeling’, but they are far from the only great series to have a little fun with song… and in the Arrowverse, fans were even treated to a crossover musical!

‘Duet’ is the aptly-named episode that saw Supergirl and The Flash come together for an all-singing, all-dancing spectacular, courtesy of Music Meister, who trapped them both in an alternate reality that could only be escaped through song. It was a surprisingly emotional episode, and we’ve pulled some of our favorite lyrics from Barry and Kara’s adventure (whether created for the show, or borrowed from existing songs).

This world can race by far too fast, Hard to see while it’s all flying past

We may love this musical episode, but there’s no denying that plenty of the lyrics are a bit too on the nose. This is a line from ‘Running Home To You’, and while we’ll get into the best lyrics from the song a little further into this list, this one has to get a mention. Yes, it’s a little obvious, but that’s kind of the point. Barry isn’t trying to be deep, he’s literally saying that he needs Iris for when his super speed feels like too much to handle.

Music I can wish you, Merry music while you’re young

Let’s enjoy another on-the-nose lyric, with this one from ‘More I Cannot Wish You’ (borrowed from Guys and Dolls for this episode). It’s sung by Joe and Martin, in a fantastic duet, as these warring ‘dads’ accept that their children are in love. Which is lovely, but we’re just enjoying the fact that in a musical episode, The Flash picked a song about wishing to have music…

My huckleberry friend, moon river, and me

There is just no way to leave out this iconic line, even if it’s not particularly relevant to either series - it’s just so beautiful. It’s also the first song of the episode, where fans get to really dive into the wonder of it all. Melissa Benoist, of course, has a wonderful voice, and between the iconic song, the costume, and the talent, this is a perfect moment.

But more I cannot wish you, Than to wish you find your love

The second lyric from ‘More I Cannot Wish You’ is much more sincere - because of course, the point of the entire episode is to find real love. Both Kara and Barry are confronted by doppelgangers of their real-life loves, making out, and their time in song-land helps them understand just how they feel for them… looks like they got both those wishes, music and finding love.

And the world seems like it’s gonna end ship?

While every song in this episode is a treat, there’s little doubt that ‘Super Friend’ is the funniest. Written for the episode by Rachel Bloom (one of the brilliant minds behind Crazy Ex Girlfriend), this song is chock full of puns and references to the characters, and is most definitely not intended to be taken seriously… as fans can tell, when this line pops up, just so that it can be rhymed with ’that’s the power of friendship’. Brilliant.

Can’t change what the future may hold…

While most of the songs in this episode take place in the alternate universe where the Music Meister dumps Barry and Kara, this song happens in the real world - and that’s what makes it one of the best in the episode.

‘Running Home To You’ (sung by Grant Gustin) is sung by Barry to Iris, right before he proposes… but this line isn’t just sweet. It’s also a nod to a promise to stop messing with the timeline, and we love it for that double meaning.

Oh he’s all like “Oh, I’m Superman!”

Given that the series is Supergirl, they’ve been fighting from the start to be able to reference Superman (and even have him show up from time to time), without the Man of Steel taking over… and this moment mid-song (in ‘Super Friends’) is absolutely perfect. Technically not a lyric, but an aside mid-song, it’s an impression that Barry does of ‘Superman’ while telling Kara that she is more impressive than him, and boy, does it land.

Put a little love in your heart, And the world! Will be a better place

It may be trite, it may be a perfect example of the ‘villain’ laying out his plan from the start, but this is still probably the best number in the entire episode - not for the lyrics, but for the song and dance extravaganza. It’s a brilliant scene, made even better by Barry attempting to not get drawn in, and failing… but it’s also a sweet reminder of what superheroes are meant to be - inspiration for everyone to make the world a better place. D’awwwww.

I’m your super-that-has-a-double-meaning friend

Back to ‘Super Friend’ for the final lines - and one that just hammers the point home. The song definitely has at least two meanings, after all, if not three! On the surface, yes, it is just about how great their friendship is. Then, for the second, this is a reference to the fact that they have super-powers (in case you somehow didn’t get it…).

But there’s a third layer of meaning here too - the ‘SuperFriends’ are a DC Comics team that is Justice-League-adjacent, and while Supergirl and Flash are not exactly key members, it’s just one more nod to the comics.

All my life I promise to, keep running home to you

Probably the sweetest and best line in the episode has to be this one - also from ‘Running Home To You’. It’s no surprise that in a song where Barry is asking Iris to spend her life with him, he would promise to always be there, but there’s more to it than that. He is also making a sweet reference to his super-speed, and to what Iris has to cope with, knowing that he is out there battling the bad guys all the time.