It’s now been 12 years since the movie that made Kristen Stewart an international star came out - Twilight, of course - and the actress has changed significantly and now accomplished far more than anyone could have ever predicted. From thrillers to dramas to comedies, Kristen never ceases to try different kinds of genres; continuing to push herself with challenging projects. At only 25 years old, she became the first American actress to win a César.

She is also known for her unconventional style and her endearing awkwardness, something which makes her relatable to the youth despite being a Hollywood star. Nonetheless, it is her wide range of skills that define her as an actor; so here are her 10 best movie performances.


Equals merges science fiction with romance in a futuristic universe where human emotions have been eradicated in order to avoid conflicts and crime. This world is challenged when Kristen and Nicholas Hoult’s characters start to develop feelings for each other. Despite its interesting premise, the only good thing to come out of this movie is the acting.

Kristen communicates perfectly the confusion and loss experienced by her character when, inexplicably, she begins to have emotions for the first time. It’s a gradual transformation from an unemotional individual to an enamored human being that Kristen portrays excellently.

Still Alice

Julianne Moore is such an excellent actress that she can easily make less experienced actors seem substantially less skilled than her, but that was not the case with Kristen Stewart in Still Alice. On the contrary, Kristen’s compelling performance shines through as one that compliments Julianne’s already emotional one.

The movie depicts a professor, Juliane Moore, who discovers that she has Alzheimer’s disease, and Kristen plays one of her children. Despite the heavy themes of the movie, Kristen’s performance is very subtle yet incredibly moving.

Welcome To The Rileys

In Welcome To The Rileys, Kristen is a financially struggling stripper whose life is turned upside when she meets an older man who, unlike most of the men she meets, is respectful and offers to help her out. The stripper deals with an internal conflict between her self-destructiveness and tendency to push people away, and her desire for a better life - something which Kristen captures beautifully.

Kristen plays perfectly the part of a young woman who hides her vulnerability behind dark make-up, provocative words and an arrogant facade.

The Runaways

The Runaways inspired by the real-life story of the rock girl band of the same name, which was created by Cherrie and Joan Jett, who is played by none other than Kristen. The two singers were mere teenagers venturing out in the world with big dreams and a little naivety.

The movie looks at the struggle of discovering fame at such a young age, and the typical tension and obstacles faced by bands. Kristen is unrecognizable with her dark look, her boyish stance, and raspy voice. Embodying her passionate and ambitious spirit, Kristen is simply perfect as Joan Jett.

Panic Room

Panic Room may not be among David Fincher’s most popular films, but it’s still a thrilling movie with equally thrilling performances. After playing alongside her in this film - where she was only 12 years old - Kristen became Jodie Foster’s protégé. Kristen is Jodie’s daughter in the movie, and the two of them find themselves locked in a panic room when a group of mysterious men break into their home.

Together, Kristen and Jodie form a powerful mother-daughter relationship that makes the story all the more dangerous and intense.


At only 14 years old, Kristen delivered one of the most moving performances of her career so far in Speak. The actress plays an isolated, reserved high-school student who is dealing with the aftermath of a traumatic incident. This aftermath includes being distanced from her friends and retreating in her own shell without talking about her trauma.

Bare-faced and quiet, Kristen is heart-wrenching in the role and she conveys the difficulties of growing up and finding a voice, especially so in light of a difficult experience. Most importantly, she inspired the viewer to speak out, either for people like her character or as one of them.


Set in the 19th century, Lizzie follows a woman with a highly strict and conventional father who falls in love with a maid, played by Kristen. The alien nature of their lesbian relationship causes trouble in Lizzie’s life and, along with her female love, she finds herself caught up in a murder.

Lizzie is far from being Kristen’s first LGBT+ role but it’s the most mysterious and unpredictable one in that regard. In this role, Kristen is sweet and delicate, and she manages to make us root for her even when she starts to go down a criminal path.

Café Society

They may not be the most iconic actor duo out there, but Kristen Stewart and Jesse Eisenberg have undeniable on-screen chemistry (along with a fun off-screen friendship). They were reunited for the third time in Woody Allen’s Café Society. The movie may not have lived up to most of its expectations, but Kristen certainly exceeded them; with numerous critics claiming that her performance carries the movie.

Playing a charming young woman whom Jesse’s character cannot help but fall in love with, Kristen is captivating and endearing as ever.

Clouds Of Sils Maria

Kristen Stewart made history with Clouds Of Sils Maria when she won the César for best supporting actress, by being the first American actress to win an award at this infamous French film award show. The movie follows a middle-aged actress who finds herself in an intimate relationship with her personal assistant, played by Kristen, while also debating her infatuations with a young actress who plays her love interest in a movie.

Amidst the sexual tension and the jealousy, Kristen creates an intricate character and really draws us into the complexities of a relationship between boss and employee.

Personal Shopper

Personal Shopper is a psychological thriller following a young woman who feels an inexplicable spiritual connection with her deceased brother and embarks on a supernatural adventure when she seeks to communicate with her through this connection. Critics fawned over Kristen’s performance, and for good reasons: the actress renders an inspiring sense of hope in the spiritualist character.

Due to Kristen’s acting skills, the protagonist is not just someone who the audience can root for, but who we also relate to. Kristen is able to draw us into the protagonist’s life and her view of the world, and it feels like we investigate and uncover mysteries with her.