Between network, cable, and streaming, it seems like TV is overflowing with superhero stories. Let’s be honest though, we’re not exactly drowning in Black superhero stories. With five shows in its arsenal, The CW’s Arrowverse has the most representation, but it’s still not huge.

Marvel has showcased a few heroes over the years, but with a few exceptions, they’re always the third or fourth character in an ensemble. Despite these issues, we still have a very exciting roster of heroes from the present and future to applaud, so these are the 10 best Black superheroes on TV, ranked.


Yes, technically Joe West is not a superhero, but we dare you to find someone more crucial to Barry’s development into a hero. The compassion, courage and moral code all came from Joe. The way he welcomed Barry into his life and family is just one of the many things that makes Joe a superhero.

As we’ve watched Barry grow into a hero, we’ve watched Joe become a second father to all of Team Flash. He’s the glue holding STAR Labs and Central City together.


Simply put, there’s no Flash without Iris. She’s the reason Barry became a hero. She’s what keeps him grounded and motivated. As the leader of Team Flash, we got to see how her real-world problem solving kept the team together without Barry.

As a reporter, she’s used her instincts to uncover a global conspiracy. During Crisis on Infinite Earths, she convinced Ryan Choi to join the heroes and helped Barry after he lost Oliver. While she doesn’t have superpowers, she’s essential to keeping Central City safe.


Though Black Lightning is the story of how Jefferson Pierce comes out of superhero retirement to protect Freeland, the more interesting tale has been watching his daughter Anissa become Thunder/Blackbird. From the moment she discovered she had powers, it’s always been about helping those who become victims of the system.

When she partners with Black Lightning, she has to follow rules and hold back. This makes her alter ego Blackbird, even more fun to watch, as the only rules she follows are her own. We’re not so patiently waiting for the day Anissa teams up with the rest of the Arrowverse.


As the MCU’s Falcon, we’ve gotten to know Sam as an honorable hero who is committed to helping others, no matter the cost. With Steve passing the shield to Sam, The Falcon and the Winter Soldier will follow Sam as he adjusts to being the new Captain America.

We can’t think of anyone better to trust with the shield. Since his debut in Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Sam has shown his unwavering support to The Avengers. His sense of right and wrong isn’t flexible, which means when big crises occur, he already knows what the best path is.


Doctor Manhattan is basically a God. His power is unending and unstoppable. He experiences all of the time at once, which was nice when he was in his last moments, but we imagine it can get frustrating. Look no further than the Watchmen finale to see how powers of this magnitude can be exploited.

We’re not claiming Jon Osterman is a perfect hero, because obviously he’s not. Honestly, he’s kind of a jerk. We really want to not like him, but Yahya Abdul-Mateen II portrayed him with such confidence and faith in Angela, we found it hard to stay mad at him.


Jefferson Pierce is one of the most experienced superheroes on TV. He was protecting Freeland before many of his new super friends were even born. He retired to spend more time raising his daughters but was forced to don his cool suit again when gangs took over his city.

What sets him apart from the other heroes is his focus on helping his people feel safe in their daily lives. In fact, he was shocked to find out how often the world needs saving. At his core he’s a teacher, so we really look forward to seeing him impart his wisdom on the rest of the Arrowverse.


When we first met Mack, we weren’t sure we could trust him. Over time, we figured out there was no one we could trust more. Mack is a regular guy who finds himself suddenly thrust into a crazy world. However, his moral code is so strong, it keeps everyone calms in unexplainable situations.

On a team of powered people, Mack is always the strongest person in the room, because he knows when a scalpel is necessary, and when it’s time for a shotgun ax. Coulson knew that the only one he could trust with the power of leading SHIELD was Mack. 


It’s only been mentioned a few times, but the fact that J’onn J’onzz could be anyone, and he chooses to live as a Black man is a big deal. He knows what it’s like to have his people destroyed for being different, and yet, he lives a new life where he’s discriminated against every day.

As director of the DEO, he has set the rules of engagement for aliens living in National City. Yes, he’s saved many lives as the Martian Manhunter, but as a second father to Kara and Alex, a federal agent and private investigator, his impact has been limitless.


If there’s a conscience of the Arrowverse, it’s John Diggle. He’s the one who convinced Oliver to protect the city and not just go after the people on his list. Oliver, using John’s ideas, inspired Barry, Sara, Ray, and others to become heroes.

As the Arrowverse grew, Diggle became the voice of reason in an increasingly ridiculous world. Surrounded by metahumans, time travel and magic, Dig’s military background and honorable nature has helped save the world and keep heroes on the right path, countless times. Though Arrow has come to an end, we hope his work in the universe continues. Maybe as the next Green Lantern.


It takes a truly remarkable woman to make God question his life choices. Regina King’s Angela was the epitome of every Black woman’s story. She used her own tragedy as the strength and motivation needed to hold her family and community together. She fearlessly looked racism in the eye, refused to back down, and kicked it in the face.

In the end, she actually saves Doctor Manhattan, because it’s clear from day one that he needs her, more than she needs him. Angela checks every hero box we know, achieving something even Batman and Superman never have, a perfect hero story arc.