It’s been five years since 90-Day Fiance first aired on TLC. The pretenses of the show were attention-grabbing; take two international lovers and give them 90 days to marry for legal immigration. There were wholesome couples that worked out in the end, managing to cooperate together to take care of their problems. On the other side, divorces, restraining orders, and heartbreak ran rampant for a few of the couples. There was a lot going on. Every episode was littered with laughter and tears, leaving us to wonder what happened behind the scenes - here, we find out.

Mohammed Likes Anisfa

With a recent split up between Anisfa and her husband Jorge, Mohammad tried his chances. It’s no secret that the couple’s relationship was on the rocks. Every time they had the camera on them something was popping off. Fortunately, they were able to rekindle their fragile marriage after numerous harsh worded arguments, and they’re doing fine. After the Tell-All Reunion, Mohammad repeatedly asked the producers for Anisfa’s phone number. TLC quickly jumped on the chance to expose Mohammad, and his “Player” reputation took a substantial hit online. Of course, this didn’t sit very well with Jorge and Anisfa in the slightest.

Jorge Went To Jail

On Feb 12th, Jorge was caught with a staggering 293 pounds of marijuana in his car. Yes. You read that right. 219 pounds of apparently “high-grade” Mary-Jane when the cops found him. Originally sentenced to 24 years, his obviously very persuasive lawyer managed to strike a jaw-dropping plea deal that reduced his numerous charges to a class-four felony. This brought his sentence down to just two and a half years. Jorge was proud to say that even though he was in prison, his marriage was still going strong. Stating that Anisfa has been more supportive than expected.

The Stars Cash Out

For each episode, the main cast member gets around $1,000-$1,500, with $2,500 to participate at the reunion. Which isn’t bad - for a 12-episode season that’s $14,500. But is everyone happy? No. If you’re the foreign party, or the family of the person in love with the foreign party, you get zip. Zero. Nothing. This has obviously caused its fair share of problems, with a furious Mohammad even going on social media to constantly rant about how racist TLC is, and how they view only foreigners as “trash.” The dilemma is even shared among the spin-offs.

All Season 1 couples are still together

In order to land a TV show that will stick around for more than a year or so, their couples had to grab your attention for as long as possible. The drama between the love interest and the families were more than apparent. Accusations of various scams, gold-digging, and cheating ran rampant for the first season. Viewers thought it’d be impossible for the parties to stay hitched. But they did! TLC was happy to report via Twitter (The same way they outed Mohammad) that all of the Season 1 couples are still together. Maybe not every relationship is doomed then?

Azan Was Cheating On Nicole The Entire Time

With a somewhat well known YouTuber named Kieth Brooks releasing a video where the promiscuous Azan talks lovingly over the phone to another woman, fans were ready to grab their pitchforks and torches to riot. He starts off affectionate, but by the end of the clip, you can tell he was really trying to heat things up. The video surfaced around the time Nicole was planning on flying to Morocco to marry him. At the reunion, he stayed in Morocco, and the returning cast learned Nicole and Azan hadn’t seen each other in 12 months. Maybe this marriage is doomed?

Alexandra cheated on Josh

When Alexandra left her homeland, Russia, for Josh, she was leaving a lot behind. She fixed her bad habits and even promised Josh she would convert to Mormonism. Fans were really happy to see her make such a huge change in her lifestyle, and things seemed to be going smoothly for the newlyweds. Until Alexandra gave birth to their first child, Kaya. Which looked nothing like her light-skinned husband. Instead, the dark-haired, dark-skinned child perfectly resembled Alexandra’s best friend in Russia. After the couple was married, Alexandra delivered Kaya only eight months later, further supporting the accusations of her cheating

Colt and Larissa

Undoubtedly the drama couple of Season 6, Colt and Larissa brought a lot to the table. Starting with Colt not meeting Larissa at the airport with a pair of fresh flowers, disdain on Larissa’s side wasn’t hard to see. It even spilled off onto his mother and cousin, who routinely found problems with the new family member. At the Reunion, Larissa popped in to talk via video-chat, and her new boyfriend was right there with her.  But don’t feel so bad for Colt, as he too has found a new girlfriend, Debbie Johnson.  We really hope this one works out.

Luis Doesn’t Like TLC

Just like Mohammad, Luis had a bone to pick with TLC. Accusations were fired at the famous television company for editing the videos to make him look bad. He voiced his irritation of not being paid like his wife, who refused to share her money from the show with him, just like many other couples in the show. His opinions were shared on Instagram, where he stated that TLC only uses the foreigners to make millions of dollars a year, and routinely echoes Mohammad’s opinion that the company treats them like trash. He has even filed various lawsuits against them.

Some Scenes Are Scripted

Can you be surprised? Producers of reality television have long been stoking fires and adding in more gasoline to pump up the drama on set. But can you really blame them? It makes for some very good television and some serious cringe moments. Take for example the infamous scene in Season 5 when David and his fiancee Annie were sitting with his married friends Chris and Nikki. Chris was upfront when he asked Annie for a “Thai massage by the pool” every once in a while. The cast confirmed it was scripted by TLC, and it really relieved the fans.

The Truth Comes Out

Fans were blown away when they discovered Jorge really met Anisfa on a Russian cam girl site. How? From YouTube Podcaster Stevie Ryan. Stevie tells how Jorge really met her, and how he had fallen deeply in love during a trip to Russia. This sent everyone into a frenzy, and the fire shot higher when it was revealed that Jorge was sleeping with Stevie for months. Anisfa found his text messages to her and broadcasted them all over Instagram, where further rage ensued. Thankfully, they were able to reconcile over his mistakes. We really hope this won’t happen again!