The Google Home and its versions, such as the Google Home Mini (with the second gen known as the Nest Mini), are one of the latest in a long line of Smart Home devices. The Google Home uses the Google Assistant to make almost everything hands-free for the user, with many standard commands like, “Okay Google, whats’s the weather like?” and “Okay Google, what is the latest in Entertainment News?”

But this device can do much much more. It can play Netflix if you have a separate Netflix subscription and a Chromecast connected to your TV and Google Home, and it can play songs if you’ve chosen your default music provider, all in a matter of seconds in the Google Home app, available on iOS and Android both.

Now, here are some pretty surprising things you didn’t know your Google Home could do

Tell A Joke

Simply say “Okay Google, tell me a joke,” and observe as the Google Assistant tells the corniest of corny jokes, with a wide variety of topics, ranging from mountains to fish. Guaranteed to make you chuckle at the least, and your kids bawl with laughter, this cool feature allows Google Home to bring a little bit of joy into your life, whenever needed. This makes it at the #10 spot on the list and is the cool little feature, that allows one to bring laughter on demand.


Yes, that’s right, your harmless, boring-looking smart speaker can indeed sing a whole song that is prepared. With a light piano background, backed by surprisingly fair vocals, this speaker is on its way to make a chart-topper anytime soon, those singers better watch out, this kind of raw talent has never been seen or heard before. An angelic voice and good lyrics make this song a must-hear, for free.

Run Games

This smart speaker can allow you to play games, which are really fun for a party. The wide range of games in this speaker is mesmerizing, with games such as Akinator, Song Quiz, Movie Quiz, and Powerful Quiz make great fun for a party or for having friends over anytime. Be wary, these won’t work without Wi-Fi, but still are good fun anyways.

Allowing you to put your knowledge to the test or have fun, friendly competitions, to kill time, either with players in the same room or online, all up to you.

Compare Itself To Siri/Cortana/Alexa

Make Pop-Culture References

Google makes the funniest pop- culture references, of big-name movie franchises such as Star Wars and Star Trek and even Harry Potter! Here are the commands to trigger the pop-culture references in Google Home, starting with the command of “Okay Google…” “Aren’t you a little short to be a Stormtrooper” “Beam me up, Scotty.” “Mischief Managed.” all which are Star Wars, Star Trek and Harry Potter references, respectively. Another cool, little feature allows the user to take full advantage of the speaker and enjoy her funny little answers to these hilarious questions.

Help You

This cool feature allows Google Assistant, to actually help you, by asking questions you do not want to know the answer to. Some questions include, “Why am I single?” or simple ones which do not roast you but are rather simple to ask like “What’s my name?” Nevertheless, this little feature allows one to ask about themselves or simply describe how one is feeling, like a journal or a diary. Enjoy this cool little feature, that Google has among many other hidden features, but this one is more self-aware and takes a more serious note than some of the other comedy-related ones.

Schedule Actions

If your Google Home is connected to various devices in your house, you can notify the Google Home to make changes to the devices connected or schedule changes according to your daily routine. For example “Okay Google, turn off the heating at 9” or any other action such as “Okay Google, fill the bath at 6:30.”

Keep in mind, all of this only works if the specified object is in fact connected to the Google Home itself, which in that case would act as a hub for all the devices in the house and establish a working smart house system. This feature really comes in handy for scheduled or busy people who fail to find time to do these minor things. Well, Google now does all the work for them, and reduces the hassle and stress, making it a valuable component in one’s house.

Digital Smart Home Sticky Notes

Keep in mind, this only works when you have a Google Smart Home System. It is a new feature but one which is pretty basic in most smart home speakers. This feature allows the user to add sticky notes on the smart home system, which is a cool little feature, that reminds one of any important tasks coming up, or even tasks which are not of great importance, but you are just a forgetful person. Now, this problem will finally be solved. Just say “Okay Google, remind me to wash the clothes at 9:00 in the morning.” This will either set a reminder or a sticky note if you own a connected Smart Home system."

Delete Your Browser History


A new feature is known as “embedded privacy” that allows the user to keep conversations with the Google Assistant private, for whatever reason one may want. This is simply easy. Just say “Okay Google, delete everything I said (in this time frame).” This will give the user the much-needed privacy they desire easily, with the matter of just a few words. A simple, easy feature that provides the much demanded essential piece of privacy and a Speaker-User privilege, that is all that essential in the relationship between a user and their smart speaker.

Keep VIPs On Speed Dial

A user can keep VIPs on speed dial for quickly calling the desired person easily. This can be accessed by the simple commands of “Okay Google, call [name].” A nifty little feature that allows users to keep desired people on-call for any quick or emergency calls, so one is prepared for every situation and scenario, whenever, wherever.